Federal Acquisition Service Professional Services Category Discovery and the Supplier Marketing Initiative December 11, 2018
Purpose Provide suppliers in the Professional Services Category about SRM FY19 plans that impact them and offer the chance to shape the discussion: ● Discovery has expanded its capabilities, and development is ongoing ● Supplier marketing initiative - share concept, vote for concepts, volunteer to comment on materials
Discovery - Discovery.GSA.gov Vision for Discovery
Discovery - Discovery.GSA.gov Where Discovery started in 2018 ● Discovery existed only for OASIS and OASIS SB ● Need to improve upon market research and reduce the impact of sources sought RFIs ● Closer look at capability statements ● The business case for more Discovery development ○ What is the cost of an RFI to industry ○ What are the frequency of those RFIs ○ How are they managed by companies of varying sizes Contracting officers should have the means to satisfy mandated market research requirements before issuing a sources sought notice/request for information (RFI) to industry.
Discovery - Discovery.GSA.gov Recommendations from early 2018 outreach
Discovery - Discovery.GSA.gov Discovery Now A Market Research Tool for GSA Services Contracts that allows users to: ● Determine if a current contract can meet their acquisition need ● Filter for small business types to easily determine set-aside options ● Review past work from vendors based on FPDS history ● Filters include ○ Keywords from the contract ○ Contract vehicles ○ Service categories ○ Set asides ○ NAICS ○ PSCs ○ Zone (Geographic for BMO)
Discovery - Discovery.GSA.gov Future development ● Search by capability based key phrases that are mapped to both the contract overall and to vendors individually ● Additional filters: certifications, place of performance, contract value, contract pricing type, PSC, agency performance history ● Compare contracts side by side ● Receive market research summaries of search results ● More contract vehicles: HR Schedules, GSA IT Contracts: Alliant, Sched 70, 8(a) Stars, and more What is the best way for suppliers to certify capability key words and phrases?
Discovery - Discovery.GSA.gov How you as a Supplier should look at Discovery ● Check your information ● Talk to your CO ● Talk to your CO if your IDIQ is NOT on Discovery ● Talk to us about how you would want your information to be searchable and/or filterable in Discovery
Today - 10/15/18
Supplier Marketing Initiative
Supplier Marketing Initiative What is it In FY19, the Professional Services Category will launch a supplier marketing initiative that will arm industry partners that hold contracts on governmentwide professional services solutions (OASIS and the Professional Services Schedule) with important information about category management and related initiatives so they in turn can share those key messages as they engage federal agencies during the procurement process.
Supplier Marketing Initiative What(’s in it for suppliers) ● Reduce uncertainty about how category management is going to affect suppliers ● Learn what’s available in terms of data and tools ● Find one’s own supplier in the data ● Use the information to build a more robust opportunity pipeline in the Professional Services Category
Supplier Marketing Initiative Why 5,000 vs. 200
Supplier Marketing Initiative How Beginner Intermediate Advanced Not part of supplier Written content on The spread and use of dashboards and public marketing initiative ● Category tools to support supplier management ● MAS or IDIQ ● Best-in-Class opportunity pipelines process questions ● TDR ● How customers use ● Other category Recurring webinars on (or don’t use) GSA initiatives contracts in demand topics
Supplier Marketing Initiative How (Potential Data Sources) There is an internal discussion around which category management dashboards would help you understand how agencies are making decisions and tracking CM success. Internal D2D Dashboard Presentation Which of these are most useful to you? How this will work: 1) Participants answer the one question 2) Internal review and editing of most requested dashboard for public access 3) Inclusion of the edited dashboard in supplier marketing print, web and webinar materials.
Supplier Marketing Initiative How Rough materials Seeking supplier feedback, edits and direction. Is this useful, why/why not and how can it be better? Find a copy and mark it up!
Supplier Marketing Initiative Who Potential partners, comments and reviews are any professional services supplier on the following contract vehicles ● the Professional Services Schedule (all SINs) ● OASIS ● OASIS SB ● HCaTS ● HCaTS SB
Supplier Marketing Initiative When ● Content for review in Q1 FY19 ○ Draft content is in rough draft form ■ To be posted on Interact when approved ○ D2D Dashboard ask under PRA FAST TRACK review ● After content 80% done ○ Webinars and distribution in Q2 FY19
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