Elected Officials Council 21 May 2020 Agenda 0800 SSMCP Welcome Don Anderson, Co-Chair Elected Officials Council Washington’s 10th U. S. 0805 Congressman Denny Heck Congressional District Update 0810 Washington State Alfie Alvarado-Ramos, Director Department of Veterans Affairs 0820 JBLM Welcome LTG Randy George, I Corps Commanding General 0830 62nd Airlift Wing Col. Erin Staine-Pyne, Commander 0840 SSMCP Initiatives COL (Ret.) Bill Adamson, SSMCP Program Director 0850 Legislative agenda Shelly Helder, Gordon Thomas Honeywell - Governmental Affairs Consultant 0900 Business and Economic Dr. Margo Bergman, Milgard School of Business, Senior Lecturer Development Working Group Justin Shine, Milgard School of Business, Student Business Survey McKinley Rainey, Milgard School of Business, Student Regional Economic Impact Analysis COL (Ret.) Bill Adamson, SSMCP Program Director 0915 SSMCP Updates: COL (Ret.) Bill Adamson, SSMCP Program Director 2019-2020 OEA Grant 2010 GCP Reassessment Working Group Update 0925 Closing Remarks Don Anderson, Co-Chair Elected Officials Council COL Skye Duncan, JBLM Garrison Commander 0930 Adjourn 1
Don Anderson Co-Chair Elected Officials Council SSMCP Welcome 2
Congressman Denny Heck Washington’s 10 th U.S. Congressional District 3
video 4
Alfie Alvarado-Ramos Director Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs 5
Lieutenant General Randy George I Corps Commanding General JBLM Welcome 6
Colonel Erin Staine-Pyne Commander 62 nd Airlift Wing 7
Colonel (Retired) Bill Adamson SSMCP Program Director 8
SSMCP Initiatives SSMCP Legislative update/way forward JBLM Economic Impact Analysis Current OEA Grant studies The “Next” grant study - GCP Program Director Bill Adamson 9
Shelly Helder Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs Consultant Legislative Agenda 10
State Legislative Advocacy 2020-2021 The purpose of SSMCP’s engagement in the Legislature is two -fold: (1) garner state support for SSMCP initiatives (funding requests) and (2) influence legislation that may positively or negatively impact military service members, their families, and military communities. 11
Defense Community Compatibility Account DCCA is a state grant program that provides awards for compatible development projects that affect the economy, environment, or quality of life opportunities for communities near military installations. 2019: DCCA 2020: DCCA 2021: DCCA Grants created operations funded Awarded Grant awards are contingent on the 2021 Legislature allocating funding to the DCCA in the capital budget. 12
I-5 5 Mou ounts nts Roa oad to o Tumwater umwater 2018: 2019: 2021: Legislature Legislature Identify funded funded funding planning environmental for study review implementation April 2020: Mid Happening Now: Implementation and Long-Range Planning & of Mid and Strategies Environmental Long-Range Report Finalized Linkages Study Strategies 13
Pol olicy y Pos ositi itions ons Maintain active state support for military affairs in Washington Increase access to quality affordable childcare for all WA residents, including service members, veterans and their families. Support affordable off installation housing for military members and their dependents. Support licensing compacts and occupational licensure improvements for employment opportunities of separating service members and military spouses. Support investments in Behavioral Health Resources • Look for opportunities to expand the Connect Kit program and share best practices to connect community members with established resources. 14
STUDY APPROACH: JBLM Economic Impact Analysis 2018 2020 JBLM Economic Impact Analysis JBLM Economic Impact Analysis Problem Statement: Problem Statement: Determine the economic impact of Determine the economic impact of JBLM on the JBLM workforce on the South the South Sound Sound LOCAL BUSINESS SURVEY This survey seeks to identify the military connected customer bases of local businesses and the effects of JBLM on the local economy. 2018 20 18 = $8. = $8.3-$9.2 $9.2B JBLM’S TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT? 15
Business Survey/ Regional Economic Impact Analysis Dr. Margo Bergman, Milgard School of Business, Senior Lecturer Justin Shine, Milgard School of Business, Student McKinley Rainey, Milgard School of Business, Student 16
Colonel (Retired) Bill Adamson SSMCP Program Director 17
2019-20 OEA Grant Status Three studies under professional services contracts with consultants: Steucke Environmental Services: Conservation Banking & Partnering TranspoGroup: Analyze Local Transportation Impacts in the vicinity of JBLM AHBL: Affordable Housing for Service Members 18
Prair irie ie Conse servat rvatio ion n Stud udy y Ob Obje jectives ctives Identify the means by which: 1. Usage of South Sound Prairies (Military usage in particular) can be maximized while, 2. Improving the recovery of the prairie species listed under the Endangered Species Act.
Prai airie rie Con onser servatio vation n Study udy Ob Objecti ectives ves Execution Strategy: Interview stakeholders and review programs and documents Develop a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis Establish a vision of the desired future state Develop a “gap analysis” between the current state and this envisioned future state • Make recommendations that will close that gap • Remaining Milestones Draft Final Report w/ recommended courses of action (COAs) for review • delivered by June 8, 2020 Final Report w/ presentation delivered by August 15, 2020 •
Study Corridors Across JBLM region PURPOSE This project will recommend and prioritize projects, programs, and policies that improve access to JBLM and maintain a safe and reliable transportation system both on- and off-base. The project will evaluate the existing and forecasted conditions of the transportation network, focusing on key corridors that provide access to the LEGEND Interstates, Fwy, Arterials installation Corridors of Interest JBLM ACP 21
Screening Criteria ENSURE PROVIDE READILY REGIONAL PROMOTE MOBILITY ALTERNATIVES IMPLEMENTABLE SIGNIFICANCE RESILIENCY • Existing • Bike/Ped facilities • Obligate • Benefits more • Improved access congested within 5 years than one to critical facilities • Transit service/ corridor jurisdiction • Multi-jurisdictional • Potential improved access • 2040 congested • % of traffic sponsorship environmental corridor to/ from JBLM effects • Improve existing system
Project Screening Results A total of 17 17 17 “capital” projects have been identified for prioritization PROJECTS PROJECTS 4 of the projects are on-base maintained roadways 3 other “policy” projects have also been identified LEGEND On-base Projects Off-base Projects JBLM ACP
Off-Ins nstalla tallation tion Housi sing ng Coordi rdina nation tion St Study Study Goal: Improve housing options for E1 – E5 active duty service members which balances JBLM mission readiness goals with local community goals. Study Objectives: 1. Target the study to the E1-E5 active service members with dependents. 2. Look at all types of housing options within the BAH range 24
Study udy Ar Area a Bou oundaries ndaries 30-minute drive time to post High-volume travel corridors Inclusive of Census tract boundaries 25
Ma Market Su t Subareas Four market “micro - climates” being studied SSMCP Elected Officials Council Meeting
Schedule hedule / Ne Next xt Steps eps • Prepare Draft Report for Review and Comment • Comments, Revisions and Final Report: July – September 2020 • Presentation to SSMCP Elected Officials Council: November 2020 27
2020-2021 OEA Grant Proposal Purpose: Update the 2010 Growth Coordination Plan Major Grant Objectives: (1.) The critical task is to assess the continued relevance of the strategies and priorities described in the 2010 Growth Coordination Plan (2.) Based on the above assessment, make recommendations to modify the GCP and SSMCP Work Plan (3.) Replace the current 2010 GCP by developing a new 2021/22 Growth Coordination Plan 28
Don Anderson Co-Chair Elected Officials Council & Colonel Skye Duncan Joint Base Garrison Commander Closing Remarks 29
Thursday, November 12, 2020 Elected Officials Council Eagles Pride Golf Course 7:00-7:30am Breakfast 7:30-8:45am Program 8:45-9:15am Networking 30
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