developing a strategy for effective employer engagement

Developing a Strategy for Effective Employer Engagement August 20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing a Strategy for Effective Employer Engagement August 20 th , 2015 Audio will be broadcast through your computer speakers. For assistance, please use the chat feature. Panelists: Scott Ellsworth Lucy Houchin Director Director of

  1. Developing a Strategy for Effective Employer Engagement August 20 th , 2015 Audio will be broadcast through your computer speakers. For assistance, please use the chat feature.

  2. Panelists: Scott Ellsworth Lucy Houchin Director Director of Client Services Business Leaders United Thomas P. Miller and Associates Moderator: Josie Alleman Strategic Initiatives Consultant Social Solutions 2

  3. “What does it take to engage employers?” PerformWell August 20, 2015

  4. Just an old manufacturing guy

  5. About BLU Business Leaders United for Workforce Partnerships (BLU) is the national voice of small and medium sized employers who are concerned about filling skilled positions at their companies, and who are developing public-private partnerships in their communities to better meet those skilled workforce needs.

  6. Is the Skills Gap just a great employer conspiracy? Forum organized to discuss skills gap Employers Aren’t Just Whining – the “Skills Gap” Is Real

  7. Employers generally have a narrow view of the workforce system • One-stops or American Job Centers • Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Program for Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth • Employment Service • Adult Basic Education • Vocational Rehabilitation • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Employment and Training • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training • Community and Technical College Workforce Education and Training (Postsecondary Career and Technical Education) • Apprenticeships • Corrections Employment and Training • Customized Training for Employers • Sector Partnerships

  8. Typical State Workforce System

  9. Dammit Jim, I’m a Doctor not a workforce expert!

  10. What are employers expecting - partner • Employers recognize they need to be a part of the solution • Help to understand that you’re in this with them

  11. It’s not enough to talk – DO SOMETHING • Don’t have employers attend “thinking” sessions often • Take potential from meetings and turn it into kinetic actions • Employers are looking for results, and quickly • It is better to try something and fail than do nothing.

  12. R&D – Ripoff and Duplicate • Why reinvent the wheel? – 5% Promise – Rochester, NY – Individual apprenticeships – Maysville, KY – Healthcare apprenticeships – Cincinnati, OH – Employer/lawmaker partnership – Minneapolis, MN – Skilled worker supply chain – Grand Rapids, MI – Worlds of Opportunity – Mobile, AL

  13. Contact Scott Ellsworth, Director, Business Leaders United for Workforce Partnerships (BLU)

  14. Addressing the needs of business

  15. ABOUT THO HOMAS P. MILLER AND ASSOCIATES, LL LLC • Founded in 1989 • Based in Indianapolis, IN • Full-service economic and workforce development consulting firm with extensive research and strategy planning experience • Vision of incorporating workforce development into the mainstream of economic development strategy

  16. In In a dem emand-dri riven system, , how w do we e en ensu sure we e addres ess s th the e nee eeds s of busin sines ess?

  17. THE BU BUSI SINESS LI LIFE CY CYCLE: : Source: US DOL, The New Vision of Rapid Response , November 2010 Address business needs throughout their life cycle Source: US DOL, The New Vision of Rapid Response , November 2010 17

  18. THE HE SYSTEM Edu ducatio tion Nee eeds Busi siness Sol oluti tions Collaboration & Information Sharing Econ onomic Work orkforce e Develo lopmen ent Develo lopmen ent

  19. How w do we e adopt t a coll llaborative busin siness ss services approach to address businesses’ nee eeds?

  20. ECONOMIC C Collaboration with DEVE DE VELOPMENT : • Regional & Local par artners s posi sitions s Economic Development the work rkforce sys ystem Organizations • to deliver TAA WIOA Industry Associations • Chambers of comprehensive com 5. Commerce 1. service ces to Work Together Proactively to Provide Target Seamless busi siness sses Businesses for Solutions Outreach 4. 2. WP VR Identify Interview for Comprehensive Standard Solutions for EDU DUCATION : Information Employer Needs • 3. Community Colleges Share • Career and Technical Information with All Partners Education (CTE) • 4-year Colleges & ABE VETS Universities

  21. 5 5 STEP TEPS FOR R COLLABORATIV IVE BUS BUSIN INESS SE SERVICES 1. Proactively target businesses for outreach 2. Interview for standard information 3. Share information among all partners 4. Identify comprehensive solutions for employer needs 5. Work together to provide seamless solutions to businesses

  22. STEP TEP 1: 1: PR PROACT CTIVELY TAR ARGET BU BUSIN SINESSES FOR OR OUTR OUTREACH CH • Work together to determine what filtering criteria will be used to identify companies to proactively contact • Develop a list of target companies and determining who from the partnership should contact the individual companies

  23. STEP TEP 2: 2: INT INTERVIEW FOR OR STAN ANDARD IN INFORMATION • GOAL: Gather info to understand the challenges and opportunities they are facing in their business • Develop a standard interview tool that all partners utilize when outreaching to business • Most important part of interviewing is LISTENIN ING!

  24. STEP TEP 3: 3: SH SHAR ARE INF INFORMATION AM AMONG ALL ALL PAR ARTNERS • Distill main challenges and opportunities from the interview • Determine ways to share information among all partners: • Informal communication methods (e.g. email) • Regular meetings among the team • Opportunities to leverage technology (e.g. CRM)

  25. STEP TEP 4: 4: IDE IDENTIFY COM OMPREHENSIVE SOL SOLUTIONS FOR OR EM EMPL PLOYERS S NE NEEDS • Work with partners to identify resources available to address the main challenges and opportunities • Get creative in finding solutions • Develop a comprehensive, but tailored portfolio of services to address the company’s needs

  26. STEP TEP 5: 5: WORK TOGE OGETHER TO O PR PROVIDE SE SEAMLESS SOL SOLUTIONS TO O BU BUSIN SINESS • Work with the business to prioritize services for implementation • Help navigate the process of accessing prioritized services and resources • Introduce partners and new services in a seamle less way

  27. MAI AINTAINING PAR ARTNERSHIPS  Develop a familiarity with partners services and programs  Organize regular meetings and/or other means of sharing information  Communicate, communicate, communicate! Communication + Transparency = Trust

  28. BENEFITS OF BE OF COLLABORATI TION  Expand reach/market penetration  Maximize resources in times of dwindling funding  Increase business satisfaction  Increase positive outcomes for job seekers

  29. Lucy Houchin

  30. Coming Soon DEVELOP A CULTURE OF CONTINUOUS LEARNING IN YOUR ORGANIZATION October 20 th , 2015 Register at 30

  31. Q&A Lucy Houchin Scott Ellsworth Director of Client Services Director Thomas P. Miller and Associates Business Leaders United


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