Ecosystem Restoratio ion Grant Oppor ortuni tunities es Fiscal Year 2018
Ecosystem Restoration Grant Opportunities – FY 2018 Ecosystem Restoration Grant RFP - est. $3.1 million Standard grant program Release May 22 Batch review - July 5 Announce approximately July 28* River Corridor Easement RFP – est. $325,000 Released May 10 Due June 20 Announce approximately June 30 Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
Ecosystem Restoration Grant Opportunities – FY 2018 Block grant Program – est. $2 million Construction of priority projects statewide –Step 3/”Go-list” Additional projects continually recruited for database Release of RFP - May 22 for process only Due June 5 Municipal Roads Grant-in-aid Pilot - est. $2.5 million Support for municipalities to implement road BMPs by directly distributing funds Implementation – approximately May 30 Other categories Clean Water Fund Partner support – est. $592,000 Direct Grants – est. $597,00 Direct Contracts – est.$314,000
New and improved grant application process for FY2018 1. Grant application manual 2. Grant Award timeline 3. Funding sources, amounts, priorities 4. Equipment grants 5. Watershed Project database 6. ANR Atlas Map requirement 7. Operations and maintenance 8. Milestones and deliverables 9. Grant reporting 10. Signage 11. Application Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
New and improved 2. Grant Award Timeline grant application process for FY2018 Grant Round Deadline for Batch Review Notification of Awards 1. Grant application manual 2. Grant Award timeline 3. Funding sources, Round 1 July 5, 2017 July 28, 2017 amounts, priorities 4. Equipment grants 5. Watershed Project database Round 2 September 19, 2017 October 17, 2017 6. ANR Atlas Map requirement 7. Operations and Round 3 December 15, 2017 January 22, 2018 maintenance 8. Milestones and deliverables 9. Grant reporting Round 4 (if funds remain) March 15, 2018 April 9, 2018 10. Signage 11. Application Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
New and improved 3. Funding Sources, Amounts, and Priorities grant application Capital Construction Fund • process for FY2018 Clean Water Fund • 1. Grant application manual Funding Source Amount 2. Grant Award timeline 3. Funding sources, Funding Source Amount amounts, priorities 4. Equipment grants FY2017 Reserve for Final FY17 Grant Round $1,700,000 5. Watershed Project Ecosystem Restoration Grants & Block Grants – Capital Funds $6,000,000 database 6. ANR Atlas Map Clean Water Fund Allocation – Adjusted $1,716,378 requirement 7. Operations and maintenance 8. Milestones and deliverables 9. Grant reporting Total $9,416,378 10. Signage 11. Application Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
New and improved 3. Funding Sources, Amounts, and Priorities grant application process for FY2018 1. Grant application manual 2. Grant Award timeline 3. Funding sources, amounts, priorities 4. Equipment grants 5. Watershed Project database 6. ANR Atlas Map requirement 7. Operations and maintenance 8. Milestones and deliverables 9. Grant reporting 10. Signage 11. Application Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
New and improved 3. Funding Sources, Amounts, and Priorities grant application Private Land process for FY2018 Applications to construct clean water improvement projects on private land are eligible • for ecosystem restoration funds. 1. Grant application manual 2. Grant Award timeline DEC places municipal project proposals at a higher priority for funding than similar • 3. Funding sources, projects on private property. amounts, priorities 4. Equipment grants Applicants seeking ecosystem restoration funds for stormwater mitigation projects on 5. Watershed Project • database private land or for road BMPs on private roads will need to: 6. ANR Atlas Map requirement (a) demonstrate that the project will address a significant water quality concern; 7. Operations and maintenance (b) (b) ensure that the project is not for achieving compliance with a state permit or 8. Milestones and deliverables state order; and 9. Grant reporting 10. Application (c) (c) include an operations and management plan for the life of the project (a minimum of 10 years). Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
New and improved 4. Equipment Grants grant application process for FY2018 • $100,000 available for equipment grants • Required match 1. Grant application manual Large munis (>5,000)– 50% 2. Grant Award timeline 3. Funding sources, Smaller munis/shared – 20% amounts, priorities • Operation and maintenance required 4. Equipment grants Must demonstrate ongoing use past grant funds (may request 5. Watershed Project database an annual report) 6. ANR Atlas Map requirement 7. Operations and maintenance 8. Milestones and deliverables 9. Grant reporting 10. Signage 11. Application Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
New and improved 5. The Watershed Projects Database grant application All projects must be entered into the database by your project’s • process for FY2018 Watershed Coordinator and given an ID number Projects are categorized within the database by their sector and step. • 1. Grant application manual 2. Grant Award timeline 3. Funding sources, amounts, priorities 4. Equipment grants 5. Watershed Project database 6. ANR Atlas Map requirement 7. Operations and maintenance 8. Milestones and deliverables 9. Grant reporting 10. Signage 11. Application Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
6. The ANR Atlas Map Requirement New and improved grant application Requirement for all project types • ANR Atlas link: process for FY2018 • 1. Grant application manual 2. Grant Award timeline 3. Funding sources, amounts, priorities 4. Equipment grants 5. Watershed Project database 6. ANR Atlas Map requirement 7. Operations and maintenance 8. Milestones and deliverables 9. Grant reporting 10. Signage 11. Application Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
New and improved 7. Operations and Maintenance agreements grant application process for FY2018 • Implementation projects require a letter of commitment for project operation and maintenance • Other project proposals that include a letter of commitment to 1. Grant application manual provide operation and maintenance will receive a higher evaluation 2. Grant Award timeline 3. Funding sources, score amounts, priorities • Operation and maintenance plan must be approved by DEC and 4. Equipment grants 5. Watershed Project business office database • May require future annual reporting (may be part of the grant 6. ANR Atlas Map requirement agreement) 7. Operations and maintenance 8. Milestones and deliverables 9. Grant reporting 10. Signage 11. Application Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
New and improved 8. Performance measures, milestones and deliverables grant application (a) Performance measures – applicant uses those attached to each project type process for FY2018 1. Grant application manual 2. Grant Award timeline 3. Funding sources, (b) Milestones and deliverables – pre-selected for each project type amounts, priorities 4. Equipment grants 5. Watershed Project database 6. ANR Atlas Map requirement 7. Operations and (c) Deliverables maintenance 8. Performance measures, milestones and deliverables 9. Grant reporting 10. Signage 11. Application Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
9. Tracking and Reporting on Clean Water Restoration Efforts within the New and improved Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program: grant application Best Management Practice (BMP) Reporting process for FY2018 These two project types are required to submit River - Planting 1. Grant application additional reporting data at the close of their grant: manual Stormwater - Implementation Clean Water 2. Grant Award timeline Outreach 3. Funding sources, Efforts online amounts, priorities nFORM Required Data The information BMP 4. Equipment grants Applicable BMPs (in addition to location and land Report from these BMP 5. Watershed Project use information) database reports are loaded • Bioretention areas Funding 6. ANR Atlas Map into the • Extended dry detention ponds Amount requirement • Grass swales Watershed A BMP Storage Volume 7. Operations and • Gravel wetlands Projects Database • Sand filters maintenance Project and used to • Wet ponds 8. Performance Performance calculate nutrient measures, milestones Measures • Infiltration trenches load reductions and deliverables • Surface infiltration projects BMP Storage Volume B • Porous pavement with BMP Infiltration Rate 9. Grant reporting *New* subsurface infiltration 10. Signage Best Management • Porous pavement with an under- 11. Application Practice Reporting C BMP Filter Course Depth liner and underdrain Total acreage, length, and average D • Riparian buffer plantings width Ecosystem RestorationGrantProgram, May 2017
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