FACT FACT CONSIDER THESE TRUTHS CONSIDER THESE TRUTHS � The oral environment is a naturally wet environment The oral environment is a naturally wet environment • The oral environment is a naturally wet The oral environment is a naturally wet � Dentin contains approximately 15% water Dentin contains approximately 15% water environment � Enamel contains approximately 4% water Enamel contains approximately 4% water � Traditional dental resins are not moisture friendly; they Traditional dental resins are not moisture friendly; they • Dentin contains approximately 15% water Dentin contains approximately 15% water require a dry environment • Enamel contains approximately 4% water Enamel contains approximately 4% water � Drying dentin disrupts the natural chemistry of the tooth Drying dentin disrupts the natural chemistry of the tooth and is a cause of sensitivity • Drying dentin disrupts the natural Drying dentin disrupts the natural � Microleakage causes recurrent decay and failure Microleakage causes recurrent decay and failure chemistry of the tooth and is a cause of chemistry of the tooth and is a cause of � Sealing margins is critical for preventing marginal leakage Sealing margins is critical for preventing marginal leakage sensitivity
The Challenge The Challenge The challenge for dental researchers has been to develop The challenge for dental researchers has been to develop materials that behave favorably in the moist oral environment. materials that behave favorably in the moist oral environment.
Traditional Resins are Hydrophobic Traditional Resins are Hydrophobic Traditional dental resins are based on Bis Traditional dental resins are based on BisGMA and urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA) monomers methacrylate (UDMA) monomers that are hydrophobic, repel water and require a dry that are hydrophobic, repel water and require a dry environment. This is not convenient in the mouth. This is not convenient in the mouth.
EMBRACE is Moisture Tolerant EMBRACE is Moisture Tolerant PULPDENT has developed EMBRACE™ WetBond™ resins, which are hydrophilic, hydrophilic, moisture tolerant and form a positive association association with water, taking advantage of the moisture that is always present in the mouth.
EMBRACE + Water Demonstration EMBRACE + Water Demonstration Embrace is water friendly friendly. It even mixes with water. In fact, moisture moisture activates the Embrace resin chemistry, chemistry, enabling it to better integrate with tooth tooth structure. A drop of Embrace A drop of water is A drop of water is Embrace mixes with Pit & Fissure Sealant placed next to placed next to the water. is placed on a glass Embrace. slide.
EMBRACE Chemistry EMBRACE Chemistry Embrace incorporates di , tri and multifunctional acrylate monomers into an advanced resin acid integrating network that is activated activated by moisture and is recommended for use on slightly slightly moist tooth surfaces.
EMBRACE: An Acidic Monomer EMBRACE: An Acidic Monomer When activated by moisture, moisture, Embrace is acidic. In the cured state, state, the material is no longer affected by water, water, has a neutral pH and extremely low water water solubility of 0.06% CURED Embrace UNCURED Embrace UNCURED Embrace UNCURED Embrace (pH2) + WET litmus paper + WET litmus paper + WET litmus paper = No reaction + DRY litmus paper = Reaction indicating = Reaction indicating = No reaction pH<1
Defining Slightly Moist Tooth Surfaces Defining Slightly Moist Tooth Surfaces Slightly moist tooth surfaces surfaces exhibit neither dryness nor pooling of water. Lightly Lightly dry and remove excess water with compressed air air or a cotton pellet. Tooth surfaces should be shiny or or glossy. After etching and rinsing, the After etching, rinsing and slightly moist tooth appears drying, the tooth appears shiny and glossy. chalky white.
EMBRACE: Tooth Integrating, Margin EMBRACE: Tooth Integrating, Marginfree Embrace resins form an intimate intimate association with the moist tooth. They are tooth integrating, integrating, creating a marginfree interface between the resin and and the tooth that is entirely unique, eliminating microleakage. . Poor Perfect Marginal Marginal integrity integrity Traditional EMBRACE sealant Sealant Gap Perfect Adaptation to tooth Enamel Enamel EMBRACE LEADING COMPETITOR SEM shows Embrace Pit & Fissure Sealant SEM shows leading competitor’s without bonding agent. Note extraordinary traditional fissure sealant. Note adaptation of sealant to the tooth and large gap between the sealant and smooth margin. the tooth.
“It’s amazing. I can’t find the margin.” “It’s amazing. I can’t find the margin.” After curing Embrace, clinicians report report they cannot find the margin with an explorer. Embrace Embrace is tooth integrating and marginfree with a very low contact contact angle that is perfectly adapted to the anatomy of the the tooth and provides an exceptional seal against microleakage microleakage. “Margins are incredibly smooth . . . virtually undetectable.” Dental Advisor 2004;21(8)
Low Contact Angle – Seals Against Microleakage Seals Against Microleakage
EMBRACE Seals Against Microleakage EMBRACE Seals Against Microleakage Microleakage and the inability to to create a permanent seal at the margins results in decay and and failure of restorations. Embrace performed exceptionally exceptionally in marginal leakage testing, without using adhesives adhesives or bonding agents. 1,2,3 1. Pameijer CH; 2. Degrange M; 3. Khanbodaghi A, Kugel G, Sharma S, Ferreira S 1. Pameijer CH; 2. Degrange M; 3. Khanbodaghi A, Kugel G, Sharma S, Ferreira S Perfect Competitor’s Marginal Sealant Adaptation Poor Embrace Marginal Sealant Adaptation Enamel Enamel SEM of EMBRACE Pit and Fissure Sealant SEM of leading competitor’s pit shows perfect marginal adaptation. This and fissure sealant shows poor marginfree phenomenon seals against marginal adaptation, which will microleakage and prevents caries. result in microleakage and caries.
EMBRACE: No Sensitivity Reported EMBRACE: No Sensitivity Reported Teeth contain water, and desiccating desiccating dentin disrupts their natural chemistry and is a cause cause of sensitivity. Microleakage, movement of fluids fluids in the dentinal tubules, acids and chemical irritants also also cause sensitivity. Embrace resins eliminate these these causal factors. They are biocompatible, nonirritating, contain contain no solvents, require no etching or drying of dentin, dentin, and provide an exceptional seal against microleakage.
EMBRACE™ WetBond™ EMBRACE™ WetBond™ Pit & Fissure Sealant Pit & Fissure Sealant Light Cure ∙ Fluoride Releasing ∙ Radiopaque Light Cure ∙ Fluoride Releasing ∙ Radiopaque � Bonds to the moist tooth � Tooth integrating � Marginfree � Exceptional marginal seal Exceptional marginal seal � Eliminates microleakage
BEST SEALANT EVER BEST SEALANT EVER Here’s what your colleagues have Here’s what your colleagues have to say about EMBRACE WetBond to say about EMBRACE WetBond Pit & Fissure Sealant: “It’s an absolutely sensational product.” “It’s an absolutely sensational product.” John D. Doykos III, DMD, MSD John D. Doykos III, DMD, MSD “Moist field placement increases success and reduces frustration.” “Moist field placement increases success and reduces frustration.” Peggy Yamagata, RDH, MED Peggy Yamagata, RDH, MED “Margins are incredibly smooth . . . virtually undetectable.” “Margins are incredibly smooth . . . virtually undetectable.” Dental Advisor 2004;21(8) Dental Advisor 2004;21(8) “[Sealants] looked the same as they did the day we placed them.” “[Sealants] looked the same as they did the day we placed them.” RDH 2006;26(7):58 RDH 2006;26(7):5860 “Bonds under adverse conditions.” REALITY 2006 REALITY 2006 “100% caries free.” RDH 2006;26(7):5860 RDH 2006;26(7):58
Nothing is Faster or Easier Nothing is Faster or Easier Clean, isolate, etch Apply Embrace Apply Embrace Light cure tooth for 15 seconds. sealant on the slightly sealant on the slightly Rinse well. Remove moist occlusal moist occlusal excess water. LEAVE surface. TOOTH SURFACE SLIGHTLY MOIST .
With EMBRACE Pit & Fissure Sealant, the moisture in the mouth mouth is beneficial, and bonding agents are not not indicated. Etch, rinse and lightly Apply Embrace WetBond Apply Embrace WetBond After curing, the margin dry. LEAVE TOOTH Pit & Fissure Sealant to Pit & Fissure Sealant to is undetectable with an SLIGHTLY MOIST. Apply the slightly moist tooth. the slightly moist tooth. explorer. EtchRite for 15 seconds.
EMBRACE™ WetBond™ EMBRACE™ WetBond™ Resin Cement Resin Cement Dual Cure ∙ Fluoride Releasing ∙ Radiopaque Dual Cure ∙ Fluoride Releasing ∙ Radiopaque Bonds to the Moist Tooth Bonds to the Moist Tooth � Selfadhesive � Selfetching to dentin � No bonding agents required � Moisture tolerant � No sensitivity � Film thickness: 12 microns � Low solubility: 0.06% � Automix syringe delivery
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