
Engagement Global Partnership Effective Private Sector Engagement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Principles for Effective Private Sector Engagement Global Partnership Effective Private Sector Engagement Through Development Cooperation The HLM2 in Nairobi mandated the Global Partnership: to maximize the effectiveness of all forms of

  1. Principles for Effective Private Sector Engagement

  2. Global Partnership Effective Private Sector Engagement Through Development Cooperation The HLM2 in Nairobi mandated the Global Partnership: “to maximize the effectiveness of all forms of co-operation for development for the shared benefits of people, planet, prosperity, and peace” 2016 Nairobi Outcome Document The Global Partnership can: • promote the effectiveness of PSE through development cooperation; • maximize the developmental impact of partnerships between the private sector and development community • Contribute to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs through more effective partnerships

  3. Global Partnership

  4. Global Partnership Developing PSE principles: Generating evidence and inclusive consultation and dialogue Principles and Defining niche Analysis Guidelines Inclusive dialogue 2017 2018 2019 Online survey Established PSE working Workshops in all four group to guide work Steering Committee case study countries Meeting Uganda BAPA+40 Event Meetings of the • Initial mapping of Four case studies: Bangladesh, Business Leaders Caucus Principles and over 70 global, Egypt, El Salvador, and Uganda • guidelines regional and sectoral Structured review of over 900 launched at PSE platforms PSE projects Specialised Policy GPEDC SLM Dialogue (Paris, January 2019)

  5. Global Partnership Consultations: Moving from issues to principles BUSINESS LEADER CAUCUS ONLINE SURVEY SPECIALISED POLICY DIALOGUE | Identification of practical steps to | Building trust | Almost 100 respondents accelerate progress towards more | Identifying and Sharing Risks revealed importance of: • effective PSE through development | Promoting National Goals Building relationships and | Demonstrating Results co-operation trust • | Ensuring relevance to PS Raising awareness of PSE | Generated political buy-in around audiences opportunities the idea of principles • Monitoring results

  6. Global Partnership Principles for Effective Private Sector Engagement Principle 1: Inclusive Principle 2: Results and country ownership targeted impacts Strengthening Realising sustainable coordination, alignment development outcomes and capacity at the through mutual benefits country level Principle 5: Leave no- Principle 3: Inclusive one behind partnership Recognising, sharing Foster trust through and mitigating inclusive dialogue and investment risks for all consultation partners Principle 4: Transparency and accountability Measuring and disseminating sustainable development results for learning and scaling up of successes

  7. Global Partnership From Principles to Guidelines to Action [Finalised for GPEDC [Steering Committee [Next work programme] Senior Level Meeting] Meeting in Uganda] Operationalisation • Stakeholder-specific Guidelines recommendations to operationalise the principles • Give life to principles by and guidelines in practice • providing direction to Could include Principles actions recommendations, toolkits, • Non-specific rules that checklists and proposed • require further Fundamental assumptions to actions to consider and interpretation guide behaviour pitfalls to avoid. • • Apply to all stakeholders Based upon established standards • Have numerous and diverse applications • Apply to all stakeholders

  8. Global Partnership Preview of Draft Principles Brochure

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