Joint E oint Eur uropean opean Stak Stakeholder Gr eholder Group oup Tuesday 21 June: Meeting 13
1. Welcome & Introductions Barbara Vest JESG Independent Chair
2. Review view of of Action Action Log Log Sara-Lee Kenney JESG Technical Secretary
JESG Standing Actions ID Topic Lead Party Source Continue to review the membership of the JESG and engage S1 JESG Chair JESG S3 additional industry parties where appropriate. Prepare a commentary / comparison document between the Network Code and the existing GB arrangements at S2 NGET/Ofgem/DECC JESG S1 appropriate stages in the Code development for each Network Code. Share any intelligence about how other member states are DECC / Ofgem / approaching demonstrating compliance through information Industry parties with S3 ECCAF 3/2 gained from other government departments, regulators or European parent parent companies companies Stakeholders are requested to provide specific examples of inconsistent or problematic definitions in the Network Codes to S4 All Stakeholders JESG S6 Ofgem ( and DECC (
JESG Open Actions ID Topic Lead Party Update 27 Possibility to schedule a JESG Energy UK On hold meeting in late spring Brussels in At the April JESG, Stakeholders 2016 agreed value in holding a JESG in Brussels but suggested to place on hold and revisit later on in 2016. 41 DECC have under Stakeholder DECC Open sessions on the view for the future 13-14 June FF Meeting Energy Market Design and took and Information: action at the April JESG to communicate to the JESG and through the JESG Weekly Updates vents/meeting-european- the next planned sessions and electricity-regulatory-forum- updates so far. florence Also: How are GB views collated ahead of the Florence Forum meetings and is there a plan to hold a workshop ahead of the June Florence Forum?
JESG Open Actions ID Topic Lead Party Update 42 Look to hold a Glasgow JESG Technical On Hold - The structure, format either side of the Autumn NGET Secretary and dates for future NGET Customer Seminars (October). Customer Seminars is currently being developed. Further information to follow pending this review. 43 National Grid to present at the NGET John Young (NGET) presenting at today’s meeting June JESG on the TSOG code updates, mapping and implementation set up to date including the approach to coordination and of modifications across more than one GB code as a result of TSOG implementation
JESG Open Actions ID Topic Lead Party Update 44 Cross GB Codes ENC Changes JESG Open Coordination. Step 1 engage Technical Code Administrators, highlight to Secretary code leads
3. Sum Summar mary y Sta Status of tus of Eur European opean Netw Networ ork k Codes Codes JESG Technical Secretary & Ofgem
Joint Eur oint European S opean Stak takeholder Gr eholder Group oup European Electricity Codes Development Status: June 2016 18 months – 3+ y years 6 EC depending month programm 12 See note † s e months 3 months on Code Publication in OJEU ACER develops ACER recommends Implemented Commission ENTSO-E to Preparations develop NC ENTSO-E Comitology EC invites develops Revisions Network ACER Network Code to EC FWGL Code for reviews Member State Comitology Network Implementation Revisions to ACER Code Code after Revises Opinion Opinion EU Reg 543/2013 Transparency Potential Future ENCs: indicated as future ENCs, no timescales advised to date Connection Procedures Staff Training & Certification Preparation for Cross-Border Cross-Border-Committee Council & Parliament Committee Discussion and Voting Approval † Timescales for the stages of Comitology are not specified and under the Commission’s control †† OS, OPS and LFCR have been merged in to form one single Transmission System Operation Guideline. All queries to:
Key: Potential GB Meeting GB Meeting Stakeholder Engagement European Meeting Potential European Meeting Decision May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov 21/06 NRA CCR Decision CGM and GDLPM ACER CCR decision deadline submissions to all CACM HAR, ID etc Workshops NRAs JESG JESG JESG JESG JESG JESG Subgroup Subgroup Subgroup Subgroup Subgroup Subgroup Workgroup & Workgroup & Workgroup & Workgroup & Workgroup & Workgroup & Connection Codes: Co-ord group Co-ord group Co-ord group Co-ord group Co-ord group Co-ord group RFG, DCC, HVDC 6 th July Connection Code Meeting FCA Anticipated EIF TSOG TSOG Workgroup Cross Border ER Committee Discussion BSG BSG EB GL – GB BAL BSFG BSFG Prioritisation JESG JESG JESG JESG JESG JESG JESG Meetings meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting Edinburgh Cross Code Stakeholder Market Meeting Grid Connection Committees (closed membership) Meeting (closed membership)
Code Stakeholder Engagement Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Mid July Deadline for all TSOs to submit proposals Capacity on Common Grid Model Allocation and (CGM) and Generation Congestion and Load Data Provision Management Methodology (GDLPM) to NRAs 14/15 June GCC Workgroups 12/13 July GCC Workgroups Grid Connection Codes: RFG, DCC, HVDC Anticipated Entry Into Force Forward Capacity Allocation Transmission 11 July TSOG Workgroup System (TBC) Operation Guideline Emergency & Restoration • EB GL – GB Industry • Balancing Stakeholder Group Balancing (BSG) – 30 June (ENTSO-E – Prioritisation Day – 12 th Stakeholder Brussels) July Group (BSG) • – 13 Oct Balancing Stakeholder Focus Group (BSFG) GB – 29 th June • Balancing Balancing Stakeholder Focus Group (BSFG) GB – TBC 21 June - London 20 July London 24 August Edinburgh 28 September - London 26 October - 23 JESG London November London Cross Code 6 June (Grid Connection) Stakeholder
4. Transmission System Operation Guideline - Update John Young (NGET)
TSOG Update John Young 21 st June
Introduction Cross-border committee positive vote May 4th 6-9 months Expected timescale for remaining comitology process, parliamentary vote and publishing in OJEU (Official Journal of the European Union) Expect EIF Dec 2016/Jan 2017 14
GC0095 TSOG implementation workgroup Joint Grid Code and Distribution Code group to progress the GB application / implementation of TSOG. Contact with nominations for workgroup membership First meeting 11 July (tbc) Initial code mapping exercise has flagged impacts on: Grid Code; D Code; STC; SQSS; BSC; CUSC; other EU codes. Will be flagged to code panels/ administrators to set up their own workgroups for TSOG implementation) Implementation timescales for the obligations under TSOG range from Entry into Force to 30 months later. 15
Grid Code mapping Grid Code mapping complete for OS and OPS NGET to complete for LFC&R as mostly SO-only activities (with opportunity for industry challenge) Discussion around correct legal position for implementation of TSOG within GB grid code/governance Basis of discussion is that TSOG sets minimum standards and the status of GB requirements outside/above this To be raised within Ofgem and to DECC for legal input 16
TSO delegation TSO delegation exercise to be completed via same process as CACM First pass has been performed by NGET and to be distributed for consultation soon Most obligations related to SO TSO only (particularly in LFC&R section) but some areas where multiple TSOs have obligations. 17
ENTSO-E TSOG implementation activities 18
AOB Questions?
5. CA CACM R CM Regu gula lation tion - Nor Northe thern n Ir Ireland eland & & Ir Ireland eland wor ork k on on Implem Implemen enta tation and tion and Comp Complianc liance Peter Lantry (Eirgrid)
CACM Regulation - Northern Ireland and Ireland NEMO Implementation and Compliance JESG Meeting 21 st June 2016 21
Agenda I-SEM NEMO Solution Overview Day-Ahead Solution Overview Clearing Arrangements PCR/MRC Workstream Cross-Border Intraday Project (XBID) Interim Intraday Design Proposal
I-SEM NEMO Financial Transmission Time FTR & Rights between zones 1 Year Forwards NEMO and Financial Forwards Market within zone • Traders operate across all of these CRM Capacity Remuneration timeframes Market Mechanism • EirGrid Group has responsibility for EU price coupled day- N market operations in all timeframes ahead auction supplier Day-Ahead & generator bidding E Market •NEMO’s operate the DA and ID markets M Continuous local across Europe mostly through PX’s Intraday trading and regional O Market auctions with supplier • EPEX Spot has been selected to provide & generator bidding the service of the PX systems Mandatory continuous • For ID market, XBID will be unavailable Balancing & balancing market with for I-SEM go-live. An interim intraday Dispatch INC & DEC pricing solution is proposed for 1 st October 2017 Cash out of differences Imbalance between actual and Settlement traded positions Real Time
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