communication sketching minimal information to connect

Communication Sketching Minimal information to connect with viewer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Communication Sketching Minimal information to connect with viewer schema Straight Lines keep the wrist sti ff draw from the shoulder draw through let the dot be your guide draw away from the body rotate the paper Arcs

  1. Communication Sketching � Minimal information to connect with viewer schema � �

  2. Straight Lines � keep the wrist sti ff � draw from the shoulder draw through let the dot be your guide draw away from the body rotate the paper

  3. Arcs � leverage your on the physiology � …. keep wrist sti ff … rotate at the elbow kinetic memory try contour lines

  4. Circles � draw guide lines � ghost passes over the sheet ...keep your wrist sti ff … closing your eyes helps, maybe

  5. Ellipses � plot major and minor axis � ...ghost passes over the sheet… draw from the shoulder

  6. Patterns � use all the patterns � use dots to maintain distance keep the wrist sti ff draw from the shoulder

  7. Graphic Layouts � Use symbolic shapes to layout � graphics

  8. Design & Data

  9. Data does not equal information

  10. Data has to have a structure that is meaningful to inform it’s audience

  11. Category � � Time � � Location � � Alphabet � � Continuum � � Information Anxiety by Richard Saul Wurman

  12. __SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1412357494790 Job Schwabish and Severino Ribecca. Available as a printed poster for $25 on Mimeo.

  13. Ease of Use


  15. Hierarchy Though Scale & Transparency

  16. Strive for truth not beauty


  18. Vantage Point


  20. Point of View

  21. Ethically Eating Animals? Bill Rankin, 2011

  22. Make it Human


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