send roadshow

SEND Roadshow September 2019 SEND Roadshow Please download - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SEND Roadshow September 2019 SEND Roadshow Please download Mentimeter from your App store Aims of the Roadshow To achieve a better understanding of the SEND inspection and consider your own assess , plan, deliver, review cycle in

  1. SEND Roadshow September 2019

  2. SEND Roadshow Please download Mentimeter from your App store

  3. Aims of the Roadshow • To achieve a better understanding of the SEND inspection and consider your own ‘assess , plan, deliver, review’ cycle in preparation • To learn more about statutory duties and some of the processes for children with SEND which will be considered by inspectors • To hear more about the TH Self-Evaluation and gain some feedback on the high level judgements

  4. SEND reforms, roles and responsibilities

  5. What do the reforms aim to achieve? LOCAL ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES NATIONAL ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES • Implement statutory • Set and oversee statutory responsibilities framework and guidance • • Focus on effective local Monitor the health and area partnerships success of the system IMPROVED • Support the sharing • Share and use effective OUTCOMES & and development of practice to support innovative practice delivery EXPERIENCES • Publish data • FOR CHILDREN Local area plans including on user and evaluation YOUNG PEOPLE experience to support local AND THEIR accountability • Intervene in FAMILIES cases of failure INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT • Ofsted/CQC inspection of LAs & CCG • Independent challenge such as peer review

  6. What this is all for

  7. SEND Code of Practice 2015 (COP) Statutory guidance on the implementation of Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and associated regulations including • SEN and Disability Regulations 2014 • SEN (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014 • SEN and Disability (Detained Persons) Regulations 2015 • Children and Families Act 2014 (Transitional and Saving Provisions)(No 2) Order 2014

  8. What organisations does the COP apply to? • Local authorities ( education , social care and relevant housing and employment and other services) • Governing bodies of all early years providers funded by the LA, all types of schools including independent and non-maintained special schools • Governing bodies of FE colleges and sixth form colleges • Management committees of pupil referral units • National Health Service Commissioning Board • Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) • NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts • Local Health Boards • Youth Offending Teams and relevant youth custodial establishments • The First-tier Tribunal (SEN and Disability)

  9. COP – further info • Guide for parents and carers: • Guide for early years settings: • Guide for schools and alternative provision: provision-settings • Guide for further education providers: providers • Guide for social care practitioners: • Guide for health professionals:

  10. Joint Ofsted and CQC local area SEND inspection

  11. Local Area Inspection “ The framework for the inspection of local areas’ effectiveness in identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.” A judgement about the effectiveness of the local area in: • identifying children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities • assessing and meeting the needs of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities • improving outcomes for children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. How will you demonstrate the ‘assess, plan, deliver, review’ cycle?

  12. Inspectors will pay particular attention to… … the accuracy and rigour of the local area’s self- evaluation , the extent to which the local area knows its strengths and weaknesses , and what it needs to do further to improve the life chances of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities Evidence submitted for inclusion in the SEF will be triangulated against other evidence (primarily evidence from parents) to decide if it is a strength or a weakness as this will be done by inspectors

  13. Local Area Inspection • Before the inspection, the team look at the Local Offer to understand the provision for families and ensure the information is clear and up to date. Is your service information accurate? • They want to know how we assess, plan, deliver and review services across the system. What is your evidence? • They will compare this info against the evidence they see in schools, early years and other providers and importantly what parents, children and young people say. Do you know what parents and YP say about your service?

  14. Local Area Inspection • There is one week’s notice of the inspection and the actual inspection then lasts one week • The team includes two Ofsted inspectors and one Care Quality Commission inspector • Inspectors will visit providers, such as nurseries, schools, colleges and specialist services to gather evidence of how all work collaboratively together to improve the life chances of children, but the organisations are not inspected • There is a written narrative judgement, not a grade • If there are significant concerns the local area is issued with a written statement of action

  15. Local Area Inspection • We are overdue for this inspection and while we can’t be certain when it will happen, we expect it within the next six months. • This means we are on inspection footing as of now.

  16. Some tips when speaking to inspectors • Please do not panic, inspectors will be very nice to you and are keen to allow you to demonstrate good practice. • Identify evidence based, validated examples of good practice that you might like to highlight. Working with families is never perfect so don’t worry if there are some gaps, but do think about other examples of work that might highlight better practice where these exist. • Be proportionate – always answer questions honestly but please do not moan! • Inspectors are always inspecting – there is no such thing as “off the record” • If you speak to an inspector please ensure that you feed back. This will really help your colleagues who have yet to be seen.

  17. What Inspectors are looking for • Inspection focuses on three questions: – how effectively does the local area identify children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)? – how effectively does the local area assess and meet the needs of children and young people who have SEND? – how effectively does the local area improve outcomes for children and young people who have SEND?

  18. Self-Evaluation Framework (SEF)

  19. Our SEF - Identification Strengths • Information sharing agreement in place - live birth data shared across the Local Area • Ongoing work to identify future need in education through pupil sufficiency planning • Early years collaboration between maternity services, health visiting and children’s centres – delivering an integrated 2 yr developmental check and providing the basis for identification of potential SEND needs early • Dedicated clinical staff for special schools – provides clinical expertise to support children with most complex health needs • Integrated therapies pilot for under 5s – primary service provider innovation offers single therapies plan for children and high level of parental support • Processes for identifying and supporting CME – low rates

  20. Our SEF - Identification Areas for Development • Mapping multi-agency EY pathways to develop a clear understanding of the current quality of identification and assessment as well as timeliness • Mapping and development of Pathways for ASD • Refinement and sharing of the information in the Joint Strategic Needs Analysis (JSNA) • Ongoing work on data sharing across the Local Area, including work to join up information systems • Reducing the numbers of children/families not accessing services (30%) and improving early, targeted intervention to children with needs • Regular joint training on the processes for Section 23 notification • Ongoing work to improve the accessibility and transparency of the SEND Panel • Use of the Mental Health in Schools trailblazer to identify and support CYP with mental health needs.

  21. Our SEF Identification • Using Mentimeter ….. • Do these points seem right? Is there anything that we have missed?

  22. Our SEF - Assessment Strengths • CAMHS triage - provide an initial assessment of need and supports the current 5-week waiting time for CAMHS and thus timely interventions for children with SEND • Significant increase in rates of EHCP Completion in the last 12 months • Developing programme of joint commissioning – currently integrating commissioning arrangements for CAMHS, Therapies and piloting a joint short breaks offer to create more joined up services for children with SEND • Local Offer - Improved website, consultation with parents and young people ongoing to ensure it remains fit for purpose – users increasing monthly; information regularly updated • Our SEND Ambassadors support parents through this process and are valued highly.


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