css custom properties variables

CSS Custom Properties (variables) Joan Boone jpboone@email.unc.edu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INLS 572 Web Development CSS Custom Properties (variables) Joan Boone jpboone@email.unc.edu Slide 1 When CSS Custom Properties can be useful Purple, gold, red, dark teal, and green are used throughout the Weaver Street Market website

  1. INLS 572 Web Development CSS Custom Properties (variables) Joan Boone jpboone@email.unc.edu Slide 1

  2. When CSS Custom Properties can be useful Purple, gold, red, dark teal, and green are used throughout the Weaver Street Market website • Large websites often have lengthy style sheets with many duplicate values • For example, the color scheme may reuse three or four colors throughout the site • Changing this data can be difficult and error- prone since it is scattered throughout the style sheet(s). Slide 2

  3. CSS Custom Properties (or variables) CSS variables can be used to define a specific value that can then be reused throughout your web page Syntax Define a variable: :root {--heading-color: sienna;} • Use the variable: h2 {color: var(--heading-color);} • References  w3schools: CSS Variables  MDN: Using CSS custom properties (variables)  W3C: CSS Custom Properties (Candidate Recommendation, 2015)  W3C: CSS Custom Properties (Editor's Draft, 2020)  Caniuse: Browser support for CSS Variables NOTE: CSS Variables are not well-supported by CSS Validation Service Slide 3

  4. Using CSS Custom Properties Define variables :root { --main-bg-color: #75cdcb; --heading-color: gold; --text-color: #22474f; } Use the variables Click here to view background-color: var(--main-bg-color); in CodePen color: var(--heading-color); color: var(--text-color); nc-national-parks-CSS-variables.html Slide 4

  5. CSS Custom Properties: Use Cases • CSS Variables explained with 5 examples • CSS-Tricks: Patterns for Practical CSS Custom Properties Use • Website theme switching...  Smashing: How to Configure Application Color Schemes With CSS Custom Properties  How to create better themes with CSS variables  CSS Only Theme Switcher Slide 5


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