dark matter dark energy and dark gravity

Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Dark Gravity Alan Heavens Imperial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Dark Gravity Alan Heavens Imperial College London ! Friends of Imperial College 28 January 2014 Space Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may

  1. Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Dark Gravity Alan Heavens Imperial College London ! Friends of Imperial College 28 January 2014

  2. Space… “Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.” - Douglas Adams NASA/STScI Photo: Jill Furmanovsky

  3. Birth of modern cosmology 100,000,000,000 stars Credit: ESO/S.Brunier

  4. Doppler shift Credit: San Jose State University Credit: NASA/Goddard Credit: R. O’Connell

  5. Credit: Lowell Observatory Vesto Slipher

  6. Hubble’s law Credit: CalTech Speed ∝ distance v = Hr From: Studyblue

  7. Big Bang

  8. Will it always expand? Gravity should slow it down If it is dense enough it will stop Measured by Ω Ω =1 is equivalent to Ω >1 Ω <1 a few atoms per cubic metre

  9. Ordinary matter Credit: Pearson Education £5.60. Credit: N. Wright Credit: Amazon Ω normal matter = 0 . 04 NOT ENOUGH!

  10. Dark Matter Coma cluster Fritz Zwicky (1937) Credit: NASA/JPL

  11. Vera Rubin Emilio Segre Visual Archives/AIP/SPL drawception.com Ω matter ' 0 . 27 Credit: Mark Whittle, University of Virginia

  12. Bullet cluster Dark Matter (Lensing) Galaxies Markevitch et al 2002 Clowe et al 2004 Hot Gas (X-ray) What is the dark matter?

  13. Light from the Big Bang Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson Credit: Pearson Education

  14. “Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)” Credit: CalTech

  15. Spectrum of the CMB Credit: NASA Universe must have been very dense

  16. Geometry of the Universe Planck satellite Credit: ESA and Planck team, & J. Cramer for the sounds

  17. Universe is ‘flat’ Ω total = 1 Einstein: geometry and mass content are related What is the rest? This is referred to as DARK ENERGY

  18. Supernovae

  19. Type 1a Supernova Don Dixon

  20. New one! Discovered by UCL undergraduates and supervisor These are ‘standard candles’ astronomygcse.com

  21. Measuring the expansion history Non-decelerating Universe Fainter Decelerating Universe Further back in time Distance Should appear brighter Brighter Speed

  22. They appear fainter… ! Universe is ACCELERATING! Credit: High-z SN team

  23. Nobel Prize for Physics 2011 For the discovery of the acceleration of the Universe Saul Perlmutter Brian Schmidt Adam Riess

  24. How to get acceleration Modify gravity - need something to ‘push’ Einstein’s cosmological constant “The biggest blunder of my life”

  25. General Relativity Credit: wikipedia Matter tells space-time how to curve Space-time tells matter how to move

  26. Possibilities 1 and 2 G µ ν = T µ ν curvature : matter G µ ν − Λ g µ ν = T µ ν Possibility 1: Einstein was right: the cosmological constant exists G µ ν = T µ ν + Λ g µ ν G µ ν = T µ ν + T new µ ν Possibility 2: the vacuum has energy and other strange properties (negative pressure, repulsive gravity)

  27. Vacuum energy Particle-antiparticle pairs 10 120 times too much energy If there is a vacuum energy, we have no idea why it has the Tim Jones energy it has

  28. Dark Energy Possibility 3: some new field or form of matter might be driving the acceleration ‘Quintessence’ or ‘Dark Energy’ Expansion history may be a little different

  29. Exotic possibilities Einstein Gravity works fine on small scales

  30. Possibility 4: Extra dimensions Universe may have more than 3+1 (space+time) dimensions Gravity ‘leaks out’ into the bulk Gravity in our 3+1D universe is modified Credit: DAMTP Braneworlds

  31. How can we tell? If the gravity law is changed: ! - it changes the way the Universe expands - it changes the rate at which structures grow - it changes how light gets bent by matter

  32. Weak gravitational lensing Credit: S. Colombi

  33. Credit NASA/STScI

  34. Testing gravity with lensing and galaxy surveys Growth rate agrees with Einstein Light bending agrees with Einstein Simpson et al 2013

  35. So far, it seems Einstein may have been right Λ

  36. A thorough test: EPFL Launch 2020

  37. Credit: George Dvorsky


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