counselling and guidance in school education in romania

Counselling and guidance in school education in Romania THE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Counselling and guidance in school education in Romania THE STRUCTURE OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN ROMANIA National educational system includes state and private educational institutions. Compulsory education is - 10 grades. The national

  1. Counselling and guidance in school education in Romania

  2. THE STRUCTURE OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN ROMANIA National educational system includes state and private educational institutions. Compulsory education is - 10 grades. The national education system have the following levels:  Early education (0-5 years);  Primary education (ISCED 1) (6-11 years);  Lower secondary education (ISCED 2) or gymnasium (11-14 years);  Upper secondary education (ISCED 3) (15-18 years);  Higher education (ISCED 5-8);

  3. THE STRUCTURE OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN ROMANIA pre-school level (0-3 years) I. Early education (0-5 years) preschool education (3-5 years) II. Primary education (ISCED 1) (6-11 years) III. Lower secondary education (ISCED 2) /gymnasium (11-14 years) - grades V-VIII. theoretical high school education technological IV. Upper secondary education (ISCED 3) (15-18 years) school grades IX-XII / XIII vocational 3 year professional education Non-university tertiary education (ISCED 4) - post-secondary education. Bachelor degree Higher education (ISCED 5-8) Master degree Doctoral degree

  4. Counselling and guidance in school education in Romania In Romania, in pre-university education, counselling and guidance is provided through the National Curriculum and achieved through the cooperation of teachers, parents and the school counselor on this levels:  School guidance;  Psychological counselling;  Persoanl development;  Career guidance; School counselors work in schools and are employed by the County Centers for Resources and Educational Assistance (CJRAE).

  5. Counselling and orientation in school education In each county from Romania there are Centers for Resources and Educational Assistance CJRAE , and in Bucharest - the capital of Romania, the Bucharest Center for Resource and Educational Assistance ( CMBRAE ).

  6. County Centers for Resources and Educational Assistance (CJRAE ) - are subordinated to: Ministry of Education; County Councils; -methodological coordinated by:  County School Inspectorates (ISJ);  Institute of Education Sciences Bucharest;

  7. Counselling in school education CJRAE coordinate, monitorize and evaluate , at county level the activity of :  School councilors;  Speech terapist;  Special needs councilors; CJRAE collaborates with school centers for inclusive education in order to provide specialized educational services;

  8. CJRAE beneficiaries categories: • children, students, young people; • parents or legal tutor of children; • staff employed in educational establishments or other institutions working in the field of children's issues; • students; • members of the local community.

  9. The main objectives of CJRAE are: encompassing and maintaining compulsory education for all children / young • people, regardless of their psycho-individual and social peculiarities; providing the additional support necessary for the development of quality • education according to the bio-psychosocial potential of each child / young person; informing and counselling the teaching staff in the spirit of optimizing the • didactic-educational activity; collaborating with the educational factors involved in the development of • pupils / young people's personality in order to optimally integrate them into school, social and professional life;

  10. The main objectives of CJRAE are: involving parents in activities specific to an effective school-family-community • relationship as a basis for school adaptation and social integration of children / young people; organizing the studies on school early living, behavior, extracurricular activities / • leisure time; organizing prevention activities and projects in the educational environment; • Career counselling = career decision of 8th grade pupils to attend a high school. • vocational schools and high school students to attend a post-secondary faculty / school; counselling for emotional development and personal development; • psychosomatic evaluation of preschoolers for enrollment in the preparatory class; •

  11. CJRAE develops the following services:  psycho-pedagogical assistance, vocational guidance provided through the county centers and the psycho-pedagogical assistance school;  logopedic therapy services provided through inter-school logopedic centers;  evaluation, guidance, career services;  school mediation services provided by school mediators;

  12. CJRAE develops the following services:  inclusive education consultancy services provided by inclusive education centers;  training services, through partnerships with institutions authorized to provide initial training, according to framework agreements, based on the provisions of art. 239 par. (2) - (4) of the Law no. 1/2011 (National Low of Education in Romania);  information and counseling services for teachers, children, parents, and other community members;  counseling and prevention services for juvenile delinquency and preventing the risc situation

  13. School councilors tasks:  Counselling students, parents and teachers about issues related to self-knowledge, adapting to school requirements, adapting school activities to student requirements, optimizing student-student relationships, student-teacher, family school, local community school, prevention, diminishing factors leading to school failure or behavioral disorders, and / or diminishing the psychological discomfort, preventing and diminishing school abandonment, psycho-pedagogical observation of students with deviant behaviors, orientation of students' careers;  Developing materials corresponding to the specific, publicized function through editions of the House of Teaching Staff, County School Inspectorate and other interested institutions;  Collaboration with local stakeholders involved in achieving the objectives education;  To support the pedagogical training of teachers from the pre-university education, of the methodological-scientific research activity and the capitalization of the teaching experience in this field;

  14. School Councillors work 2-4 teaching hours 18 hours with the beneficiaries 16-14 hours for individual and group 40 hours / counseling week : 22 hours for professional training

  15. Human resources- CJRAE Suceava  56 counseling teachers: 34 are working in high schools; 19 in gymnasium schools; 3 in CJAP office Suceava;  2 social workers;  7 speech terapists;  8 auxiliary staff; The management of CJRAE Suceava is provided by its director, and Council staff.

  16. FRAMEWORK ORGANIZATION THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES AND EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE CENTER SUCEAVA school year 2018 - 2019 Inspectoratul Școlar Consiliul Județean ORGANIGRAMA CADRU Județean Suceava Suceava CENTRUL JUDEȚEAN DE RESURSE ȘI ASISTENȚĂ EDUCAȚIONALĂ SUCEAVA an școlar 2018 - 2019 Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Suceava CJRAE Suceava Consiliul de Administrație al CJRAE Suceava Director CJRAE SUceava Centrul Logopedic Centrul Județean de Asistență Serviciu de Evaluare și Orientare Administrator Comisia de Orientare interșcolar și cabinete Psihopedagogică - CJAP Suceava Școlară și Profesională - S.E.O.S.P. financiar Școlară și Profesională școlare/interșcolare C.J.R.A.E. (1) C.O.S.P Suceava logopedice (CLI ) Suceava Coordonator C.J.A.P. Profesori Secretar S.E.O.S.P. (1,5 ) C.J.R.A.E. (1) Coordonator Profesori consilieri C.L.I. ( 1 ) școlari în cadrul Asistent social Administrator C.J.A.P. ( 3 ) S.E.O.S.P. ( 1 ) patrimoniu ( 1 ) Profesori logopezi ( 7 ) Asistent social Îngrijitor C.J.A.P. ( 1 ) C.J.R.A.E. (1) Secretar CJAP ( 1 ) Ș ofer C.J.R.A.E.( 1) Profesori consilieri școlari în cabinete școlare de asistență psihopedagogica ( 53,5 )

  17. In the Suceava County there are many national minorities (Ukrainians, Polish, Jews, Roma, Armenians, Germans, Lipovans, Italians) and religious ones. One of the challenges of school counselors is to carry out counselling activities respecting the individual values ​ of all members of the community and encouraging at the same time promoting them in the European context.

  18. Euroguidance Romania

  19. Th Than ank k yo you u fo for you r your r at attentio tention! Scho hool ol counselor nselor Ma Maria PAVELE VELESCU SCU Scho hool ol counselor nselor Ma Maria a Adr drian ana a NICH ICHIT ITEAN EAN CJRA RAE E Suceav ceava, , Ro Romani nia Dubli blin, n, 19 19-21 21 Februa bruary ry 20 2019 19

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