ece 0142 computer organization

ECE 0142 Computer Organization Lecture 1 Introduction Professor Jun - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ECE 0142 Computer Organization Lecture 1 Introduction Professor Jun Yang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Pittsburgh 1 Logistics Course Material: Book:

  1. ECE 0142 Computer Organization Lecture 1 Introduction Professor Jun Yang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Pittsburgh 1

  2. Logistics Course Material:  Book:  Hennessy and Patterson, “Computer Organization and Design, The  Hardware/Software Interface”, 5 th Ed, MK. Requirements:  Homework 20%  Quizzes 20% (weekly during recitations)  Midterm 1 15% (2/4, in class)  Midterm 2 15% (3/17, in class)  Final 30% (comprehensive, time TBD)  Office Hours:  Jun Tu 2:30-4 1111 Ben  Amr Mo 12-2 1142 Ben  Chang Th 2-4 1109 Ben  2

  3. Prerequisites Some experience with a high level language  C, etc.  Digital logic circuits  Covered in ECE/CoE 0132 Digital Logic  3

  4. Computer systems Three general classes of “computer” “Desktop computers”  Examples include PC, Mac, Chrome, Linux…  Notebooks, netbooks, tablets (smart phones), …  Interact with a user – applications  Handful of central processing units (4-12?), gigabytes (10 9 bytes)  memory, few terabytes (10 12 bytes) of disk 35 gigaflops (35×10 9 “floating-point math calculations” per second  for Intel Ivy Bridge)

  5. Computer systems Three general classes of “computer” “Desktop computers”  “Servers”  Web servers, Computational servers, Supercomputers  Interact with other computers to “solve a problem” or “provide services”  Dozens to thousands of CPUs (Tianhe-2: 3,120,000 CPUs, 33.9  petaflops, or 33.9× 10 15 calculations per second vs. 35×10 9 for PC) Gigabytes to terabytes memory (Sequoia: 1,024,000GB [1.0 petabyte!])  Petabytes (10 15 bytes) of storage  Connected (network) to work together  Power hungry but efficient (Tianhe-2: 17.8 MW vs. Three Mile Island  ~800 MW output). Data centers: 1.7% to 2.2% of total electricity in US.)

  6. Computer systems Three general classes of “computer” “Desktop computers”  “Servers”  “Embedded computers”  Hidden inside something not computer  Applications that run on these computers interact with the “real  world” Multiple different processors for different functions  Kilobytes (10 3 bytes) to gigabytes of memory  Kilobytes to gigabytes of storage  Slow speed to fast speed  Widest range of design! 

  7. Layers or views Our view of a computer system in  this course is centered around the interface between the lowest level in software and the hardware App 1 App 2 App 3 App 4 System Software (Compiler, Assembler, Linker) antique! Operating System ECE 142 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Subsystems, Microarchiture Circuits, Electronics, Devices

  8. swap (int v[], int k) { int temp; High-level language, e.g. C temp = v[k]; v[k] = v[k+1]; v[k+1] = temp; } C Compiler swap: muli $2, $5, 4 Assembly language, e.g. MIPS add $2, $4, $2 lw $15, 0($2) lw $16, 4($2) sw $16, 0($2) sw $15, 4($2) jr $31 Assembler 00000000101000010000000000011000 Binary machine language 00000000100011100001100000100001 10001100011000100000000000000000 10001100111100100000000000000100 10101100111100100000000000000000 10101100011000100000000000000100 00000011111000000000000000001000 8

  9. Assembly Language, Machine Code High-level programming languages are a convenience CPU does not “understand” the high-level language!  CPU understands “binary numbers” Binary number represents a command  A command makes CPU take some action (e.g., addition)  Commands known as “ machine instructions ” (code)  Who wants to program in binary numbers??? Assembly language is convenience  Programming in machine instructions 

  10. A Day in the Life of a C (Java) Program #include <stdio.h> hello.c int main (void) usr{1} hello { Hello ECE 142! printf(“Hello ECE 142!\n”); compiler usr{2} } hello.c hello.s assembler loader crt0.o hello.o Basic runtim library linker hello

  11. Assembling, Loading, Running Assembly language program is assembled  Assembler is tool to create machine code from assembly language  Assembled program placed in main memory  Loader is tool to put the machine instructions into memory  Loader is automatically used when you run the program  CPU gets access to machine instructions in memory  CPU does the command for each instruction 

  12. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code assembled loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc loaded ... 0 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 ... 20 24 machine code address memory

  13. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code assembled loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc loaded ... 0 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 ... 20 24 address memory

  14. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 fetch 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 ... 20 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  15. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 execute ... 20 01284820 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  16. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 01284820 4 fetch 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 ... 20 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  17. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 execute ... 20 21080001 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  18. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 01284820 4 21080001 8 fetch 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 ... 20 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  19. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 execute ... 20 290a000a 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  20. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 fetch 01540fffc 16 ... 20 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  21. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 execute ... 20 01540fffc 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  22. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 fetch 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 ... 20 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  23. Assembling, Loading, Running assembly language machine code loop: add $t1,$t1,$t0 01284820 21080001 addi $t0,$t0,1 slti $t2,$t0,10 290a000a bne $t2,$0,loop 01540fffc ... 0 01284820 4 21080001 8 290a000a 12 01540fffc 16 execute ... 20 01284820 24 address memory Processor accesses instructions only through memory

  24. Who Uses Assembly Language The compiler writer  must generate machine language from a HLL  The writer of time or space critical code  Performance goals may force program specific optimizations of the  assembly language Special purpose or embedded processor programmers  Special functions and heavy dependence on unique I/O devices  can make HLL’s useless The processor designer  must implement and trade-off instruction functionality  24

  25. An Assembly Language Uses an Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Instruction set: the collection of all machine operations.  ISA is a programmer interface to the hardware  Programmer sees set of instructions, along with the machine  resources manipulated by them. ISA includes  instruction set,  programmer accessible registers of the system, and  Memory  “Architecture” == ISA, “Microarchitecture” == Implementation  Application Software System Software Hardware 25


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