concurrent enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment Board Policy 6172.1 May 13, 2020 Background - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Concurrent Enrollment Board Policy 6172.1 May 13, 2020 Background Definition of concurrent enrollment MHS/PHS current practices Concurrent enrollment policy in other districts Aligns to District LCAP Goals What problems are we trying to

  1. Concurrent Enrollment Board Policy 6172.1 May 13, 2020

  2. Background Definition of concurrent enrollment MHS/PHS current practices Concurrent enrollment policy in other districts Aligns to District LCAP Goals

  3. What problems are we trying to solve? 1. Increased opportunities to support students’ career goals, including career technical education preparation 2. Exposure to the college environment 3. Increased likelihood for college completion 4. Makes college more affordable for students 5. Ability to address individual student circumstances, including needs for graduation credits

  4. We RISE together Shannon Fierro, MHS Principal

  5. Adam Littlefield, PHS Principal

  6. Non-Scenarios It would be fun to take a college class! I heard that teacher gives a lot of homework! I want to earn a grade bump by taking more college-level classes.

  7. Board Policy 6172.1 DRAFT Language - Introducation - Rationale - Equivalent courses can be applied to high school graduation credit while earning college credit - Approval of Concurrent Enrollment - Based on Education Codes: 48800, 48800.5, 52620 - Board approval of a limited number of students any age/grade level - Denial by Board requires written response within 60 days - Principal may recommend given unique circumstances - High school diploma students enrolled in adult education

  8. Board Policy 6172.1 DRAFT Language - Minimum School Day - Ed Code 46146 defines the minimum day as 180 min for 11th & 12th gr - Ed Code 48801 allows the Board to make an exception to the 180 min - Credit - Parti-time CC students can earn up to 11 units - Agreements signed by all parent, student, counselor principal - Academic or elective credit - Student or parent/guardian responsible for submitting transcipt - Program Evaluation - Regular reports to the Board on # and demographics of students participating in concurrent enrollment options; student success in completing courses and achieving in district courses; graduation rates

  9. Process for Enrolling in College Classes Current practices in place will be used as a baseline Secondary admin will review the Board Policy with counselors to develop new protocols, forms, etc. Other district’s processes/forms may be reviewed All information will be posted on the MHS and PHS websites

  10. Board & Community Questions

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