electronic packaging

Electronic Packaging Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Electronic Packaging Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal Fabrication Machining Castings Extrusions Metal Injection Molding Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal

  1. Electronic Packaging Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal Fabrication Machining Castings Extrusions Metal Injection Molding Custom Metal Fabrication Custom Metal Custom Faceplate And Electro Mechanical Forging Fabrication Assemblies Assemblies Design - Build Finishing - Assembly

  2. Electronic Packaging Custom Extruded Faceplates, Machined Knobs, Custom Extruded Faceplate Assemblies Custom Extruded Faceplate Assemblies Machined Knobs EMI Cosme5cs Accessories Latches Fabric over Foam Labels Cap<ve Fasteners Standard Latches Fingerstock Paint/Powder Coat Grounding Studs Elma & Southco or Conduc<ve Elastomer Brush & Anodize Micro switches Custom Latches Panel Stamped Extruded Cast

  3. Electronic Packaging Stamped Metal - Premium Quality Internal Tool Development Single and Progressive Precision Metal Stamping Precision Metal Stamping & Manufacturing Die Production Lines Metals Imported From Japan, Experienced & Innovative tool Korea, Germany 190 mechanical presses design team. ranging from 12 – 200 tons JIS Certified and Approved RoHS Compliant 4 oil hydraulic punch presses ranging from 120 – 350 tons Paint Electro Mechanical Logistics Silk Screen Wet and Powder Coating Assemblies Vendor Managed Inventory Internal Semi auto wet paint & powder coating line 100,000 Class Clean Room Lead Times Tooling 4 to 6 Weeks Production Lead Time 5 to 7 Weeks

  4. Electronic Packaging Sealing – Bonding - Gasketing

  5. Raw Materials Aluminum Magnesium Zinc Steel Copper

  6. Raw Materials - K-Alloy™ Die Casting Alloy Increase In Thermal Benefits K-Alloy/A304 Benefits Conduc<vity - A 15% increase in thermal -Same cast ability and flow proper<es -Patented cas<ng alloy. -Excellent corrosion resistance offers conduc<vity when compared to as standard die cast alloys. unique engineering solu<ons. standard die cas<ng alloys like A380. -Protect most cri<cal components from -Same shrink factors as exis<ng molds. harsh opera<ng environments. -BePer thermal conduc<vity for improved cooling (15% over A380). -Die life similar to A380. -Significantly improved thermal conduc<vity & elonga<on proper<es -High elonga<on proper<es. -No special tooling or process when compared to other aluminum die parameters required. cas<ng alloys . -Superior finishing quality for high . polish applica<ons. Enhanced Elonga<on -Eliminates pre and post processing Proper<es needs such as anodizing and paint - (5% vs. 3.5%) compared to standard die cas<ng alloys significantly improves fastener reten<on. -Elonga<on of heat treated K-Alloy has been measured between 8% - 14% making it a desirable material for structural components.

  7. Finishing – Including Where Cosmetics Are Critical Anodizing Chromate Electro Pla5ng E Paint- Powder Coa5ng

  8. Engineering Mechanical Design Collabora<ve Engineering Thermal Design Engineering Engineering Before AFer

  9. Why Baknor Vendor Managed Logis<cs Engineering Support Quality Assurance Inventory Industry Leaders in Con5nuous Ship Globally Support For NPI Process For Improvement FOB Points Very Flexible Various Inventory Including CIF Leading Edge Programs Programs Product Development Correc5ve Ac5on Resolu5on Process In house engineering talent allows Baknor to provide value during the Significant resources have been design stage. invested to iden<fy and maintain stable, high quality capacity.

  10. Why Baknor Very Compe<<ve in Engineering Talent For Cost Leaders In Mid-volume, High Low Volume, High Mix Produc<on Reduc<on Requirements Complexity Custom Solu<ons. Requirements


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