electro optic diagnostics concepts capabilities concepts

Electro-optic diagnostics concepts & capabilities concepts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Electro-optic diagnostics concepts & capabilities concepts & capabilities Steven Jam ison Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC) STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK Electro-optic effect Refractive index modified by quasi-DC

  1. Electro-optic diagnostics concepts & capabilities concepts & capabilities Steven Jam ison Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC) STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK

  2. Electro-optic effect Refractive index modified by quasi-DC electric field laser pulse elliptically (linear polarised) polarised intensity dependent on ‘DC’ field strength on DC field strength Time varying field....replace with time varying refractive index quasi-DC description OK if  laser << time scale of E DC variations Basis for Pockels cells, sampling electro-optic THz detection, ... p g p

  3. Phase retardation into intensity change Polariser & wave plate arrangement effects scaling Phase retardation  proportional to (Coulomb) field “Balanced detection” • linear scaling • linear scaling • small signal on large background • polarity measureable good for CSR, CTR etc d f CSR CTR t crossed polariser detection crossed polariser detection • quadratic scaling quadratic scaling • background free • polarity hidden Coulomb field OK Coulomb field OK

  4. Electro-optic effect for bunch diagnostics Electro optic effect for bunch diagnostics Coulomb field of relativistic bunch decoding of information probe laser from laser pulse encoding of bunch information into laser Measure electric fields of bunch : Coulomb field, CSR, CTR, wakefields, ... E(t) E(t) Coulomb Field Coulomb Field E(  ) Spectrum of field important for capability & capability & technique choice

  5. Electro-optic detection as sum and difference frequency mixing sum- and difference-frequency mixing frequency domain description of EO detection...  (2) (  thz ,  opt )  opt +  thz  thz tal  opt -  thz EO cryst  opt  opt opt E propagation propagation geometry THz spectrum optical probe convolution over all & nonlinear dependent (complex) spectrum combinations of optical efficiency (repeat for each (complex) and Coulomb frequencies q principle axis) principle axis) Refractive index formalism comes out as subset of solutions (restriction on laser parameters) This is “Small signal” solution. High field effects c.f. Jamison Appl Phys B 91 241 (2008)

  6. DC “THz” field.... p phase shift (pockels cell) Delta-Fnc temporal ultrafast pulse... sampling of THz field of THz field Monochromatic Monochromatic optical THz & optical sidebands Chirped optical Chirped optical Parameter dependent results Parameter dependent results

  7. Electro-optic coulomb field Encoding p g shifting Coulomb spectrum to optical region OR creating an optical “replica” of Co lomb field creating an optical “replica” of Coulomb field Coulomb spectrum shifted p to optical region Coulomb pulse replicated Coulomb pulse replicated in optical pulse Jamison et al. envelope optical field Opt. Lett 31 1753 (2006) Appl. Phys B. 91 241 (2008)

  8. Material Response, R(  ) p ( ) Measure “slowed down” Coulomb field Co propagates with Co-propagates with probe pulse velocity is matched Coulomb field to Coulomb field velocity G P GaP ZnTe

  9. EO crystals... Crystal & mirror in ALICE expts (one) cr stal from FLASH e pts (one) crystal from FLASH expts

  10. 50fs 50fs Effect of Material response ... 100fs GaP ZnTe 200fs 200f 100fs 100fs ZnTe GaP

  11. D Decoding methods... di h d increasing increasing demonstrated demonstrated FELIX, DESY complexity time resolution SLS BNL BNL ... FELIX FELIX DESY BNL ALICE ... SLAC SLAC DESY SPARC / FERMI FELIX DESY RAL/CLF (laser wakefield) ALICE

  12. Spectral decoding Simplest of single shot techniques • Impose time-wavelength correlation on probe pulse • Interact probe with THz (Coulomb, CSR etc...) pulse • convert EO effect into Intensity variation EO ff i I i i i • Read out probe intensity spectrum Limitations on measurement of ultrafast signals can be d derived from frequency mixing description.... i d f f i i d i ti

  13. Spectral decoding... p g EO interaction.... assume a linear chirped probe pulse... p p p notational definition... notational definition functionally same as Fourier transform.. y limiting wanted convolution convolution quantity quantity

  14. Spectral decoding... Spectral decoding... Polarisation configuration Polarisation configuration determines final form of this convolution “Balanced detection” Crossed polarisers Crossed polarisers

  15. Spectral decoding Spectral decoding – crossed polariser configuration crossed polariser configuration

  16. Spectral decoding Spectral decoding – balanced detection configuration balanced detection configuration

  17. Comparison of Temporal & Spectral decoding Laser lab tests... Unipolar pulses generated by near–field photo-conductive antenna (mimic for electron bunch) Jamison et al. Opt. Lett. 18 1710 (2003)

  18. Direct Temporal techniques... p q Temporal decoding Spatial encoding • Encoding of signal exactly as before.. • measure temporal profile of probe pulse directly using spatial-temporal cross-correlation envelope optical field

  19. Cross-correlation – temporal decoding Rely on EO crystal producing a optical temporal replica of Coulomb field crossed polariser crossed polariser geometry measure optical replica with t-x measure optical replica with t x mapping in 2 nd Harmonic Generation limited by • gate pulse duration (although FROG etc could improve) t l d ti ( lth h FROG t ld i ) • EO encoding efficiency, phase matching

  20. FELIX Electro-optic experiments Comparison of Temporal & bunch profile from p Spectral decoding Spectral decoding Temporal Decoding Berden, Jamison et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 , 114802 (2004) (at that time) Highest resolution bunch profile obtained by EO techniques measurement showing actual bunch profile

  21. Real time monitoring and bunch profile modification… b h fil difi ti .  450 fs FWHM Coulomb field on sub peak Bunch profile B h fil modified by changing the h i th buncher and accelerator phase accelerator phase. Berden, Jamison, et al Phys Rev Lett (2004)

  22. Measurements at FLASH Measurements at FLASH... Electro-optic bunch profile Electro optic bunch profile Transverse Deflecting Cavity bunch profile Phys Rev Lett 2007 Phys Rev ST 2009

  23. Can we achieve even better resolution ...? Encoding Detector Material: – GaP – Move to new material? ( phase matching,  (2) considerations ) – Could use GaSe, DAST, MBANP ..... or poled organic polymers? – use multiple crystals, and reconstruction process Decoding Gate pulse width ~ 50 fs G t l idth 50 f – Introduce shorter pulse – Use (linear) spectral interferometry Use (linear) spectral interferometry – Use FROG Measurement (initially attempted at FELIX, 2004) or Alternative techniques: spectral upconversion If drop requirement for explicit time information at high frequencies, other options also become available h i l b il bl

  24. Spectral upconversion diagnostic Spectral upconversion diagnostic Aim to measure the bunch Fourier spectrum... ... accepting loss of phase information p g p & explicit temporal information ... gaining potential for determining information on even shorter structure i f ti h t t t ... gaining measurement simplicity use long pulse narrow band probe laser use long pulse, narrow band, probe laser same physics as “standard” EO   -function different observational outcome • laser complexity reduced, reliability increased • laser transport becomes trivial (fibre) NOTE: the long probe is still converted to optical replica

  25. Spectral upconversion diagnostic Spectral upconversion diagnostic sum difference frequency mixing frequency mixing E periments at FELIX Experiments at FELIX Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 231114 (2010)

  26. THz spectrum FELIX temporal profile

  27. Spectral upconversion diagnostic for FEL Spectral upconversion diagnostic for FEL radiation... radiation... optical side bands optical side bands from  =150  m FEL radiation

  28. Summary • Material effects (phonon resonances) significant issue at <100fs FWHM structure issue at <100fs FWHM structure • Spectral decoding good for >1ps pulse. Can have artifacts • Temporal techniques reaching resolution limit • Temporal techniques reaching resolution limit from materials • Spectral upconversion promising for higher time resolution & feedback applications


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