THINK-PAIR-SHARE Why do we assess students? What are the key features of a well designed assessment system?
WHY DO WE ASSESS STUDENTS? To set goals Evaluate teaching To provide instructional feedback To grade achievement Evaluate curricula Identify student needs Evaluate programs Analyze progress
HISTORICAL TRENDS RELATED TO ASSESSMENT FROM: TO: Sorting Students Competency for all Students Norm Referenced Criterion Referenced More Summative More Formative Large Scale Classroom Level Reliability of Results Usability of Results Isolated Event Ongoing Complicated Standards Specific Learning Objectives
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Assessment for learning Monitor student learning in order to provide ongoing feedback that can be used to respond to the needs of students
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Assessment of learning Evaluation of student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing to some standard or benchmark.
DEFINITION: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT An activity designed to give meaningful feedback to students and teachers and to improve professional practice and student achievement. Tests designed only to render an evaluation cannot achieve the potential of assessment for learning that assessment experts have suggested is an essential element of effective practice . (Reeves, 2009)
SMALL GROUP ACTIVITY Write the types of assessments you use or administer on the slips of paper. Rank them from most formative to most summative.
Most SAT/AP Summative Smarter Balanced CAHSEE Most Summative (State, District) CELDT Physical Fitness Final Exam (School, Grade, Projects Department) Benchmarks Chapter Tests Vocab Tests Essays Quizzes Common Formatives (paper-pencil) Most Formative Exit Ticket (Classroom, Quick Writes Individual) Skill Demonstrations White Boards Think-Write-Pair-Share Observations of Pair-Share Random Non-volunteer Process Oral Checks for Understanding Most Formative Working 1 on 1 with Student
ACTIVITY What percentage of time do educators typically spend discussing the types of data within the triangle representation? Where do we want to spend the most time?
VISIBLE LEARNING , HATTIE (2009) Explain: Structure of books Synthesis of meta-analysis Zone of desired effects: Effect sizes of .15 to .40 are what teachers/students typically accomplish in a year
VISIBLE LEARNING , HATTIE (2009) Utilizing formative evaluations has an effect size of .90 Third highest effect size reviewed in book Highest contribution to student achievement in teachers effect section
Research evidence gathered in hundreds of studies conducted around the world over the past decade shows that consistent application of the principles of “assessment for learning” can give rise to unprecedented gains in student achievement, especially for perennial low achievers. The implications of such gains for closing achievement score gaps are profound. (Stiggins, 2006)
The most useful (best) data should be connected to the idea of providing feedback.
IMPORTANCE OF FEEDBACK Back to Visible Learning Effect size of .73 Tenth highest, fourth highest in the teaching domain Feedback is most powerful when it is from the student to the teacher
IMPORTANCE OF FEEDBACK “When teachers seek feedback from students as to what the students know, what they understand, where they make errors, when they have misconceptions, when they are not engaged, then teaching and learning can be synchronized and powerful (Page 173). ” TEACHING AND LEARNING ARE INTERACTIVE
COMPELLING RESEARCH SHOWS… Frequent formative assessments and feedback improve achievement for all students.
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT FEATURES Three things must occur for the assessment to be formative: 1) the assessment is used to identify students who are experiencing difficulty; 2) those students are provided additional time and support to acquire the intended skill or concept, and 3) the students are given another opportunity to demonstrate that they’ve learned. (DuFour, Eaker and Karhanek, 2010)
Formative assessment is capable of triggering big boosts to student’s achievement – the educational equivalent to the cure for the common cold. (James Popham, 2010, Strategic Priorities for School Improvement , Harvard Education Letter)
COMMON FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (CFA) Formative assessments are considered common when student learning is assessed using the same instrument or process and according to the same criteria. these assessments are given by teacher teams who teach the same content or grade level-those with the collective responsibility for the learning of a group of students who are expected to learn the same knowledge and skills. (DuFour et. al., 2010)
BENEFITS OF CFA Promote efficiency for teachers Promote equity for students Provide an effective strategy for determining whether the guaranteed curriculum is being taught and, more importantly, learned Inform the practice of individual teachers Build a team’s capacity to improve its program Facilitate a systematic, collective response to students who are experiencing difficulty Offer a powerful tool for changing instructional practice
The most important result of using common formative assessments is the response teams develop and implement to support student learning. In a well- functioning team, there is a collective response within the team designed to provide immediate support.
COMMON FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS NEED TO… Inform instructional decisions Encourage students to learn
In other words, the function of an assessment determines if it is formative. H ow we respond determines it’s function.
EMBRACING THE FOUR KEY QUESTIONS Question 1: What is it that we want our students to know and be able to do? Question 2: How will we know if each student has demonstrated the essential learning? Common Formative Assessments
EMBRACING THE FOUR KEY QUESTIONS Question 3: How will we respond when students experience difficulty in learning? Building a system of responses to assure students will be provided the time and instructional interventions. Question 4: How will we deepen the understanding for students who have mastered the essential learning?
DEEPENING COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE WITH CFA The use of CFA and subsequently analyzing the results will assist in providing targeted intervention. Gathering evidence of each student’s learning will enhance both individual and collective instructional practices.
COLLABORATIVE TEAMS MUST BE WILLING TO… Look for facts, not blame Learn from the results of assessments Not judge our colleagues
STEPS: Determine essential learning objective. Decide on formative assessment (or design). Gather data; run reports. Analyze data. Plan the response (page 115).
The more we teach without finding out who understands the information and who doesn’t, the greater the likelihood that only already-proficient students will succeed. (Wiggins, 2006)
THINK-PAIR-SHARE What is the purpose for grading? What meaning do we want our grades to convey? Who is the primary intended audience(s)?
Most Summative SAT/AP Smarter Balanced CAHSEE Most Summative (State, District) CELDT Physical Fitness Final Exam (School, Grade, Projects Department) Benchmarks Chapter Tests Vocab Tests Essays Quizzes Common Formatives (paper-pencil) Most Formative Exit Ticket (Classroom, Quick Writes Individual) Skill Demonstrations White Boards Think-Write-Pair-Share Observations of Pair-Share Random Non-volunteer Process Oral Checks for Understanding Most Formative Working 1 on 1 with Student
THINK-PAIR-SHARE Most Summative Where on your continuum would you start grading and why? Most Formative
GRADING We need to start systematic grade reform with conversations about purpose and foundational issues. Then the details can be finalized. Collect TPS forms.
CONCEPTUAL TIMELINE (in collaboration with VTA) D J F M A M Site Presentations/Discussions X X X Technology Installation X X X Determine Support Staff Need X X Hire/Train Support Staff X X Pilot/Practice with System X X Elementary CFA 1 2 1 Secondary CFA 1 2 2 1
Big picture: be proficient in the use of CFA by the implementation of CCSS instructional maps in August, 2014 Some sites, grade levels, departments may be further along in this process The CFAs will be based on the specific standard or learning objective taught.
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