state assessment data

State Assessment Data ELA and Math Gr. 3-8 2012-13 Common Core - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

White Plains Schools State Assessment Data ELA and Math Gr. 3-8 2012-13 Common Core Assessments 2012-2013: In the words of Commissioner of Education John B. King, Jr. more students struggled on this years test than in previous

  1. White Plains Schools State Assessment Data ELA and Math Gr. 3-8 2012-13

  2. Common Core Assessments 2012-2013: In the words of Commissioner of Education John B. King, Jr.  “…more students struggled on this year’s test than in previous years…because we changed the expectations for New York State students when we adopted the Common Core State Standards in 2010…”  “Our test results tell us that we have a long way to go.”  “The change in test scores does not mean that students are learning less or that teachers and schools are performing worse than last year. Proficiency rates on the new Common Core assessments cannot be compared with last year’s proficiency results since the old scores are from an old test based on the former standards .”

  3. Changes to the 2012-13 Tests: EL ELA: • Increased text complexity • Balance between fiction and non-fiction • More reading passages/longer test • Multi-step questions requiring deeper understanding of content Math: h: • Individual items incorporating multiple standards • Vocabulary-rich test questions • Multi-step questions requiring deeper understanding of content

  4. 2013 White Plains & NY State % Meeting ELA Standard (Levels 3 & 4) 37.0% 35.0% 35.0% 35.0% 33.0% 30.0% 34.0% 31.0% 31.0% 30.0% 29.0% 30.0% Percentile Ranks Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7 Gr. 8 66 6 64 55 56 56 59 5 51 State District

  5. 2013 White Plains & NY State % Meeting the Math Standard (Levels 3 & 4) 36.0% 34.0% 34.0% 30.0% 30.0% 28.0% 32.0% 34.0% 28.0% 30.0% 27.0% 26.0% Percentile Ranks Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7 Gr. 8 50 49 54 54 54 54 54 54 72 72 State District

  6. ELA 2013 Gr. 3-8: Level 4s ng Level 4 16 14 14 13 ving 12 10 nts achievi 10 9 WP 2012 8 udents WP 2013 6 5 stud NYS 2013 4 3 % of WP s 2 0 Gr. 4 Gr. 8

  7. Math 2013 Gr. 3-8: Level 4s ng Level 4 30 27 27 25 ving nts achievi 20 WP 2012 15 13 13 udents WP 2013 9 stud NYS 2013 10 7 % of WP s 5 0 Gr. 4 Gr. 8

  8. 2012 vs. 2013 Cohort Comparison % Meeting ELA Standard (growth across grades ) District Percentile Ranks 70 63 59 60 50 45 37 40 2012 30 2013 20 10 0 Gr. 3-4 Gr. 6-7

  9. 2012 vs. 2013 Cohort Comparison % Meeting Math Standard (growth across grades ) District Percentile Ranks 60 54 49 50 42 40 32 2012 30 2013 20 10 0 Gr. 3-4 Gr. 6-7

  10. ELA 2013 Regional Comparison: Gr. 3-8 45 39 40 37 35 33 34 33 35 32 28 30 White Plains 25 New Rochelle 21 Tarrytown 20 15 Ossining 15 Port Chester 10 5 0 ELA gr. 4 ELA g ELA g ELA gr. 8

  11. Math 2013 Regional Comparison: Gr. 3-8 50 43 45 40 35 35 34 34 35 White Plains 28 30 New Rochelle 25 23 25 Tarrytown 20 16 Ossining 15 15 Port Chester 10 5 0 Mat ath h gr. 4 gr. 4 Mat ath h gr. 8 gr. 8

  12. Action Plan: Impl plementi ementing ng th the e Com ommo mon n Core e Sta tandar ndards ds

  13. Steps Already Taken: “Building the Infrastructure”  Unpacking ELA, Math, and Literacy standards K- 12 during SCDs in Spring 2012  Attending BOCES trainings (teachers and admin)  Implementing task forces and summer projects to study CCLS and revise curriculum  Balance fiction and non-fiction units  Embed “close reading” and writing to a prompt  Incorporate “text” across all disciplines

  14. Steps Already Taken: “ B uilding the Infrastructure”  Conducting PTA Workshops  Forming a year-long committee to study CCLS and implement new math program K-5 (Envisions)  Training gr. K-4 teachers on DIBELS o Universal screening – targeted interventions

  15. Steps Already Taken: “Building the Infrastructure”  Developing common district assessments K-12  Training gr. 1-11 ELA teachers in Great Books o Complex texts, critical thinking, comprehension o Interpretative Questions – Text based responses  Implementing new ELA curriculum 6-12 (SpringBoard)

  16. Steps Already Taken: “Building the Infrastructure”  Revising & implementing new math curriculum 6-8  Training gr. 6-12 teachers in AVID strategies (WICOR) o Onsite PATH trainings for Math, Science, Social Studies, Special Areas o Summer Institutes (teams from EV, HL, HS)

  17. Next Steps ELA  Continue implementing and adapting new/revised ELA curriculum K-12: Readers/Writers Workshop (K-5), SpringBoard (6- 12), Great Books (1-12), S44/Read 180 (6-12) o Balance fiction and non-fiction units o Embed “close reading” and writing to a prompt o Incorporate “text” across all disciplines

  18. Next Steps MATH  Maximize use of Envisions (Year 2) o Learning Walks and Common Core workshops for K-5 principals o Common Core workshops for Instructional Coaches o Common Core mini-workshops at grade-level meetings o Lesson Study sessions for all K-5 teachers o Revised pacing maps & common assessments for math focus standards  Continue implementing and adapting new Math curriculum 6-8  Develop and implement new Algebra & Geometry curriculum for middle school and high school

  19. Next Steps  Conduct grade level/dept meetings to analyze state assessment data and review released sample test items in grades 3-8  Administer “mock” State assessments grades 3-8 in ELA (January) and Math (Feb/March) to target test preparation

  20. Next Steps  Continue training gr. 6-12 teachers on AVID strategies (WICOR) o Onsite PATH trainings o Turnkey-trainings by AVID site teams  Use early department meetings and release day in December to focus on developing/revising CCLS lessons across all disciplines  Partner with PreK providers to enhance literacy instruction aligned with common core

  21. Academic Support: Impl plementi ementing ng th the e Com ommo mon n Core e Sta tandar ndards ds

  22. ELA  Elementar tary: y:  Intervention Block (i-block)  Targeted small group instruction: reading teachers, learning facilitator, NYS AIS Requ quire irement ments: s: ESOL teachers, special educators (students below cut point  Early morning tutorial receive support)  Extended day program in gr. 1, 3-5  Summer Bridge Program in K/1 • Grade 3: 299 scale score • Grade 4: 296 scale score  Middle le School: • Grade 5: 297 scale score Grade 6: 297 scale score •  Read 180/System 44 ELA Classes  7 th and 8 th grade: Achieve Program • Grade 7: 301 scale score  After-school homework center • Grade 8: 302 scale score

  23. Math  Elementar tary  Extended Day Program  Early Morning Tutorial NYS AIS Requ quire iremen ments: ts:  Differentiated Learning Groups (students below cut point  Using enVisions receive support)  Using flexible regrouping • Grade 3: 293 scale score following CFAs • Grade 4: 284 scale score • Grade 5: 289 scale score  Middle le School Grade 6: 289 scale score •  Math Labs (Math 180 in gr. 6) • Grade 7: 290 scale score  After-school homework center • Grade 8: 293 scale score  Algebra Regents Prep

  24. All the pieces fit…


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