crowding out in context

Crowding- out in Context When and How Does Government Support - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Crowding- out in Context When and How Does Government Support Affect Charitable Giving? Arjen de Wit Philanthropic Studies, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam Philanthropy Research Workshop IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indianapolis

  1. Crowding- out in Context When and How Does Government Support Affect Charitable Giving? Arjen de Wit Philanthropic Studies, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam Philanthropy Research Workshop IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indianapolis November 10, 2016

  2. The crowding- out hypothesis 1962 1840 1953 Milton Friedman Alexis de Tocqueville Robert Nisbet

  3. The crowding- out hypothesis 1962 1840 1953 Milton Friedman Alexis de Tocqueville Robert Nisbet “For every welfare state, if social obligations become increasingly public, then its institutional arrangements crowd out private obligations or make them at least no longer necessary” (Van Oorschot and Arts 2005: 2)

  4. Theories of altruism  Behavioral economics  Utility function includes preference for provision of public good  Public good can be provided in different ways, mandatory or voluntary

  5. What role for the state?

  6. What role for the state?

  7. What role for the state?

  8. What role for the state?

  9. What role for the state?

  10. Figure 1: Mechanisms of crowding-out and crowding-in Mechanisms of crowding- out and crowding- in Total Government charitable Macro support donations Meso Micro

  11. Figure 1: Mechanisms of crowding-out and crowding-in Mechanisms of crowding- out and crowding- in Total Government charitable Macro support donations Meso Micro Charitable donations

  12. Figure 1: Mechanisms of crowding-out and crowding-in Mechanisms of crowding- out and crowding- in Total Government charitable Macro support donations Fundraising Meso Information Micro Charitable donations

  13. Figure 1: Mechanisms of crowding-out and crowding-in Mechanisms of crowding- out and crowding- in Total Government charitable Macro support donations Meso Information Micro Values Charitable donations Resources

  14. Figure 1: Mechanisms of crowding-out and crowding-in Mechanisms of crowding- out and crowding- in Total Government charitable Macro support donations Fundraising Meso Information Micro Values Charitable donations Resources

  15. What's the evidence? Publication: w044.abstract Pre-print, data, documentation:

  16. What's the evidence?

  17. What's the evidence? Experimental: -0.643 Nonexperimental: 0.056

  18. Meta- regression model (1) p (crowding-in) ij / (1 – p (crowding-in) ij ) = β 0 + u j + β 1 X 1ij + β 2 X 2j + … + β k X kij + ε ij Probability of finding a positive correlation of the i th estimate in the j th study u j is the study-specific intercept β k is the regression coefficient of the k th independent variable ε ij is the error term for each estimate Controls: year of publication, sample size (ln)

  19. Meta- regression model (2) Y ij = β 0 + u j + β 1 X 1ij + β 2 X 2j + … + β k X kij + ε ij Effect size of the i th estimate in the j th study u j is the study-specific intercept β k is the regression coefficient of the k th independent variable ε ij is the error term for each estimate Controls: year of publication, sample size (ln)

  20. Different designs, different findings (1) Logistic regression results, among non-experimental studies Less generous welfare states 0.444 (0.477) FE or FD specification 3.460* (2.197) Instrumental Variables 0.460 (0.236) Subsidies to organizations 9.388** (8.399) Only central government 3.555* (2.543) Only lower government 0.947 (1.300) (Constant) 0.000 (0.000) Rho 0.429 Studies 49 Observations 306

  21. Different designs, different findings (2) GLS regression results, among non-experimental studies Less generous welfare states 0.193 (0.433) FE or FD specification -0.069 (0.151) Instrumental Variables -0.005 (0.122) Subsidies to organizations 0.047 (0.280) Only central government 0.359* (0.208) Only lower government 0.079 (0.355) (Constant) -21.081 (20.483) Rho 0.116 Studies 36 Observations 220

  22. Empirical questions  Macro: What is the incidence and level of donations across countries?  Meso: How are changes in subsidies related to changes in donations to organizations?  Micro: how do people respond to actual policy changes?

  23. Empirical questions  Macro: What is the incidence and level of donations across countries?  Meso: How are changes in subsidies related to changes in donations to organizations?  Micro: how do people respond to actual policy changes?

  24. Cross- country comparison  De Wit, A., Neumayr, M., Wiepking, P., & Handy, F. Government Expenditures and Philanthropic Donations: Exploring Crowding-Out with Cross-Country Data

  25. Cross- country comparison  De Wit, A., Neumayr, M., Wiepking, P., & Handy, F. Government Expenditures and Philanthropic Donations: Exploring Crowding-Out with Cross-Country Data  Fri, November 18, 3:45 to 5:15pm Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill, Thornton B

  26. Cross- country comparison  Individual International Philanthropy Database (IPD)  19 countries: Australia, France, UK, the Netherlands, US, Canada, Norway, Finland, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, Austria, Indonesia, Taiwan, Ireland, Israel, Russia, Germany and Switzerland.  Context data: IMF

  27. No strong correlation

  28. Different nonprofit regime types

  29. Different nonprofit regime types

  30. Multilevel regression model (1) p (Y) ij / (1 – p (Y) ij ) = β 0 + u j + β 1 G j + … + ε ij Probability that respondent i in country j donates u j is the country-specific intercept G j is government expenditures in country j ε ij is the error term for each observation Controls: GDP per capita (L2), age, education, gender, marital status, income (L1)

  31. Multilevel regression model (2) ln(Y ij ) = β 0 + u j + β 1 G j + … + ε ij Natural logarithm of amount donated by respondent i in country j , conditional on donating u j is the country-specific intercept G j is government expenditures in country j ε ij is the error term for each observation Controls: GDP per capita (L2), age, education, gender, marital status, income (L1)

  32. Total giving: No association P<.05

  33. However…  Positive and negative correlations may cancel each other out  There could be different effects in different nonprofit subsectors  Government support in social welfare could drive donors to other ‘expressive’ subsectors

  34. Multilevel regression model (3) p (Y) ijs / (1 – p (Y) ijs ) = β 0 + u js + β 1 G js + … + ε ijs Probability that respondent i in country j donates to sector s u js is the country/sector-specific intercept G js is government expenditures to sector s in country j ε ijs is the error term for each observation Controls: GDP per capita (L2), age, education, gender, marital status, income (L1)

  35. Multilevel regression model (4) ln(Y ijs ) = β 0 + u js + β 1 G js + … + ε ijs Natural logarithm of amount donated by respondent i in country j to sector s , conditional on donating u js is the country/sector-specific intercept G js is government expenditures to sector s in country j ε ijs is the error term for each observation Controls: GDP per capita (L2), age, education, gender, marital status, income (L1)

  36. Crowding- in of donors P<.05 P<.01 P<.05

  37. Crosswise crowding- in (1)

  38. Crosswise crowding- in (1)

  39. Crosswise crowding- in (2)  Y ijs = Donations to environment, international aid, or arts and culture  G js = Government expenditures to social protection and health

  40. Crosswise crowding- in (3) P<.01 P<.01 P<.10

  41. Empirical questions  Macro: What is the incidence and level of donations across countries?  Meso: How are changes in subsidies related to changes in donations to organizations?  Micro: how do people respond to actual policy changes?

  42. Donations, government support and the media Publication: abstract?papetoc Pre-print and documentation at Open Science Framework: *

  43. Government support and donations over time  The Giving in the Netherlands Panel Survey (GINPS) n = 1,879  Central Bureau on Fundraising (CBF) 19 organizations  Newspaper articles through LexisNexis

  44. No clear trend

  45. Budget cuts on development aid

  46. More subsidies to the Salvation Army

  47. Budget cuts are covered in the news

  48. ...but what about extra funding?

  49. Mixed- effects model Δ Y ijt = β 0 + u 0j + v i + β 1 Δ G jt-1 + u 1j Δ G jt-1 + … + ε ijt Change of donations from respondent i to organization j from year t -2 to year t u 0j is the organization-specific intercept u 1j is the organization-specific slope v i is the respondent-specific intercept Δ G jt-1 is the change in government support to organization j from year t -3 to year t -1 Controls: GDP per capita, Organization’s total expenditures, Labour Party in government coalition, Total government social transfers


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