

II APPENDIX II FINAL PRESENTATION SCORING RUBRIC TEACHER for grades 9-12; Common Core State Standards ELA The scoring rubric is a clear and concrete way of assessing Common Core State Standards (CCSS) commonly used in project based learning

  1. II APPENDIX II FINAL PRESENTATION SCORING RUBRIC – TEACHER for grades 9-12; Common Core State Standards ELA The scoring rubric is a clear and concrete way of assessing Common Core State Standards (CCSS) commonly used in project based learning (PBL). The Real Food Lab fjnal presentation emphasizes communication skills, a core component of project based learning (PBL). Communication skills emphasized include: developing an efgective presentation, presenting to an audience, and evaluating peer presentations. This rubric has been designed to help teachers evaluate student presentations using CCSS. Note: a copy of all completed rubrics will be submitted to TKC upon completion, please omit student names. Student Name(s): Date: Communication No Credit Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Above Standard Skills in PBL (0 points) (2 points) (6 points) (12.5 points) (Extra Credit) Does not Does not present Presents information that is Presents information clearly, Explanation of Ideas speak during information clearly, not always clear, concise, concisely, and logically; and Information presentation. concisely, and logically; and logical; line of reason is audience can easily follow the SWBAT create an original audience cannot follow sometimes hard to follow. line of reasoning. (9-12.SL.4) business plan using Group does the line of reasoning. entrepreneurial skills and not create a Attempts to select Selects information, develops knowledge gain through presentation. Selects information, information, develop ideas ideas and uses a style the Real Food Lab develops ideas and uses a and use a style appropriate appropriate to the purpose, curriculum. style inappropriate to the to the purpose, task, and task and audience. (9-12.W.4) purpose, task, and audience. audience, but does not fully succeed. Selects information that Selects information that conveys ideas, concepts, convey ideas, concepts, and Attempts to select and information clearly and information unclearly and information that convey accurately. (9-12.W.2) inaccurately. ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately, does not succeed. Group does Does not meet requirements Meets most requirements for Meets all requirements for Organization not create a for what should be included what should be included in what should be included in WBAT develop a clear, presentation. in the presentation. the presentation. the presentation. concise, and informative presentation that meets Uses time poorly. The whole Generally, times presentation Organizes time well, no part the design challenge. presentation, or a part of it, is well, but may spend too of the presentation is too long. too short or too long. much or too little time on a topic or an idea. Presentation provides Presentation provides evidence of research that no evidence of research Presentation provides addresses the design that addresses the design minimal evidence of research challenge. (9-12.W.7) challenge. that addresses the design challenge. This rubric was developed from The Buck Institute for Education, Presentation Rubric for Project Based Learning Note: The scoring rubric may be used on a student by student basis, or may be used to assess an entire group presentation. It is up to the teacher’s discretion to implement and use scoring rubric in a manner that is best fjt for their classroom.

  2. APPENDIX II FINAL PRESENTATION SCORING RUBRIC – TEACHER for grades 9-12; Common Core State Standards ELA Student Name(s): Date: Communication No Credit Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Above Standard Skills in PBL (0 points) (2 points) (6 points) (12.5 points) (Extra Credit) Does not use Attempts to use visual aids or Uses visual aids or media, but Uses well-produced visual Presentation Aids visual aids or media, but they do not add they may sometimes distract aids or media to enhance SWBAT design a media. to or may distract from the from tor not add to the understanding of reasoning presentation using presentation presentation. and to add interest. (9-12.SL.5) technology to efgectively communicate ideas. Sometimes has trouble Smoothly incorporates incorporating visual or visual aids or media into media aids smoothly into the presentation. presentation. Uses technology, including the internet, to produce an efgective presentation. (9-12.W.6) Does not Attempts to address Answers audience questions, Answers audience questions Response to respond to audience questions (goes but not always clearly or clearly and completely. Audience Questions audience ofg topic or misunderstands completely. (9-12.SL.3) SWBAT interpret inquires questions. without seeking clarifjcation). and synthesize a Seeks clarifjcation, admits “I cohesive response. don’t know” or explains how the answer might be found when unable to answer a question. (9-12.SL.1) Group does not Not all members participate, All team members All team members participate Participation in Team present. only one or two speak. participate, but not equally. for about the same length of Presentation time. SWBAT collaborate efgectively to produce an All team members can answer efgective presentation. questions about the topic, not just their part of it. (9-12.SL.1) This rubric was developed from The Buck Institute for Education, Presentation Rubric for Project Based Learning Note: The scoring rubric may be used on a student by student basis, or may be used to assess an entire group presentation. It is up to the teacher’s discretion to implement and use scoring rubric in a manner that is best fjt for their classroom.

  3. APPENDIX II FINAL PRESENTATION SCORING RUBRIC – TEACHER for grades 9-12; Common Core State Standards ELA Student Name(s): Date: Communication No Credit Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Above Standard Skills in PBL (0 points) (2 points) (6 points) (12.5 points) (Extra Credit) Does not ask Does not ask questions. Asks questions that are not Asks questions clearly and Peer Evaluation questions. clear or complete. completely and provides Perspective Attempts to complete all clarifjcation, as needed. SWBAT assess their Completes zero student scoring rubrics. Asks questions that distract (9-12.SL.3) peers’ presentations student scoring from the presentation topic. using the student rubric. rubrics. Develops questions that are Completes all student relevant to and build upon the scoring rubrics. presentation topic. (9-12.SL.1) Does not Does not use domain- Attempts to used domain- Acquires and uses accurately Usage of Curriculum speak during specifjc words and phrases specifjc words and phrases domain-specifjc words Vocabulary presentation. during the presentation. during the presentation, but and phrases during the SWBAT generate original does not succeed. presentation. (9-12.L.6) thoughts and ideas using Real Food Lab curriculum vocabulary. Does not Does not demonstrate Demonstrates command of Demonstrates command of Usage of Standard speak during command of the the conventions of standard the conventions of standard English Conventions presentation conventions of standard English grammar and usage English grammar and usage SWBAT develop and English grammar. in presentation text and while in presentation text and while deliver presentation text speaking, most of the time. speaking. (9-12.L.1) that is free of spelling, Does not demonstrate capitalization, grammar, command of the Demonstrates command of Demonstrates command of and punctuation errors. conventions of standard the conventions of standard the conventions of standard English capitalization, English capitalization, English capitalization, punctuations, and spelling. punctuations, and spelling in punctuations, and spelling in presentation text, most of the presentation text. (9-12.L.2) time. This rubric was developed from The Buck Institute for Education, Presentation Rubric for Project Based Learning Note: The scoring rubric may be used on a student by student basis, or may be used to assess an entire group presentation. It is up to the teacher’s discretion to implement and use scoring rubric in a manner that is best fjt for their classroom.

  4. APPENDIX II FINAL PRESENTATION SCORING RUBRIC – TEACHER for grades 9-12; Common Core State Standards ELA Summary Table: Student Name(s): Date: Communication No Credit Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Above Standard Notes: Skills in PBL (0 points) (2 points) (6 points) (12.5 points) (Extra Credit) Explanation of Ideas and Information Organization Presentation Aids Response to Audience Questions Participation in Team Presentation Peer Evaluation Perspective Usage of Curriculum Vocabulary Usage of Standard English Conventions /100 This rubric was developed from The Buck Institute for Education, Presentation Rubric for Project Based Learning Note: The scoring rubric may be used on a student by student basis, or may be used to assess an entire group presentation. It is up to the teacher’s discretion to implement and use scoring rubric in a manner that is best fjt for their classroom.


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