skills development

Skills Development Scotland Graeme Schmidt Employer Engagement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Skills Development Scotland Graeme Schmidt Employer Engagement Adviser Modern Apprenticeships Accounting A work-based training opportunity for new or existing staff that is designed around the Construction needs of your business.

  1. Skills Development Scotland • Graeme Schmidt • Employer Engagement Adviser

  2. Modern Apprenticeships Accounting • A work-based training opportunity for new or existing staff that is designed around the Construction needs of your business. Oil and Gas • MA’s provide the chance for an employee to achieve invaluable industry recognised Engineering accreditations whilst gaining work experience in a paid role. Sea Fishing • The MA programme is open to any employee aged 16+ Business & Admin • Over 80 MA frameworks to choose from ranging from Accounting to Vehicle Management Maintenance Financial Services • Skills Development Scotland manage the funding to contribute towards the training Glass Industry element of the MA so that the employer does not have to bear the full cost. Life Sciences • The priorities for SDS funding decisions are in line with Scottish Government policy Computers & IT imperatives, and at the time of publication are as follows: • Maximising jobs with training opportunities for young people by providing a contribution to meeting employer demand for 16-24 year olds • Maximising opportunities for the wider availability of higher level Modern Apprenticeships • For 25+ supporting the Scottish Government’s key sectors and other Frameworks

  3. Types of Modern Apprenticeships Modern Apprenticeships apply across many industry sectors and cover a range of skills . Tourism Life Sciences Manufacturing Health and & Engineering Caring Animals, Land and Energy Food and Drink Sport & Leisure Environment Just a few of the sectors covered ! Creative Industries Customer Services & Retail

  4. Our Skillsforce - The skills web service for Scotland’s employers • Our Skillsforce is a web service developed by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and partners to support Scotland’s employers • It provides employers with information on the skills support available from public sector organisations in Scotland, enabling them to quickly access the services they need

  5. Flexible Training Opportunities • The fund will provide match funding for non mandatory / non legislative training up to a value of £3000. The fund is broken down as follows: • Maximum level of payment for single company of £3000 • Match funded at 50% • Maximum amount payable for one training opportunity of £1000 • Minimum cost of threshold for training of £200 • Companies must have less than 100 employees • No limit in number of training opportunities claimed until limit reached • Claim must be submitted within 4 weeks of approved training being completed • Online Application

  6. Low Carbon Skills Fund • The fund will provide match funding for non mandatory / non legislative training up to a value of £5000. The fund is broken down as follows: • Maximum level of payment for single company of £5000 • Up to 60% Contribution for training opportunity • Maximum amount payable for one training opportunity of £1000 • Minimum cost of threshold for training of £200 • Companies must have less than 100 employees • Up to 25 employees can be trained at one time • Claim must be submitted within 4 weeks of approved training being completed • Online Application

  7. Certificate of Work Readiness • Designed in response to employers requests for work ready young people • Work experience and employer assessment • Certificate signed off by employer to show that a young person has reached an employer defined standard • Cost effective for business ‘190 hour interview’ • Gives the young person an opportunity to gain invaluable experience and a qualification that will lead them towards employment

  8. Skills for Growth A fully funded programme in partnership with Investors in People Scotland targeted at businesses with ambitions for growth and who have between 5 and 250 employees. Aims to help the business: • Clearly identify their key business objectives • Match those objectives to the people and skills needs within their company • Provide them with an outline people and training action plan that is aligned to their specific business objectives • Make best use of their skills through effective leadership and management in terms of business and skills development • Identify appropriate training courses and maximise any public sector support that is available to them

  9. Employer Recruitment Incentive • Scotland’s Employer Recruitment Incentive continues to deliver the Scottish Government’s commitment to help unemployed young people who are facing significant challenges. The aim is to encourage employers to recruit young people aged 16-29 into sustainable employment, including Modern Apprenticeships. • Scotland’s Employer Recruitment Incentive is delivered via Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities • A payment of up to £3963 is available with an additional £500 also available where an employer pays the Living Wage. Businesses can access the fund as follows: • Where a Young Person aged 16-24 enters a Modern Apprenticeship with a small/micro business of less than 50 employees. • Where a Young Person aged 16-29 with Additional Support Needs* enters employment or a Modern Apprenticeship with any size of employer (excluding Public Sector). • Where a Young Person aged 16-24 with Barriers to Employment*, enters employment or a Modern Apprenticeship with any size of employer (excluding Public Sector).

  10. Adopt an Apprentice • Adopt an Apprentice, and not only will your business benefit from a skilled trainee, but you will also receive a financial incentive. • The financial incentive will help cover wage and recruitment costs of taking on a Modern Apprentice who has been made redundant from another employer. • For businesses in the oil and gas industry, the financial incentive is £5,000. For businesses in all other industries the incentive is £2,000.

  11. Ambition

  12. Questions

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