ericsson and tony go on the stage krystal stays at the

(Ericsson and Tony go on the stage, Krystal stays at the corner of - PDF document

(Ericsson and Tony go on the stage, Krystal stays at the corner of the stage.) Tony: Hey, Ericsson! Why are you wearing high heels? You are a boy! Ericsson: Don't you know that high heels were for men to wear in the past? Tony: Ummm... I don't

  1. (Ericsson and Tony go on the stage, Krystal stays at the corner of the stage.) Tony: Hey, Ericsson! Why are you wearing high heels? You are a boy! Ericsson: Don't you know that high heels were for men to wear in the past? Tony: Ummm... I don't think you are telling me the truth. You are just kidding, right? Krystal: Tony, I’ ve heard what you said. Actually, Ericsson is telling you the truth. Tony: Really? Who knows? (ask everyone) Put up your hand if you know anything about high heels. (no one puts up hands) Krystal: Wanna know more about it? I know some of our classmates know something about high heels. Let me ask them. Hey (wave to 1C) , put up your hands if you know. (10 students put their hands up in the queue) Those three in the middle look really confident … . Yes, you three. Please come here and tell us. (Vincy, Kiki and Billy go on the stage.) Tony: Hold on. Let us go and get our pens and notebooks to jot down the information. (Tony, Ericsson and Krystal go down) Vincy: High heels are footwears that raise the heels of the wearer's foot much higher than the toes. According to history, high heels were for men to wear in the 1500s. (pic1 runs across the stage, stays and goes down)

  2. Kiki: But after two centuries, women also started to wear high heels. In the 17th century, high heels are 3 inches tall, slender-heeled shoe body. (pic2 runs across the stage, stays and goes down) Billy: By the 18th century, the height of the high heels dropped and they were replaced by other high heels, lacy and bowknot shoes. (pic3 runs across the stage, stays and goes down) Vincy: In the 19th century, people started to wear flat shoes and the shoes have round heads. (pic4 runs across the stage, stays and goes down) Kiki: Women were wearing boots that reached as high as their ankles and heels were lowered. (pic5 runs across the stage, stays and goes down) Billy: That ’ s why boys can wear high heels! Hey, Ericsson, Tony and Krystal, have you jotted down all these now? (Tony goes on the stage first, then Ericsson and Krystal) Tony: Got it! Got it! Got it! Thanks for your information and you can now go back to your class. (Vincy, Billy and Kiki go back to the queue) Tony: (thinking) Um …I was really wrong! Boys can wear high heels … Ericsson: That ’ s fine. Let me tell you more about high heels nowadays. High heels are divided into different types, such as the kitten, puppy, spool and prism.

  3. Krystal: Yes. But wearing high heels for too long may cause foot and tendon pain, create deformities, cause an unsteady gait and so on. Tony: Thank you so much. I've gained so much knowledge from you! But... Ericsson, are you sure that you are going to wear high heels for all day? Now is the 21st century, not the 15th century! Ericsson: Oops! That ’ s my style! Haha … Let ’ s go! (Everyone goes down)

  4. WKM: Thank you, 1C students, for telling us the history and latest information of high heels. Miss Chan, did you cover the history of high heels in your history lessons? CTL: No, we didn ’ t talk about the history of high heels in our lessons. However, you can find pictures of people wearing high heels in your history books. WKM: Really? As I remember, I just find some pictures of ancient Egyptians and Europeans … CTL: Yes. In ancient Egypt, most of the lower class walked barefoot. However, according to murals that date back to 3500 B.C., upper-class men and women wore an early version of high heels. Greeks and Romans also wore a type of platform heels. WKM: I see … Miss Chan, do you like wearing high heels? Or what type of high heels do you like wearing? CTL: I like different types of shoes mentioned by 1C students, such as high heels, flat shoes, etc. (You may explain why … ) How about you? WKM: I like a lot but I like the pair worn by Ericsson. I want to appreciate the 1C students who have spent time on rehearsing the lines and Ericsson has tried on the high heels for a few days. Let ’ s give them a big hand and we hope you ’ ve enjoyed our sharing. Thanks!

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