cwe presentation rubric candidate s name presentation

CWE PRESENTATION RUBRIC Candidates Name: Presentation Topic: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CWE PRESENTATION RUBRIC Candidates Name: Presentation Topic: Date: Criteria:

  1. CWE PRESENTATION RUBRIC Candidate’s Name: Presentation Topic: Date: Criteria: Performance Ratings: Candidate Score: Organization: 0 –1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Learning objectives are Learning objectives are Learning objectives are Learning objectives are Learning objectives are Learning not stated and the not specifically stated stated but not entirely clearly stated and clearly stated and Objectives purpose of the but the purpose of the focused or developed. fulfilled. fulfilled. Objectives align presentation remains presentation becomes with the audience’s clear as it progresses. unfocused and unclear. goals, knowledge, and expectations. Comments: Organization: 0 – 2: 3 – 4: 5 – 6: 7 – 8: 9 – 10: Lack of organization Presenter does not Presenter presents Presenter presents Presenter presents Sequence/Flow of makes the presentation follow a logical sequence information in a logical information in a logical, information in a logical, Information very difficult or or seems to “jump sequence which the interesting sequence that interesting sequence that impossible to understand around.” Lack of audience can follow. the audience can follow. the audience can follow; or follow. organization makes sequence is previewed in presentation difficult to the speech introduction. follow. Comments: Organization: 0 – 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Introduction is not Introduction is made but All three components All three components All of the following are Introduction, attempted, conclusion is not effective, conclusion are serviceable and at are serviceable and at achieved: Introduction Transitions, abrupt or not attempted, is abrupt, and/or least one of the following least two of the following captures attention, and/or transitions are transitions are awkward. is achieved: Introduction are achieved: transitions are smooth, Conclusion not attempted or captures attention, Introduction captures and conclusion is altogether missing. transitions are smooth, attention, transitions are compelling and memorable. or conclusion is smooth, or conclusion is compelling and compelling and memorable. memorable. Comments: 0 – 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Organization: Presentation does not Presentation does not Presentation is obviously Presentation finishes in Presentation finishes in Timeliness finish in the allotted time finish in the allotted time rushed or slowed down the allotted time; some the allotted time; time frame and exceeds or frame and exceeds or in parts in order to material is rushed or allotted for each section misses the time frame by misses the time by up to achieve the required slowed down in order to is appropriate to the more than 10%. 10%. time frame. achieve the time frame. content. Comments:

  2. 0 - 3 4 - 8 9 - 13 14 – 17: 16 – 20: Content: More than three facts Most facts are correct. Most facts are correct, Presenter demonstrated All facts are correct, and Statements are are incorrect. Ideas very Mostly simplistic or but technical details and a good grasp of the topic. the technical explanation factual and simplistic, presenter unfocused ideas, little or explanation is lacking. Most facts are correct, is both concise and shows signs of confusion no sense of purpose or Presenter appears to and the technical complete. Presenter relevant or misunderstanding of control or the topic. grasp the topic but explanation is adequate. demonstrates an the topic, focus not clear. appears at times to be excellent grasp of the weak, unclear, or too topic. broad in scope. Comments: Content: 0 – 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Basic wine terms are The presentation The presentation The presentation Exceptional accuracy of Pronunciation of misused or contains 5 or more l contains 3 or 4 errors in contains 1 or 2 errors in use and pronunciation of wine-related mispronounced errors of usage or the use or pronunciation the use or pronunciation wine-related terms. throughout the pronunciation of wine- of wine-related terms. of wine-related terms. terms presentation. related terms. Comments: 0 – 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Content: Content does not relate Content is only Content addresses the Content is valuable and Content is valuable and Appropriate for to the audience’s needs, sometimes appropriate topic at hand; speaker relevant to the audience; relevant to the audience; Targeted interests, or level of for the knowledge level understands the topic presentation is likely to presentation makes a knowledge. of the audience. but may speak above or add to the audience’s significant contribution Audience below the level of knowledge. to the audience’s audience knowledge. knowledge. Comments: 13 - 15: Supporting 0 – 3: 4 - 6: 7 - 9: 10 - 12: No supporting visual Visual aids, graphics, or Visual aids, graphics, or Visual aids, graphics, or Visual aids, graphics, or Materials aids, graphics, or support support materials are support materials are support materials are support materials are of material is used. used but do not increase used in a way that used in a way that a professional quality or are a distraction from somewhat supports supports the material and are used in a way audience understanding. audience understanding. and audience that supports audience understanding. engagement. Comments: Oration: Voice 0 – 2: 3 - 4: 5 - 6: 7 - 8: 9 - 10: Presenter mumbles, Presenter is sometimes Presenter speaks in a Verbal expression is Verbal expression is and Demeanor audience members hard to hear or follow clear voice and can be proficient but some clear, comprehensible, cannot hear, due to mumbling, heard by the audience, inconsistency in skill may and articulate. overwhelming use of distracting gestures, or but is somewhat be observed. filler words, distracting use of distracting filler monotone or distracting. gestures. words. Comments:

  3. 0 – 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Oration: Method The speaker obviously Over-dependence on Speaker has clearly Speaker is well- Speaker is obviously well- of Delivery reads the presentation. notes is observed; visual rehearsed the rehearsed, somewhat rehearsed, confident aids may overwhelm the presentation, however confident with the regarding the material, speaker or distract the some dependence on material, and generally and able to speak audience. notes is observed. able to speak extemporaneously. extemporaneously. Comments: 0 – 2: 3 – 4: 5 – 6: 7 – 8: 9 – 10: Audience Speaker is dismissive, Speaker is unresponsive Speaker is responsive to Speaker is generally Speaker is responsive to Engagement alienating, or hostile to the audience and the audience at various responsive to the the audience; speaker towards the audience. shows little points throughout the audience and uses a variety of understanding of presentation. demonstrates the use of audience engagement audience engagement. some audience techniques throughout. engagement techniques. Comments: Professionalism 0- 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Demeanor and Demeanor or appearance Demeanor and Demeanor or appearance Demeanor and appearance is are somewhat appearance is acceptable is professional and appearance are both unprofessional and unprofessional or for the context of the appropriate to the highly professional and inappropriate for the inappropriate for the presentation. context of the appropriate to the setting. setting. presentation. context of the presentation. Comments: Total Score out of a Possible 100: Pass or Fail (Minimum passing score is 65): Evaluator/Name and Signature: Additional Comments:

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