cwg s service station

CWGs Service Station Innovation Our Approach proach to Paymen ent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CWGs Service Station Innovation Our Approach proach to Paymen ent t System tem Termina minals Soluti lution 1 Dynamics in the retail/petroleum market (Publications) Ernst &Young (2012): - Confirmed the consistent increase in

  1. CWG’s Service Station Innovation Our Approach proach to Paymen ent t System tem Termina minals Soluti lution 1

  2. Dynamics in the retail/petroleum market (Publications) Ernst &Young (2012): - Confirmed the consistent increase in marketing margins in the downstream compared to upstream/refining margins - Recommended expansion and optimization of retail marketing networks to improve market share SUPA (2008): Identified Operation loss of -3.0USD/Bbl equivalent to 2.45N/litre due to operational cost, this has increased YoY. Honey well oil (2005) increases its retail network by 100% over a period of 1 year. Indicating a consistent growth in the downstream sector especially the unstructured.

  3. Dynamics in the retail/petroleum market (market analysis)  The downstream market in Nigeria has Upstream Retail Av. No of Retail Distributor more than 2000 retail companies out of Operator Outlet pumps which are the below major players in the Total Nig Total Plc. 500 2008 industry Oando Oando 500 2000  Total cash estimate handled by retailers as Mobil oil Exxon Mobil 200 876 at 2011 is about 168bn per month in Naira Con oil Shell 300 1152  AGO- Automotive Gas oil - Diesel DPK – Dual purpose kerosene – Cooking MRS Texaco 340 1360 Kerosene Forte oil AP 431 1724 PMS – Premium Motor Spirit – Petrol Independent marketers 7942 31768 ATK – Aviation Turbine Kerosene – Aircraft 10,213.00 40,888.00 M A R KET SH A R E OF LOC A L D ELIVER IES/ SA LES B Y M A R KET ER GR OUP S (Litres and P ercentage) A v. M o nthly cash T o tal handled per mo nth (@ sales/ perliter N 96 per Litre) M A R KET ER P M S % A GO % H H K % A T K % Forte oil 1 00,1 91 ,274 8.1 4 1 1 ,257,51 3 3.74 3,260,674 1 .86 8,595,01 7 1 7.94 1 23,304,478 1 1 ,837,229,888.00 M RS 1 02,633,763 8.34 6,469,056 2.1 5 1 ,51 5,899 0.86 7,852,334 1 6.39 1 1 8,471 ,052 1 1 ,373,220,992.00 Conoil 44,934,31 3 3.65 20,1 1 7,800 6.68 7,985,080 4.55 3,821 ,000 7.97 76,858,1 93 7,378,386,528.00 M obil 47,1 25,71 3 3.83 969,000 0.32 41 6,340 0.24 0 0 48,51 1 ,053 4,657,061 ,088.00 Oando 1 1 5,032,681 9.34 1 6,1 58,251 5.36 1 ,884,300 1 .07 2,363,500 4.93 1 35,438,732 1 3,002,1 1 8,272.00 Total 89,496,949 7.27 1 1 ,51 5,047 3.82 3,403,200 1 .94 1 0,905,281 22.76 1 1 5,320,477 1 1 ,070,765,792.00 Independent marketers 51 1 ,993,675 41 .59 1 97,883,575 65.68 1 46,81 6,1 1 7 83.59 1 4,383,072 30.1 871 ,076,439 83,623,338,1 44.00 NNPC 21 9,560,602 1 7.84 36,901 ,581 1 2.25 1 0,346,587 5.89 0 0 266,808,770 25,61 3,641 ,920.00 Total 1 ,230,968,970 1 00 301 ,271 ,823 1 00 1 75,628,1 97 1 00 47,920,204 1 00.09 1 ,755,789,1 94 1 68,555,762,624.00

  4. Retail Industry Challenges  Win customer trust and gain long-term relationships  Be different from the competition by better customer service and comfort  Be close to the customer  Manage and strengthen customer relationships Service Orientation ● Pressure on margins ● Labour cost ● Service station Innovation Productivity ● Qualification & skills Improvement and ● Complexity of processes automation ● Increasing IT ● Business Models complexity ● Point of sale ● Consumer trends pilfering ● New Technology Cost Optimization ● outsourcing and automation of processes ● Increase employee productivity ● short term ROI ● improve position in strong price competition ● Cost reduction

  5. The Solution

  6. The Solution • Forecourt Management • Site Management • Retail Convenience • Support/Services • Control and integrate your complete forecourt through holistic solutions from unmanned to full • Efficient site operation and increased profitability through optimized end-to- end business processes. • Maximize the value of your business through our comprehensive service and support portfolio. • Gain additional revenue through innovative and retail-proven customer service solutions.

  7. The Solution Architecture 7

  8. Technology and Processes The Processes

  9. Smart Services (VAS) namos rfid payment NAMOS CASH SH


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