educating the public

Educating the Public Working with S chools, Colleges, & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bay State Textiles Inc . Educating the Public Working with S chools, Colleges, & Universities Why S chools? S chools are st rat egically placed t hroughout t he communit y. This is ideal for convenient recycling. Great plat

  1. Bay State Textiles Inc . Educating the Public Working with S chools, Colleges, & Universities

  2. Why S chools?  S chools are st rat egically placed t hroughout t he communit y. This is ideal for convenient recycling.  Great plat form for get t ing t he word out .  Text ile Recycling is a real issue t hat st udent s can ident ify wit h.  Passive revenue st ream for schools.

  3. First Meeting with Weymouth  At t endees  Betsy Harris; Weymouth Public S chools  Bob O'Conner; Weymouth DPW  Capital Waste  Rosemary Nolan; Mass DEP  Claire S ullivan; S outh S hore Recycling Co-op  Mary Heinrichs ; Local Media.  Paul Curry; Bay S tate Textile

  4. S chool Clubs Great Launching pad  Green Teams (Massachuset t s)  Environment al Clubs  DECA


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