end to end supply chain visibility in real time anywhere

End-to-end supply chain visibility in real-time, anywhere in the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

End-to-end supply chain visibility in real-time, anywhere in the world Summary Global supply chain market About Kizy Kizy solutions and applications K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 2 Lack of accurate information Lack of

  1. End-to-end supply chain visibility in real-time, anywhere in the world

  2. Summary • Global supply chain market • About Kizy • Kizy solutions and applications K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 2

  3. Lack of accurate information Lack of accurate information about goods costs 250B USD per year Lack of accurate information about goods costs 250B USD per year 150M containers and 5B pallets are moving around the world, Global supply chains are facing large inefficiencies because of a lack transporting goods worth 4 trillion USD per year of valuable information about their shipments and assets on the move. A container loses 2% of its value for Getting this information would enable significant cost reductions and each day's delay. 53% of containers are delivered late. The average delay massive customer service improvements. is 4 days. Real-time tracking solutions can provide exactly this. +20% more efficiency on capacitiy utilization on average thanks to tracking solutions. K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 3

  4. B2B and B2C applications Market size: USD >30bn per year B2B and B2C applications Containers Shipments Vehicles 500m shipments per year 30m containers 1.6bn cars in the world 45bn tracking days 10bn tracking days 800m business vehicles USD >9bn market USD >2bn market USD >16bn market Mineral products 136 Luggage 133 Pharmaceuticals 56 1.2bn airline passengers 45 20m lost luggage per year Parts for motor vehicles 45 USD >2bn market 30 Fashion and apparel 26 25 Chemicals 21 K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 4

  5. Current solutions don’t solve the problem Barcode/RFID GPS trackers Dedicated UWB technologies Infrastructure required, Expensive, low autonomy, Local coverage, heavy fragmented, no real-time no indoor coverage infrastructure, no global monitoring standard, bad positioning K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 5

  6. Our solution Monitoring platform Tracker API Real-time monitoring GSM 2G/3G, Wi-Fi, GPRS, SMS Integration with customers’ systems and applications Cloud-based Up to 1 year autonomy RESTful JSON Machine learning Movement, USB-C Scalable (no-SQL) Multi-language, Expandable sensors incl. Mandarin & Cantonese HTTPS, cloud-hosted K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 6

  7. Solution: Leverage existing global infrastructure Kizy is a B2B global tracking system especially designed to fulfill the actual needs of the logistics and supply chain industry. It uses the existing global GSM infrastructure (no GPS) for positioning and communication. Kizy enables to overcome the limitations of current solutions and unlock new market segments. Barcode RFID GPS Low value of data Infrastructure Very high energy Low energy collected investment and efficiency, up to 1 efficiency, maintenance year of tracking 10-20 days of No information autonomy tracking autonomy available No information beyond scanning available Low cost, Typically High cost infrastructure beyond reading 10x cheaper than infrastructure GPS Doesn’t work inside buildings and Works both indoors containers and outdoors No investment in specific infrastructure required K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 7

  8. Why is Kizy different? Long lifetime Up to 1 year Low cost Total cost of ownership 10x lower Global coverage > 98% Credit-card format < 43g Kizy is the only scalable solution in the global supply chain market K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 8

  9. Global Coverage 216 countries, 716 roaming partners, no roaming fees K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 9

  10. About us Kizy Tracking brings together a team of experienced professionals in the fields of logistics, micro-electronics, machine learning, and telecommunications. Niels Delater Bertrand Späth Mark Gieben Prof. Dr. Ulrich Riki Chen Head of Sales & Krings CEO, Kizy Tracking SA Advisory Board Business Development Lead hardware engineer Advisory Board Niels Delater has more Bertrand is a co-founder Logistics industry Dr. Ulrich Krings holds a 15 years international than 20 years of of Kizy Tracking and executive Mark Gieben professorship at the experience as senior experience in data responsible for business has more than 30 years University of Applied firmware engineer for LG, analysis and service development. He has of logistics experience in Sciences Northwestern Samsung and Toshiba. quality monitoring more than 10 years of management positions at Switzerland. He has systems. He is founder experience in IoT and DHL and TNT. more than 20 years of and CEO of the Spectos tracking. experience in service Group. and quality auditing. K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 0

  11. Software: Online Tracking Platform Built for Industry 4.0 Enhanced speed & Machine learning performance capabilities Based on Self-improving React technology, algorithms Scalable Alerts & Notifications Security Management HTTPS secure, by exceptions, separate Dashboard handling of user overview information and tracking data App-like configurations Customization Pre-configured Flexibility in creating customer- mission templates branded and customized interfaces including business rules K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 1

  12. Software: API Bring the power of Kizy’s data to your apps Open API Easy integration First hand positioning data The access to for your applications the API is free Alerts and notifications Security Based on location and Cloud-based business rules protected access K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 2

  13. Hardware: K-2 Putting a smartphone at work in your supply chain Configurable Up to 1 year Remotely over the air, Extra low-power battery, Embedded Linux, Turbo boot (2-3 sec) App-like configuration, Easy handling Smart sensors Status LED Movements, Expandable Credit card format USB-C interface 87 x 53 x 8.5mm, Rechargeable < 47 g K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 3

  14. Pricing: K-2 The most flexible tracking solution on the market K-2 A low-cost, smart tracking device that opens new opportunities. SIM card included. K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 4

  15. Pricing: API The most flexible tracking solution on the market API Contact us to get your API key and documentation. K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 5

  16. Customization K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 6

  17. Solutions Asset Management Inventory Management Project Coordination Keep control, no matter where Real-time inventory at the push Just-in-time manufacturing with of a button optimally synchronized processes Quality Monitoring Shipment Tracking See what is actually happening Delivering with end-to-end inside your supply chain visibility Kizy solutions for various applications Whether using Kizy for monitoring your company's performance management or keeping on top of your stock levels, the business cases are endless. K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 7

  18. Industries Postal & Courier OEM Insurance Freight Forwarding Clothing Industry Food & Beverage Industry Container Shipping Automotive Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 8

  19. Customers Kizy helps us identify the cause of delays or inefficiencies that would otherwise remain invisible. We Take Pride in our Work & the Customers we Serve Stefan Ramseier | Head of Sales & Logistics Asendia Press EDS K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 1 9

  20. Use cases Track letters & packets Monitor cross-border Track rolling cages to Track shipment to to identify delays and containers transporting eliminate manual control partners’ process anomalies dangerous goods to inventory checks and contract fulfillment and ensure they leave find missing assets quickly detect territory according to misrouting local laws K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 2 0

  21. Delivery Management: Asendia Press EDS Increased sales thanks to opening detection -20% +90% Reduced return rate Revenue of unsold copies increase To know the cause of your problems is nice. But mitigating their consequences early on, or even avoiding them upstream, is much better. This is what Kizy helped us to achieve with remote Stefan Ramseier opening detection. Head of Sales & Logistics, Asendia Press EDS K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 2 1

  22. Quality Monitoring: Asendia Asendia investigates delivery issues in record time thanks to Kizy >95% 60% 50% return rate of trackers shorter handling time for lower cost for tests used for the quality tests customer complaints We chose Kizy to monitor our logistics network and improve our supply chain. It enables us to set up quality tests quickly, the pay-per-use pricing model is flexible and the overall solution Barbara Willimann very cost-effective. Thanks to their small size, the Quality Manager trackers can be returned easily using a global Asendia response envelope, which is a great advantage compared to other solutions we evaluated. K I Z Y G L O B A L T R A C K I N G 2 2


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