Joint E oint Eur uropean opean Stak Stakeholder Gr eholder Group oup Friday 21 October: Meeting 15 Elexon, London
1. Welcome & Introductions Barbara Vest JESG Independent Chair
2. Review view of of Action Action Log Log Chrissie Brown JESG Technical Secretary
JESG Standing Actions ID Topic Lead Party Source Continue to review the membership of the JESG and engage S1 JESG Chair JESG S3 additional industry parties where appropriate. Prepare a commentary / comparison document between the Network Code and the existing GB arrangements at S2 NGET/Ofgem/DBEIS JESG S1 appropriate stages in the Code development for each Network Code. Share any intelligence about how other member states are DBEIS / Ofgem / approaching demonstrating compliance through information Industry parties with S3 ECCAF 3/2 gained from other government departments, regulators or European parent parent companies companies Stakeholders are requested to provide specific examples of inconsistent or problematic definitions in the Network Codes to S4 All Stakeholders JESG S6 Ofgem ( and DBEIS (
JESG Open Actions ID Topic Lead Party Update 41 DBEIS have under Stakeholder sessions DBEIS DBEIS not attending 21 October JESG, on the view for the future Energy Market update to be given at November Design and took and action at the April meeting. JESG to communicate to the JESG and through the JESG Weekly Updates the next planned sessions and updates so far. Also: How are GB views collated ahead of the Florence Forum meetings and is there a plan to hold a workshop ahead of the June Florence Forum? Open – The structure, format and dates Look to hold a Glasgow JESG either side of 42 Technical the Autumn Customer Seminars (October). Secretary for future NGET Customer Seminars is currently being developed. It is likely that these will be held mid January in Glasgow and London – more information to follow.
JESG Open Actions ID Topic Lead Party Update 47 Set up GB Stakeholder Meeting ahead of Chris Fox Complete October Comitology meeting (EBGL (NGET) expected to be discussed) 48 Contact Interconnector TSOs to provide Technical TSOs contacted and JESG dates visibility of JESG meetings should they Secretary & provided, no response received. CB wish to use the afternoon to set up David McCrone sent email 20/10 to seek responses stakeholder engagement sessions. Ofgem (Ofgem) again. to provide list of contacts to Technical Secretary.
3. Sum Summar mary y Sta Status of tus of Eur European opean Netw Networ ork k Codes Codes Christopher Fox (NGET)
Joint Eur oint European S opean Stak takeholder Gr eholder Group oup European Electricity Codes Development Status: 1 October 2016 18 mths – 3 3 years 6 EC depending month programm 12 See note † s e months 3 months on Code ACER develops Publication in OJEU ACER recommends Commission Implemented ENTSO-E to Preparations develop NC ENTSO-E Comitology EC invites develops Revisions Network ACER Network Code to EC FWGL Code for reviews Member State Comitology Network Implementation Revisions to ACER Code Code after Revises Opinion Opinion EU Reg 543/2013 Transparency Potential Future ENCs: indicated as future ENCs, no timescales advised to date Connection Procedures Staff Training & Certification Preparation for Cross-Border Cross-Border-Committee Council & Parliament Committee Discussion and Voting Approval † Timescales for the stages of Comitology are not specified and under the Commission’s control †† OS, OPS and LFCR have been merged in to form one single Transmission System Operation Guideline. All queries to:
Key: Potential GB Meeting GB Meeting Stakeholder Engagement European Meeting Potential European Meeting Decision Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Request amendments 1 CCR CGM and GDLPM NEMO 1 Nemo decision CACM and MCO PLan decision MCO Plan JESG Subgroups ad hoc as required Decision Connection Codes: Workgroup & Workgroup & Workgroup & Workgroup & Workgroup & RFG, DCC, HVDC Co-ord group Co-ord group Co-ord group Co-ord group Co-ord group FCA JESG Subgroups ad hoc as required TSOG GC0095 GC0095 GC0095 GC0095 GC0095 GC0095 Workgroup Workgroup Workgroup Workgroup Workgroup Workgroup Cross Border ER Committee Discussion Balancing Cross Border Stakeholder Group BAL Balancing Committee Discussion Stakeholder Focus Group JESG JESG JESG JESG meeting JESG JESG Meetings meeting meeting meeting with Customer meeting seminar TBC Cross Code Market Meeting Market Meeting Stakeholder (closed membership) (closed membership) Committees Grid Connection Meeting Grid Connection Meeting (closed membership) (closed membership)
Code Stakeholder Engagement Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Grid Connection Codes: RFG, DCC, HVDC Forward Capacity Allocation Transmission System Operation Guideline Emergency & Restoration BSG – 13/10 Ljubljana BSFG - TBC Balancing 21 October - London JESG Cross Code Stakeholder Committee
4. Chan Channe nel l an and IU d IU r region gions; s; CA CACM CM fallbac allback k pr proce ocedur dures es - pub public lic co consu nsulta ltation tion Christopher Fox (NGET)
CACM fallback procedures - public consultation • Draft proposal for fallback procedures in line with CACM article 44. Robust and timely fallback procedures to ensure efficient, transparent and non-discriminatory capacity allocation in the event that the single day-ahead coupling process is unable to produce results l-and-iu-da-proposals/consult_view
CACM fallback procedures - public consultation • Two proposals together cover the fallback procedures for the HVDC interconnectors; IFA, BritNed, Moyle and EWIC • IFA and BritNed = no change from existing arrangements • EWIC and Moyle = new arrangements to be introduced under ISEM • Please give us your views! proposals/consult_view
5. GB Implementation Approach Alex Thomason and Christopher Fox (NGET)
ENC Implementation Approach Oct 2016
European Network Codes Implementation ENC Implementation Approach GB Implementation Complexity Assumptions Agenda Current approach Alternative options Assessment Criteria Next Steps 16
European Network Codes Implementation ENC Implementation Approach Current Approach – Multiple Interactions to manage GB Implementation Complexity Assumptions Various 17
European Network Codes Implementation ENC Implementation Approach Current Approach – Many interacting deadlines GB Implementation Complexity Assumptions 18
European Network Codes Implementation ENC Implementation Approach Current Approach – Large scale change to GB frameworks GB Implementation Complexity Assumptions Impact High Med Low None 19
European Network Codes Implementation Alternative Options – Full EID DCC Connection HVDC Codes Grid Code RfG European STC Operational TSOG Interface CUSC Codes E&R Document SQSS (EID) Market FCA Codes DCode CACM New EU Processes DCUSA (e.g. TERRE) Balancing XB Reservation BSC Code General Compliance Imbalance Settlement 20
European Network Codes Implementation Alternative Options – Full EID – Pros / Cons Licence changes Compliance EID brought into existence via Future changes licence modifications Easier to Integrate methodologies Greater Coordination required published after EIF and turn areas of the ENCs on or off Reference to GB codes and Ease of implementation EID would be required when the authority makes decisions ENCs without an obvious GB GB Code changes still equivalent (e.g. CACM & FCA) Facilitates managing interactions required between ENCs Some GB code changes would Accessibility still be required (Imbalance Settlement) Governance Cross-referencing from EID to compatible with CGR3 & CACOP existing GB codes would still be Reflect European governance required 21
European Network Codes Implementation Alternative Options – Full EID – Framework for delivery Transmission Distribution Licences Licences STC DCode BSC DCUSA EID CUSC Grid Code Bring EID into force via SQSS joint licence obligation 22
European Network Codes Implementation Alternative Options – Full EID – “Code” Administration Grid CUSC STC SQSS DCode DCUSA BSC EID Code TBC Code Administration Code of Practice: Principle 13 “Code Administrators will ensure cross Code coordination to progress changes efficiently where modifications impact multiple Codes” 23
European Network Codes Implementation Alternative Options – Are there any intermediate options? Is there a ‘half - way house’? Can licence changes be avoided? Is there something that is easier to implement? Concept of an EID-Lite.. Current EID-Lite Full EID Approach 24
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