local elected officials forum

Local Elected Officials Forum CalPERS Overview for Public Agency and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Local Elected Officials Forum CalPERS Overview for Public Agency and School Elected Leaders October 28, 2019 | 9:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Our Discussion Together Introductions and Overview Plan for Long-Term Sustainability Funding the

  1. Local Elected Officials Forum CalPERS Overview for Public Agency and School Elected Leaders October 28, 2019 | 9:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

  2. Our Discussion Together • Introductions and Overview • Plan for Long-Term Sustainability • Funding the System • Employer Costs • Health Care • Closing and Q&A 2

  3. Our Speakers Marcie Frost Michael Cohen Scott Terando Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Actuary 3

  4. Members Are Our Focus 31% State members 31% Public Agency members 38% School members 4

  5. $24.2 billion Paid in pension benefits FY 2018-19 5

  6. Strategic Goals Focused on Reducing Risk Strategic Goals Fund Sustainability Health Care Affordability Reduce Complexity Risk Management Talent Management 6

  7. Current Value ~$380 billion 5.8% 9.1% 6.7% 5.8% 8.1% 2018/19 5-yr Annualized 10-yr Annualized 20-yr Annualized 30-yr Annualized Portfolio Return Return Return Return Return 7

  8. Plan for Long-Term Sustainability Marcie Frost Chief Executive Officer

  9. How We Got Here – 20-Year Look * Estimate

  10. Functions in Pension Decision-Making CalPERS Board Legislature Employees • • • Fiduciary obligation Make contributions Set pension benefit formulas • Select employer • Set risk tolerance • Make and change • Collectively bargain • Set investment asset pension laws salary and (optional) cost allocation • sharing Make benefit design changes CalPERS Employers Courts • Select pension formulas • Administer pension • • • Rule on legal questions Add optional provisions Calculate pension costs • • Implement investment Set salaries of pension law strategy • Make contributions 10

  11. Strong Foundation Changes Capital Injection Shorter Amortization Lower Discount Rate New Asset Allocation Additional contribution to State and Shortened the amortization Lowered the discount rate from Adopted new strategic asset School pension obligations period for employers to pay their 7.5% to 7% over three years allocation effective July 1, 2018 unfunded liability (assumed rate of return) 30 yrs. 20 yrs. 7.5 % $9 billion from the State = significant $904 million to Schools 7 % long-term savings 11

  12. Foundational Change - Improved Liquidity + Employer Additional $9B Improved contributions from State liquidity 12

  13. 71% Funded status goal: 100% 50-60% 90-100% 70-80% Estimate for 2019

  14. 10-Year Projection of Funded Status 14

  15. 8.1% 30-year average return (as of FY 2018-19)

  16. Three Key Risks Investment Employer Climate risk risk/liquidity affordability 16

  17. Chief Investment Officer • Portfolio • Processes • People • Performance Yu (Ben) Meng

  18. Private Equity Team • Pivotal leadership • Extensive experience • $27.64B invested Greg Ruiz, CalPERS Managing Investment Director Private Equity

  19. Private Equity Co-Investments Innovative Private Equity Models

  20. How We’re Addressing Climate Risk 20

  21. Investment Focus: CalPERS Advantages + = Size Increased Long-Term Branding chance Horizon Liquidity of success 21

  22. Efficient and Effective Operations 0 >75% 4 new positions investments tools for for past two years managed employers in-house 22

  23. Board Governance & Transparency Board New Insight governance stakeholder platform workstreams forum 23

  24. Laser-focused on our top priorities Benefits are only as secure as our employers’ ability to pay them

  25. Funding the System Michael Cohen Chief Financial Officer

  26. How CalPERS Retirement Benefits Are Funded 26

  27. CalPERS Funded Status 71.0 % Funded Status (est.) 2018-19* * Using a 7% discount rate 27

  28. CalPERS’ ALM Cycle Asset Liability Management Cycle Capital Market Discount Asset Assumptions Rate Allocation June 2021 Fall 2021 July 2022 28

  29. Funding Risk Mitigation Policy

  30. Employer Tools Employer Funding Programs Additional CEPPT CERBT Discretionary Fresh Start (Pension (OPEB) Prefunding) Payments 30

  31. Example of Prepayment Impact 31

  32. Our Board Monitors Employer Contribution Rate Impact

  33. Break

  34. Employer Costs Scott Terando Chief Actuary

  35. Normal Cost + UAL Amortization of Unfunded Employer Normal Cost Accrued Liability (UAL) Total Employer Contribution 35

  36. Public Agency Employer Contributions 36

  37. A Look at Pension Outlook

  38. 38

  39. 39

  40. 40

  41. 41

  42. Health Benefits Program Marcie Frost Chief Executive Officer

  43. Health Priorities Address rising Engage in Contain costs Improve health Rx costs and drive quality health policy outcomes 43

  44. Working with You

  45. Our Commitment to Employers Access Listen to CalPERS leadership and solicit feedback Single Tools message to inform decisions to all stakeholders 45

  46. Thank you Questions?


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