Emission-related Activities at PITZ — Proposals for the DFG-Networking "Hi 2 PE" Ye Chen for the PITZ team 22.09.2017, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany Contents Literature Photoemission (PE) [1] S. Schreiber, S. Lederer, FEL 2015 [2] L. Monaco, P. Michelato, et al., EPAC 2006 Dark Current (DC) [3] D. Filippetto, P. Musumeci, et al., PRSTAB 17, 024201 (2014) [4] D. Lipka, et al., DIPAC 2011 Other (Long-Term) Topics [5] K. L. Jensen, Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Electron Emission Physics Vol.149, 2007 [6] E. Gjonaj, ICAP 2012 [7] R. Xiang, A. Arnold, T. Kamps, et al., PRSTAB 17, 043401 (2014) [8] P. Piot, et al., PRSTAB 16, 010102 (2013) [9] M. Zolotorev, SLAC-PUB-5896 (1992)
Further modeling requires Photoemission (PE) Studies realistic cathode laser distributions 1. (Cs 2 Te) Experimental & Numerical PE Studies Ongoing activity at PITZ and TU Darmstadt Impacts of full EM field (RF + space charge)@cathode on PE (Cont.) Modeling of PE in space charge dominated regime Charge production using various RF gun and measured PC laser Radially uniform distribution parameters (simulation vs. measurement) Dedicated studies on bunch length , slice energy spread , etc., to explain discrepancies between simulation and measurement (e.g., Bunch length in Astra systematically longer) Measured Dynamic emission process from cathode Bunch taking into account 3D full EM fields at Non-uniform charge cathode in a Lienard-Wiechert approach distribution generated Space charge according to VC2 data Charge production per simulation time step: dominated OSS signal with measured regime flattop pulse shape (old data) Quantum efficiency formulism: Measured pulse shape + length More precise treatments needed for the modeling in space charge dominated regime Remaining deviations w.r.t. + Possible laser intensity Field-induced work function modification: and time dependent simulations probably due to the cathode work function initial ideal beam distributions Ye Chen | Proposals for Hi2PE Networking: Emission-related Studies at PITZ | 22.09.2017 | Page 2/5 variation, e.g., in [9] plugged in the simulations
Photoemission (PE) Studies (cont.) 2. (Cs 2 Te) Investigations of a µs-scale spiky structure during electron bunch train extraction at FLASH Ongoing activity at PITZ, INFN and FLASH Flat UV laser energy pulse train producing µs-scale spiky structure along electron bunch train Toward modeling of RF pulse and/or laser pulse heating effect Emission issue of fresh cathode 73.3 (and some others) at FLASH, 04.02.2015, QE=10% Experiments at PITZ Fixed BSA SP ≈ 0.799 mm, 43.3 MV/m vs. 28.97 MV/m, LT=10% ~8% Set the working point in linear emission regime Laser pulse ~9% heating? Ye Chen | Proposals for Hi2PE Networking: Emission-related Studies at PITZ | 22.09.2017 | Page 3/5
Dark Current (DC) Characterization and Simulation 1. Detailed experimental DC characterization DC vs. Solenoid current, RF power, pulse length, etc. DC spectrum measurement Simulated DC DC transportation DC on Low.Scr.1 patterns in [2] with 2. DC monitoring method (Z~0.85m, @6.15MW) uniform field distribution at cathode surface Using Faraday Cups (e.g., ~10 pC resolution) DCM at PITZ Using non-destructive resonator prototype (e.g., 0.5mV for 1µA) and XFEL 3. DC modeling and simulation based on Microscopic non- uniform E 0 Fowler-Nordheim theory uniform local field forming structures "Realistic" cathode geometry model β 2 β 1 β 0 β 3 Surface condition determination (scanning electron Resulting in non- β i β 6 microscopy?) uniform field β 4 distribution E n at 3D dark current generator Cathode surface cathode surface Dark current transportation studies Local field enhancement factor, Identify critical areas for the source of dark currents by particle tracking simulations Ye Chen | Proposals for Hi2PE Networking: Emission-related Studies at PITZ | 22.09.2017 | Page 4/5
Other (Long-Term) Topics > Charge production at theoretical space charge limitation for different PC laser pulse shapes and parameters (modeling + simulation) > Cathode brightness studies with variable beam aspect ratios > "Green photocathode" studies and tests (PITZ + INFN) > Studies of slice emittance formation for various PC laser pulse shapes and for various gun field gradients (towards SC and CW regimes) > Formation of ellipsoidal electron bunches by space charge driven expansion using PITZ Pharos laser (variable PL down to ~200 fs ) Semi-analytical solution for flattop-shaped bunch in cigar regime (in [3]), The theory may be less effective for Gaussian bunches (even more prevalent in many facilities) In the limit of cigar aspect ratio, Maximum cathode brightness for Gaussian bunches? Thank you very much! Ye Chen | Proposals for Hi2PE Networking: Emission-related Studies at PITZ | 22.09.2017 | Page 5/5
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