div diver erting the ting the

Div Diver erting the ting the Peace eace Riv River er Chris - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Div Diver erting the ting the Peace eace Riv River er Chris Hatton Project Manager, Diversion September 18, 2019 Pr Pres esen enta tation tion over erview view What is river diversion? Stages of the river diversion

  1. Div Diver erting the ting the Peace eace Riv River er Chris Hatton – Project Manager, Diversion September 18, 2019

  2. Pr Pres esen enta tation tion over erview view • What is river diversion? • Stages of the river diversion process • Flow rates during river diversion • Questions/discussion

  3. Wha hat t is is riv river er div diver ersion sion? And how do we do it? • River diversion is a construction phase of the Site C project • Lasts approximately three years • Involves temporarily redirecting the flow of the Peace River to support the construction of the Site C dam • Two major processes make up the act of diversion: • 1. Divert river flow (rockfill berm) • 2. Seal off river channel (upstream and downstream cofferdams) 3

  4. Div Diver erting ting th the P e Pea eace ce Riv River er 4

  5. 5

  6. River Riv er div diver ersion sion tu tunn nnels els • The two large tunnels approximately 750 metres long and 11 metres in diameter • Located on the north bank of the Peace River • Excavations underway since summer 2018 • Tunnels will have the capacity to pass 3,000 cubic metres of water per second (combined) 6

  7. Tun unne nels: ls: cu curren ent t st statu tus s an and ne d next xt st step eps • Permanent tunnel lining underway in both tunnels • Inlet/outlet structures under construction • Completion anticipated: Mid 2020 7

  8. 8

  9. Por orta tage ge pr prog ogram am Halfway River Peace Island Park 9

  10. 10

  11. Up Upst strea eam m fish pa fish pass ssage ge du durin ring g div diver ersion sion 11

  12. 12

  13. 13

  14. Ho How w is is th the riv e river er div diver erte ted? d? Diversion can begin when: ✓ More than 55 environmental and regulatory requirements are met ✓ Debris management infrastructure and system are in place ✓ Fishway is complete and commissioned ✓ Both tunnels and operating gates are commissioned and readied for service ✓ Operating gates are opened and the inlet and outlet cofferdams are excavated, allowing water to flow through the tunnels ✓ A rockfill berm is constructed immediately downstream of the intake for the purpose of directing the water to the tunnels ✓ Upstream and downstream cofferdams are constructed, and the area between the cofferdams is emptied of water 14

  15. Flo low r w rate tes s du durin ring g div diver ersion sion Examples of normal – low, normal – high and spring runoff events SITE C PROJECT CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION HEADPOND River flow rates during river diversion 15 For illustrative purposes only

  16. Flo low r w rate tes s du durin ring g div diver ersion sion Normal – low flow month (August) SITE C PROJECT CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION HEADPOND River flow rates during river diversion Normal – low flow month (August) 16 For illustrative purposes only

  17. Flo low r w rate tes s du durin ring g div diver ersion sion Normal – high flow month (December) SITE C PROJECT CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION HEADPOND River flow rates during river diversion Normal – high flow month (December) 17 For illustrative purposes only

  18. Eng Engage gemen ment t ne next xt ste steps ps How we will help communities prepare • Ensure local and regional stakeholders are informed about the river diversion process, navigation restrictions and portage program • Development of FAQs • Seeking feedback on what may be of interest to your constituents • Local media technical briefing • December RCLC meeting 18

  19. Questions 19


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