dupage county sheriff s office training division crisis

DuPage County Sheriffs Office Training Division Crisis Intervention - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DuPage County Sheriffs Office Training Division Crisis Intervention Team Training 40 Hour Crisis Intervention Team Training Overview DuPage County Sheriffs Office Law Enforcement Bureau Training Division DuPage County

  1. DuPage County Sheriff’s Office – Training Division – Crisis Intervention Team Training

  2. 40 Hour Crisis Intervention Team Training Overview DuPage County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Bureau – Training Division DuPage County Sheriff’s Office – Training Division – Crisis Intervention Team Training

  3. Created in partnership with…

  4. CIT in Illinois… • De-escalation strategies for law enforcement relating to mental health and crisis calls • Provides an overview of the signs and symptoms, best practices and techniques, and resources available to our communities • A look at the art of communication

  5. Times have changed…

  6. Communication/Listening • Most people are either speaking or preparing to speak • Listen intently and speak intelligently • Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply

  7. CIT works… • It can help keep people with mental illness out of jail, and get them into treatment • Reduces injuries to officers and the community • Officers trained in CIT rate their program as more effective at meeting the needs of people with mental illness, and more likely to involve consumers and their families

  8. Det. Mike Drugan DuPage County Sheriff’s Office Training Division Director of CIT Program Commander – Support Services – Special Operations Unit Email: Mike.Drugan@dupagesheriff.org Office: 630-407-2300


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