dinner debate

Dinner Debate CEWEP 28 February 2017 EP Brussels Eva Hoos C1 - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS Dinner Debate CEWEP 28 February 2017 EP Brussels Eva Hoos C1 - Renewables and CCS Policy European Commission DG ENERGY 1 #EnergyUnion CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS Waste-to-Energy: Key principles

  1. CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS Dinner Debate CEWEP 28 February 2017 EP Brussels Eva Hoos C1 - Renewables and CCS Policy European Commission – DG ENERGY 1 #EnergyUnion

  2. CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS Waste-to-Energy: Key principles Residual non-recycable waste can be a source of primary energy saving and renewable energy if used for highly efficient energy recovery through:  High-efficiency cogeneration (and trigeneration)  Efficient district heating & cooling networks  Waste reprocessing into solid, liquid & gaseous fuels that can be used through e.g. high-efficiency cogeneration, heat pumps and other advanced high efficiency technologies to produce heat/cold & power 2 #EnergyUnion

  3. CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS Final energy consumption for heating and cooling (2012) TOTAL: 547.6 Mtoe – all sectors Coal 1,7 7,0 0,0 0,1 Fuel oil 0,3 Waste non-RES: 46,5 Natural gas 2.6 Mtoe or 61,9 2,6 0.5% Other fossil fuels 63,6 Electricity Waste RES: 0.3 40,3 Mtoe or 0.1% District heating Waste non.res. District Heat: 40.3 Mtoe or Waste RES 69,3 7.4% Biomass Out of which Geothermal Non-RES waste: 20,4 4% Solar energy 233,9 RES Waste: Ambient heat TOTAL 3.1% Other RES Source: Mapping and analyses of the current and future (2020 - 2030) heating/cooling fuel deployment (fossil/renewables), N°ENER/C2/2014-641 3 #EnergyUnion

  4. CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS Key principles supported in the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Renewable Energy Directive I&II Energy Efficiency Directive : • Renewable Energy Directive:  C omprehensive Assessment of  Planning, building, renovating HE CHP and EDHC potentials urban, industrial and residential based on CBA methodology areas and energy (Art. 14, Annex VIII, IX) infrastructures, i.e. electricity, DHC, gas, alternatives (Art.15)  Mapping of potential heating & cooling supply points, incl.  RES H&C increase endeavour waste incineration plants requirement of 1 ppt/year (Art. 23)  Integrated approach, national, regional and local geographies  District heating, cooling (Art. 24)  If economic potential, MS must take measures to develop it  RES waste, advanced biofuels and waste based fuels

  5. CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS Key principles applicable for waste-to-energy Clean Energy Package, Energy Union, Energy Efficiency Directive, Renewable Energy Directive (RED I and RED II) Efficient district heating and cooling is an enabler of renewable energy and energy efficiency and a tool to mainstream renewables and energy efficiency in heating and cooling Waste-to-energy :  To be connected to district heating and cooling network  To use high-efficiency cogeneration and other efficient technologies  To be developed within an integrated energy approach, including at local and regional levels, which aims to:  Utilise local renewable and other sustainable energy resources  Optimising the use of local energy and other resources  Primary energy savings and GHG reductions  Supply security and stable competitive energy prices  Local jobs  Empowerment of consumers  Energy communities 5 #EnergyUnion

  6. CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS THANK YOU! Eva Hoos Eva.Hoos@ec.europa.eu 6 6 #EnergyUnion


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