the graduated approach

The graduated approach.. C&F Scrutiny Committee 13 th September - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SEND in Gloucestershire The graduated approach.. C&F Scrutiny Committee 13 th September 2018 Context 1) Implementation of SEND Reforms 1) Rise in number of children with identified SEND 3) High Needs funding for local authorities SEND

  1. SEND in Gloucestershire The graduated approach….. C&F Scrutiny Committee 13 th September 2018

  2. Context 1) Implementation of SEND Reforms 1) Rise in number of children with identified SEND 3) High Needs funding for local authorities

  3. SEND Reform - Principles • Graduated response to meet needs at the most appropriate level; • Integrated approach to identifying and meeting needs through an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP); • Focus on outcomes; • Co-production with parents, carers and children and young people; • Working towards preparation for adulthood at all stages

  4. Ofsted: They Said, We Did… They Said We Did Clear Vision for SEND Broadened multi-agency approach with Joint Additional Needs Strategy Strong Supported Internship Expanded providers engaged in model delivering this Informative Local Offer Included use of video’s to engage young people Effective working with Employed a parent carer consultant parents/carers within the High Needs programme

  5. Ofsted: They Said, We Did… They Said We Did Broaden parent carer Working with new forum to involvement widen their membership Further provision for 19-25 Developed multi-agency working to forward plan need Help families access support Reshaped education services to available better support range of SEND Drive up academic performance Focused on specific provision to improve school resources for children with SEND

  6. Where we are now…  Strong multi-agency — Continued increase in partnership across the county children with EHCPs  Greater holistic support — Rise in children becoming available at Early Help level electively home educated  Recent increase in children — Increase in children identified as receiving SEN permanently excluded until Support last year

  7. Next Steps High needs programme – implementation from Oct 2018: 1) • More children with needs met locally • More flexible provision on offer • Greater community inclusion • Pathways into employment and independence 2) Develop Quality framework for SEND and additional needs 3) Develop multi-agency participation strategy for parent carers and children and young people 4) Co-ordinate LA Closing the Gap activity with partnership Strategic School Improvement Fund projects to improve attainment


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