co2 delivery solutions

CO2 Delivery Solutions Delivering CO2 to Growers Everywhere. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CO2 Delivery Solutions Delivering CO2 to Growers Everywhere. Presented by: DIL VASHI 1 THE CO2 PROBLEM FOR GROWERS Light Carbon dioxide (CO2) Water 2 OPEN VENTING GREENHOUSES The majority of greenhouses use open roof heat

  1. CO2 Delivery Solutions™ Delivering CO2 to Growers Everywhere™. Presented by: DIL VASHI 1

  2. THE CO2 PROBLEM FOR GROWERS ✔ Light ✘ Carbon dioxide (CO2) ✔ Water 2

  3. OPEN VENTING GREENHOUSES The majority of greenhouses use open roof heat venting. ● This makes CO2 gassing more expensive and impractical. ● 3

  4. GLOBAL HORTICULTURE MARKET OUTDOOR GREENHOUSE* 4.62 Billion acres of cropland 50 Billion sq ft of greenhouses • • worldwide worldwide 100% of outdoor cannot gas CO2 • 85% of them cannot use CO2 gas • 4

  5. AQUEOUS CO2 MISTING Aqueous CO2 misting. Thin film of aqueous CO2 solution around the entire leaf surface. This film isolates the leaf from the atmosphere and creates a diffusion gradient that favors the transport of CO2 into the leaf. Aqueous CO2 is absorbed through the entire leaf’s surface. 5

  6. CO2 DELIVERY SOLUTIONS™ BENEFITS ● More Efficient CO2 Uptake. ● No CO2 Waste. ● Faster Growth for More Harvest Turns. ● Bigger Plants for More Biomass to Sell. ● More Valuable Metabolites to Sell. ● More Flower, Buds and Seeds to Sell. ● Stronger Root Development. ● Less Crops Lost. More Profits $$$ 6

  7. Accelerating Growth using Dissolved CO 2 CO2 DELIVERY SOLUTIONS™ ON CANNABIS Hybrid Indica Sativa 25% increase in bud weight. 20% increase in bud weight. 22% increase in bud weight. 22% faster cycle time. 20% faster cycle time. 33% faster cycle time. Increase in CBD. Increase in CBD. Increase in CBD. Increase in THC. Increase in THC. Increase in THC. Faster Growth + More Biomass + More Cannabinoids = More Profits 7

  8. CO2 DELIVERY SOLUTIONS™ ON FLOWERS BOC’s Exclusive CO 2 Gas Infusion Patents CO2 misted Blue Fan treated with aqueous CO2. Periwinkle treated with aqueous CO2. *Note the increased number of flowers *Note the advanced root structure in compared to the surrounding untreated plants. young plants. More Budding = More Flowers More Rooting = Stronger Plants 8

  9. CO2 DELIVERY SOLUTIONS™ ON ROMAINE LETTUCE Accelerating Growth using Dissolved CO 2 4 days after starting aqueous CO2 misting Without CO2 With aqueous CO2 Faster Growth = Shorter Time to Harvest = More Harvests 9

  10. CO2 DELIVERY SOLUTIONS™ ON MICROGREENS Accelerating Growth using Dissolved CO 2 2 weeks after starting aqueous CO2 misting With aqueous CO2 Without CO2 More Biomass = More Product to Sell 10

  11. PERIMETER PROTECTION The aqueous CO2 misting process also provides the plant with “Perimeter Protection” to stop the spread of micro pathogens. E. coli E. coli Control CO2 Delivery Solutions™ Reduce Pathogen Spread = Less Crops Lost 11

  12. BOOM MISTING INSTALLATION BOC’s Exclusive CO 2 Gas Infusion Patents Direct boom installation example Easy integration of a CO2 Delivery Solutions™ system directly on to each boom. 12

  13. CENTRAL MISTING INSTALLATION Accelerating Growth using Dissolved CO 2 Our “Black Box” units feed directly into ● your central misting infrastructure. No misting? No problem. We will design ● and install a misting system that works for your facility. Customizable - Scalable - Automated Easy to Integrate Minimal Operational Labor “Black Box” CO2 Delivery Solutions™ 13

  14. PATENT PROTECTED Aqueous CO2 Foliar/Misting for Enhanced Plant Growth : ● PCT Patent Pending. ○ Capture and Dissolve CO2 gas in Aqueous Solution : ● Exclusive Licensed US Patent 6,209,855 & US Patent 7,537,200. ○ Five Additional Provisional Patents Filed : ● Four Utility (Pathogen Resistance, Plant Metabolites, other Plant Growth) ○ One Device (Residential or Light Commercial Application). ○ Further patentable IP anticipated from plant science research at St. ● Cloud State University and the University of Guelph. 14

  15. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Commercial Commercial Expansion Demonstration Installation 15

  16. PURCHASE OPTIONS BOC’s Exclusive CO 2 Gas Infusion Patents Commercial Installation Projects LEASE-TO-OWN or ONE-TIME PURCHASE PRICE Pricing based on facility square footage and irrigation infrastructure. 16

  17. CURRENT MARKET FOCUS BOC’s Exclusive CO 2 Gas Infusion Patents 1.5 Billion square feet of greenhouse space in the US & Canada. 17

  18. OUTDOOR APPLICATION BOC’s Exclusive CO 2 Gas Infusion Patents 500,000 acres of licensed Hemp production. CO2 GRO will be investing in technology innovation over the next two years to develop efficient, practical and cost effective methods of delivering aqueous CO2 to outdoor grown plants. 18

  19. OUR TEAM AND PARTNERS BOC’s Exclusive CO 2 Gas Infusion Patents Dr. Matt Julius John Archibald, P.Eng. Dr. Gord Surgeoner Chief Science Officer Chief Executive Officer Director 19

  20. THE CO2 SOLUTION FOR GROWERS ✔ Light CO2 Delivery Solutions™ ✔ Carbon dioxide (CO2) ✔ Water 20



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