Dia Dia Plast Plastic ic Comp Compan any y SODIAP SODIAPLAS LAST Moussa Dia, CEO SODIAPLAST, diamoussa1980@yahoo.fr +224 628107608
Summa Summary 1. Background - Problem of plastic waste management - Establishment of SODIAPLAT: Genesis / Objectives 2. Presentation of SODIAPLAST - Presence in the West African subregion - Main activities / Raw materials and finished products 3. Environmental, socio-economic dividends (gender) 4. Collaboration with UNIDO 5- Perspectives 6- Documentary video
1. Background 1.1. Problem of plastic waste management The environmentally sound management (ESM) of plastic waste (PW) remains a serious concern in Africa. In addition to gutter obstructions, livestock intoxication, burned in the open air, PW produce toxic substances (dioxins and furans) that can affect the health of populations as well as their socio-economic activities.
1. Background (continued) 1.1. Problem of plastic waste management Like other countries in the sub-region where SODIAPLAST is located (Senegal, Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone), Guinea produces 2,094,453.06 tons / year of waste, of which 485,290,704 tons / year of plastic waste, or 23.17% and 122 units of mineral water generate 4.58 t sachets (water pocket) / day (ESPPG report, 2017). Waste management infrastructure is lacking. The regulatory and legislative framework for recycling is not specific to the types of waste to be recycled, and there are shortcomings in binding measures to push particular waste producers towards their responsible management.
1. Background (continued) 1.2. Implementation of SODIAPLAT: ➢ Genesis: ➢ Loss of part of the family's livestock caused by the consumption of plastic bags by it near the wild dumps; ➢ Decision to fight plastic waste through recycling; Establishment and extension of ➢ recycling units in the sub-region of West Africa.
1. Background (continued and end) 1.2. Implementation of SODIAPLAT: ➢ Objectives: - Participate in the responsible management of plastic waste, through: - revitalization and networking of the DP collection chain; - plastic waste recycling; - Giving market value to plastic waste to motivate more people to manage responsibly
2. Presentation of SODIAPLAST 2.1. Presence in the West African sub region Su Subsidi idiary comp mpany special ialize ized in in the coll collect ection ion and recycli ling of of pla lastic ic waste, SO SODIAP DIAPLAS AST is is present in in: - Gu Guine inea: coll llection ion and and rec ecycli ling ng wi with a ca capac pacity ity of of 12 12 tons per per day day
2. Presentation of SODIAPLAST 2.1. Presence in the West African sub region -Se Senegal: coll llection ion and and recycli ling wi with a capacity ity of of 18 18 tons ons per per day day
2. Presentation of SODIAPLAST 2.1. Presence in the West African sub region -Bu Burkina ina Faso: coll llection ion and and recycli ling wi with a capacity ity of of 6 tons per per day day - Sier Sierra Leone Leone: coll llection ion and and packaging ing wi with a capacity ity of of 300 300 t per per mo month
2. Presentation of SODIAPLAST (continued) 2.2. Main activities / Raw materials and finished products ✓ Co Coll llection ion wi with affi fili liated and and priva ivate coll llector networks; ✓ Pr Pretreatme ment at at pla latforms ms near near dump mps; ✓ transportation ion of of pretreated bull llets for the recycli ling unit it
2. Presentation of SODIAPLAST (continued) 2.2. Main activities / Raw materials and finished products Recycli ling by by the me melting lting process of of pretreated PW PW in in fur furnaces fed wi with waste oil il (al (alternativ ive energy source: other recycli ling) then mo mold lding ing the plas lastic pas paste int into dif ifferent fi finish ished products.
2. Presentation of SODIAPLAST (continued and end) 2.2. Main activities / Raw materials and finished products ✓ Raw materials: soft and hard ✓ Semi-finished and finished plastics (PET, PP , HDPE and LDPE) products: broya, granula and household goods
3. Environmental, socio-economic dividends (gender) 3.1. Environmental dividends: ✓ About 36 tons / day of recycled plastic waste in Guinea, Senegal and Burkina Faso, and 300 tons / month of plastic waste collected in Sierra Leone: ✓ Participation in the sanitation of cities, the safeguarding of livestock and the minimization of the production of dioxins and furans ✓ Rationalization of natural resources ✓ Environmental cleanup and education model ✓ Contribution to the environmentally sound management of waste
3. Environmental, socio-economic dividends (gender) 3.2. Socio-economic dividends (gender): ✓ About 1,200 workers (including 400 women) are employed in the four countries of the sub-region. ✓ Profits generated in a circular economy model ✓ Participation in changing perception of plastic waste ✓ About 400 women (33.34% of the total workforce) are involved in improving the local economy.
4. Collaboration with UNIDO ➢ Guinea / SAP Pr Guinea / SAP Project ID 104064 oject ID 104064 - GFRA GFRAF11010: F11010: Eco Eco-tec technological hnological upg upgrade ade of of SODIAPLAST SODIAPLAST wi with th the int the introduction oduction of of B BAT / BEP ( T / BEP (smok smoke e tr trea eatment tment, , shr shred edding ding and pr and pre-melti melting ng for or ener energy y ef efficienc ficiency) t y) to ser o serve e as a r as a ref efer erence ence model in the model in the sub r sub region; gion; ➢ Sene Senegal / SAP ID 100114: Esta gal / SAP ID 100114: Establishment blishment and oper and operation tion of of a plast a plastic ic wast aste e pr pre-tr trea eatment tment center center in Ziguinc in Ziguinchor hor as as par part of t of the public the public- priv private te par partner tnership ship
5. Perspectives Cont Continue inue to e to expand activ xpand activiti ities es in other in other sub sub-regions gions of of Afri Africa; ca; Ex Extend ac tend activ tivities ities to to rec ecycling ling of of tir tires es and plast and plastic ic components of components of WEE WEEE; E; Pur Pursue sue and f and finaliz inalize e eco eco-tec technological hnological upg upgrade ade pr prog ograms ams wit with h UNI UNIDO DO
6- Documentary video
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