delay test

Delay Test Virendra Singh Associate Professor C omputer A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Delay Test Virendra Singh Associate Professor C omputer A rchitecture and D ependable S ystems L ab Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay E-mail:

  1. Delay Test Virendra Singh Associate Professor C omputer A rchitecture and D ependable S ystems L ab Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay E-mail: EE-709: Testing & Verification of VLSI Circuits Lecture 27 (26 March 2013) CADSL

  2. Definitions  Controlling value (cv) : An input of a gate is said to have a controlling value if it uniquely determines the output of the gate independent of other inputs  For example, 0 for AND or NAND  A path R in a circuit is a sequence (g 0 g 1 ……g r ), where g 0 is a PI, g 1 g 2 .. are gate outputs, g r is a PO CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 2

  3. Definitions  An on-input of path R is a connection between two gates along path R  A side-input (off-input) of path R is any connection to a gate along path R other than its on-input  A path that starts at a primary input and ends at a side-input of path R is called a side-path of R CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 3

  4. Transition Delay Fault  Two faults per gate; slow-to-rise and slow-to-fall.  Tests are similar to stuck-at fault tests. For example, a line is initialized to 0 and then tested for s-a-0 fault to detect slow-to-rise transition fault.  Models spot (or gross) delay defects. CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 4

  5. Transition Delay Test Path P1 1 1 D D P2 1 1 D’ D D 1 2 3 SA0 P3 1 CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 5

  6. Transition Delay Test Single lumped inertial delay modeled for each gate PI transitions assumed to occur without time skew Path P1 0 1 D 0 D’ P2 1 D’ D D 1 2 3 SA0 P3 1 CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 6

  7. Transition Delay Test Path P1 X0 1 0D 00 1D’ P2 1 1D’ 0D 01 0D 2 3 SA0 P3 01 CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 7

  8. Path Delay Fault Cheng’s classification  Robustly testable  Non-robustly (NR) testable  Functional sensitizable (FS) testable  Functionally unsensitizable (functionally redundant ) CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 8

  9. Path Delay Fault Robust testable : detect target PDF independent of delays in rest of the circuit.  It must satisfies the following conditions  It launches the desired transition at primary input  All side inputs of target path settle to non- controlling values under V 2  Whenever the logic transition at an on-input is from non-controlling to controlling value (ncv to cv), each side-input should maintain steady non-controlling value (ncv) CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 9

  10. Path Delay Fault Robust testable CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 10

  11. Path Delay Fault Non-Robust (NR ) testable :  It must satisfies the following conditions  It launches the desired transition at primary input  All side-inputs of target path settle to non- controlling values (ncv) under V 2 CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 11

  12. Path Delay Fault Functional Sensitizable (FS) testable:  Detection of faults on paths that are sensitizable under FS criterion depends on the delays on signals outside the target path  It must satisfies the following conditions  It launches the desired transition at primary input  Whenever the logic transition at an on-input is non-controlling value (ncv) under vector V 2 , each side-input should have non- controlling value (ncv) under V 2 CADSL 25 Mar 2013 EE-709@IITB 12


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