cyps send implementation team

CYPS SEND Implementation Team To inspire, support and encourage all - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CYPS SEND Implementation Team To inspire, support and encourage all our Children and Young People to be the best they can be AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To update the Joint Consultative Forum on the progress of the

  1. CYPS SEND Implementation Team “To inspire, support and encourage all our Children and Young People to be the best they can be”

  2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To update the Joint Consultative Forum on the progress of the statutory effect of the full implementation of the SEND Act (Northern Ireland) 2016.

  3. THE SEN FRAMEWORK…WHERE ARE WE NOW? SEN and SEN SEND Act Inclusion Training Regulations (NI) 2016 Code of (ongoing) (NI) 2020 Practice 2020 A more responsive SEN and Inclusion Framework for children

  4. SEND IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Actions Progress EA arrangements to seek and have Guidance produced and being regard to the views of the child issued to all schools and services when making decisions about SEN. EA to have regard to the Once regulations and COP importance of the child consulted on, SEND team will work participating in decisions and with Documents group to ensure this ensure each child is provided with is facilitated on statutory forms/ information and support to enable advice templates participation in those decisions (section 1 SEND Act)

  5. SEND IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Actions Progress EA cater for the reduction in time for Achieved (Commencement Order which they can receive parental given 30 Sept 2016) representations and written evidence (29 to 22 days) and allow waiving of 22 days with parental consent, if information received earlier than 22 days. (section 6 SEND Act) EA cater for the reduced timescales Consultation responses may influence from 26 to 22 weeks for statutory timescales assessment /statementing process

  6. SEND IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Actions Progress EA arrangements in place to allow EA awaiting Commencement order for the exercise of appeal rights following consultation on Regulations following a decision not to amend a and COP statement following review. (Section 8 SEND Act) EA arrangements in place to Achievable now if required facilitate the appeal rights (contents or failure to make a statement) for parents of children under 2. (Section 9 SEND Act)

  7. SEND IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Actions Progress EA to ensure independent persons DARS Contract awarded to Global (not employed by the EA) provide a Mediation – commenced 1 st Sept service to facilitate the avoidance 2019 and resolution of disputes, for parents and children over compulsory school age. (Section 10 SEND Act) EA to ensure independent persons Contract awarded but Regulations (not employed by the EA) provide a required to implement. Mediation service in connection with appeals, for parents and children over compulsory school age (Section 10 SEND Act)

  8. SEND IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Progress Actions Research work commenced EA arrangements for the new rights of children over compulsory school Leaflets for parents/ children over age compulsory school age being designed/ Information for schools to (section 11 SEND Act) be prepared EA to determine if a child (over EA will draft a procedure for schools compulsory school age) lacks (or and others should a concern be raised. Current work is underway to may lack) capacity to exercise their set out information for schools, the rights, when the question of the procedure schools must follow if a capacity is raised. concern raised and the procedure EA will follow to determine capacity.

  9. SEND IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Progress Actions EA awaiting Regulations – Experience Requirements for LSCs – preparatory work has commenced by information will be provided by DE SEND Team when the SEN Regulations are finalised. (section 3 SEND Act) EA awaits new Code of Practice and Regulations EA implement new Statement template (Section 7 SEND Act) A software pilot will be commenced 2020 with a small number of schools EA make schools aware of the Training will take place from required content for Personal September 2020 with all schools Learning Plans (Stand alone nurseries and PEAGs excepted) (Section 3 SEND Act)

  10. SEND IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Progress Actions Overall Aim of NSRA EA to have delivered improvements A streamlined consistent process for the concerning - Notification, Referral request and receipt of advice during the and Statutory Assessment, initial statutory assessment process. specifically outputs from Phase 1 of Key areas identified: the SEN Education and Health Interface Projects Use of appropriate and consistent terminology. Sharing of information and consent. Common Education Authority (EA) and Health and Social Care Trust (HSCT) documentation relating to statutory assessment. Common HSCTs framework for handling EA requests for advice for the purpose of statutory assessment. Use of e-mail / encryption for sharing information.

  11. SEND IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Actions Progress EA to deliver SEN Capacity Building Training compendium on EA website Programme to support the including SEND training commitments introduction of the new SEN framework - Capacity Building Project - delivery of training programme Achieved EA to implement new SEN Categories – Recording Children with SEN – including changes made to C2k & EMS.

  12. SEND Team Training 2017/18 Phase 1, Briefing & Collaboration - Introduction to SEND Act briefing and collaboration with SENCos. SENCo Audit completed. Included all school Primary and Post Primary SENCos and Principals; BoG; all EA Stat Ops Staff, all EPS, CYPS HOS; Controlled Schools Support Officers and CCMS Support Officers. School SEND information pack to support SDDs. SEND Team recruited

  13. SEND TEAM TRAINING 2018/19 Phase 2, Training - Update on above training for SENCos on the new SEN and Medical Category descriptors, provided for all the above in partnership with C2k. Full teams in EA PSS, DE, ETI, SENDIST, CLC and associated bodies and Stranmillis. Also SENCo induction, Interim SENCo Handbook, SENCo clusters on focused topics, SEND Information packs for SDD. Briefings for Nurseries Phase 3 Training – The Learning Continuum & Moving forward with SEN

  14. SEND TEAM TRAINING 19/20 SENCo Induction SENCo Refresher Training Annual Review Cluster Groups New SEN Framework/Code of Practice Day 1 &2 New SEN Framework/Code of Practice Special Schools Effective Use of Adult Assistance Personal Learning Plans (software pilot) Principals’ Briefings (Roles and Responsibilities) First Time Principal’s Training with SDS Boards of Governors training 20/21 Personal Learning Plans

  15. SEND TEAM -OTHER AREAS OF WORK Examination Access arrangements (in collaboration with CCEA and JCQ) Liaison with Teacher Training Colleges to support SEN training for beginning teachers Accessibility Planning for Schools Draft LSC annual report template for schools Draft CPD Framework for SENCos Liaison with Early Years – resources for Nurseries DE Code of Practice (Code Annexes) Whole School Educational Provision/ Special Educational Provision and Provision Mapping / Provision audit G-Suite – protected website for SENCos (Training materials, DE documents, SEN Newsletter, Blogs, Have your Say and Podcasts)





  20. EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME SE N L e ar ne r Jour ne y Pr oje c t

  21. BACKGROUND TO PROGRAMME Transforming the education system to ensure it is sustainable, effective, efficient , and • critically, that it helps to ensure positive outcomes for children and young people in Northern Ireland. DE work alongside EA,CCMS and CCEA, and other stakeholders . • Build on areas of success but also tackle some of the core challenges. • “Working together. Improving Education. Transforming Lives.”

  22. SEN LEARNER JOURNEY Project Objectives To transform communication and engagement with Learners, • their parents/carers and relevant stakeholders in implementing the new SEN Framework to create a Learner centric system and improve service delivery, experience and outcomes for pupils. To maximize opportunities for effective digital case • management and information sharing , at all stages of the SEN process, while protecting data access. To improve awareness of and confidence in the SEN • registration and statutory assessment journey. “Working together. Improving Education. Transforming Lives.”

  23. KEY STATISTICS 2019 NI School Census Data Over 67,000 on the SEN Register • Over 19,000 have a statement • 378 cases referred to SENDIST during • 2018/19 “Working together. Improving Education. Transforming Lives.”

  24. PROGRESS TO DATE • Project established in February 2019 • Project Reference Group established • Linking with DE and EA colleagues • Stakeholder engagement • Draft recommendations “Working together. Improving Education. Transforming Lives.”

  25. EXPERIENCES Creating a ‘culture of My child still hasn’t lodge an Information on my received a school appeal’ child’s statement is place for generic September Lack of More timely Waiting time resources and clearer Parents feel to see an and decision overwhelmed Educational manpower Psychologist is making My child was added to the ridiculous I don’t engage with Parents SEN Register at Stage 1 Parents – I don’t unsure or not and stayed there until they have enough time informed of left school their rights


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