Co Contrast sting drivers o s of forest st taxonomi mic a and funct ctional t turnover er in a a Neotropical l landsca cape Adina C Chai ain G Guadar adarram ama Bryan an F Finegan gan Lee Vierl Lee erling Sev Seven Ses Sesnie Zay ayra R Ram amos
• Hi Highly d diver erse f e fores ests w with g h great at v values es of al alpha and and b bet eta d diversit ity r res esulting in n important ant differ erenc ences es o of a among ng-sit ite e taxono nomic s similar arity v values es Pat atterns as associa iated t to hi high h • spat atial and and env envir ironment ntal heterogenei geneity What hat ar are t e the d he drivers o of thi his • communi nity t turno nover?
Ecologi gical al a assembly r rule denotes r de s rest strictions on on com ommuni unity s y struc ucture a and nd composi sition due due to a o any y of the f followi wing ng ecol ologi gical f filters: s: (1) di ) disp spersal, (2) t ) the a abi biotic env nviron onment nt (3) b biot otic i interaction ons s (Götzenberger et al. 2012) (Götzen zenberger er et a al. . 201 2012)
Taxono nomic approac oach vs s func nctio iona nal approac oach Sp 1 Sp 2 Sp 3 Sp n CWM SLA CWM SWG CWM T n Site 1 1 2 2 Site 1 399 0.35 Site 2 4 1 2 Site 2 423.74 0.61 Site 3 1 3 3 Site 3 387.93 0.44 Site n Site n Turno nover er p patter erns ns in n communit ity co composit itio ion, when s hen supplement nted w with func nctio ional al t trait ait inf nformatio ion, c can an be e used ed t to d diag agnose as e assem embly proce cess sses.
Plant nt c com ommuni unity a y asse sembl bly y hypot pothesi sis c s can n be f framed d by by obse observing ge geographic distance ce deca cay i in taxonomic c and f functio ional s l sim imila ilarit ity (Sok okol et a al. 2011)
H 0 Random s sorting p processes explain the p e presen esence o e of species i in local p plant nt c commu mmunities: - No taxonomic o or f functional turnover - No enviro ronmen ental f filter o er or dispersa ersal limitation c const stra rains t the recruitm itment o t of specie ies i into to l local commu mmuni nities
H 1 Spec ecies es a are s e selec ected b by the e environment o on the the basis is o of the their ir functio tional t traits ts: - Taxonomic a and f functional turnover - Enviro ronmentall lly d determ erministic assem embly ly r rule i e is expec ected ed under er the p e pres esen ence e of s spatially st stru ructured en enviro ronmental gradients ts
H 2 Change i in t taxonomic composition i is independent f from cha hange i in f functio ional composit itio ion - Taxo xono nomic t turno nover ver occurs rs whet ether er f func nctional t turno nove ver d does es - Under er l low e envi nvironm nment ntal heterogene neity s y spec ecies t turno nove ver r res esults from om l limited d d disp spersal (dispe spersal assem embly) y)
H 0 Random s sorting p processes Taxo Ta xonomic turnover er Functiona nal turnover er H 1 Abiotic a H 2 Disp asse ssembly spers rsal a asse ssembly ly
H 0 Random sorting p processes Taxo Ta xonomic | | Fu Func nctio ional H 1 Abiotic a H 2 Disp asse ssembly spers rsal a asse ssembly ly
H 0 Random sorting p processes Correlati tion between een T and F F H 1 Abiotic a H 2 Disp asse ssembly spers rsal a asse ssembly ly
Temp Min PrecDriest Elevation 30-1203 m asl 50-186 mm 14.5 - 20.7 °C • 127. 0.25 ha plots • Min distance 300 m • Max. distance 63 km
Researc rch quest estions ns i) are t i) taxon onom omic turnov over a and f d function onal t turnov over posit pos itiv ively r related, sugge ggestin ing t that s spe pecie ies are selected by d by the enviro ironment on on the ba basis is of of their ir functio ional pr prop opert rtie ies? ii) ii) doe does change i in t taxonom omic ic c com omposit ition oc occur r inde depe pende dently f from om c change ge i in f function onal com ompo posit itio ion, s sugg ggestin ing t that di dispers rsal l limit itatio ion plays a pl a key r rol ole i in de determ rmin inin ing s spe pecie ies assembl blage ges? We ex e expect t that s species ar are e sorted into l loca cal l com ommunit itie ies accord rdin ing t to o values of of functio ional t trait its, in a acco cordan ance ce t to h hypothesis H H 1 . .
Me Method ods • Ta Taxonomic ic c com ompo posit itio ion: 264 c canopy s spe pecie ies - Trees ≥ 30 cm dbh ~ 70 70 % of t total p plot b basal area (≥ 10 10 cm cm dbh) ) • Fu Functio ional c com ompo posit itio ion: C CWM v values - LA, L , LDMC, S , SLA, , N, P P and W WSG (Chav have 2006, William amson a on and d Wiemann ann 2010, Pérez ez-Har argu guind ndegu guy 2013) ) - Abundan ance a as w weighting v g variab able • Enviro ironmental v varia ariables: - Temp, Mi , Min T Temp, , TempS pSD, , Prec ec, , PrecD cDrie riest, , PrecCV: : Worldclim - Elev evation (DEM f for t the r reg egion 10 10 m) - Soil: S : Sand, S , Silt, C t, Clay, p , pH, A , Acidity, , Ca, Mg , Mg, K , K, P, P, M. M.O. • Ana nalysi sis: - Multiv ivaria riate o ordin ination (PCA) - Multiv ivaria riate simple a and p part rtia ial M Mantel c corre rrelogra rams ( (rM rM) - Varia iatio ion p part rtit itio ionin ing
Results 5 LA LA 3 F35P2 F35P2 P P Axis 2 (17.6%) F5P1 F5P1 LDMC LDMC F52P4 F52P4 F7P1 F7P1 N N 0 SLA SLA WSG WSG -3 -5 -5 -3 0 3 5 Axis 1 (51.6%) Pentaclethra macroloba Pentaclethra macroloba Qualea polychroma Qualea polychroma Foothills Foothills Trait CWM Trait CWM
Taxon onom omic t turnove nover Func nctiona nal t turnove nover Significant No significant
Correlation b n between n taxon onom omic a and d functiona nal c com ompo posi sition
H 0 Rand ndom om s sorting ng proces esses ex explain t in the he pres esence o e of s spec ecies ies in n loca cal p plan ant c communitie ies H1 H1 Specie ies ar are e sel elec ected b by t the he env envir ironment nt o on n the he bas asis o of t thei eir f func nctio ional trait aits: A Abio iotic ic asse ssembly
Taxon onom omic t turnove nover account ounting f g for function onal a and d env nviron onment ntal c com ompo posi sition on
H 0 Rand ndom om s sorting ng proces esses ex explain t in the he pres esence o e of s spec ecies ies in n loca cal p plan ant c communitie ies H 2 Chang nge i e in taxono nomic c composition n is indep epend endent ent f from chang ange i in n func nctio ional compos osition: D Disper ersal al asse ssembly
Explaine ined varianc ance Adj R 2 Adj R 2 - E: Environment - S: Space - E U S: total variance explained - Fraction corresponding to the intersection of both space (S) and environment (E).
Concl clusions • Acr cross the l land ndsc scape e both h ge geog ogra raphic ic di distance a and enviro ironment de determ rmin ine t the obs observ rved c com ommunit ity assembl blage ges: i) i) recru ruit itin ing di diffe ferent s spe pecie ies f from om “ “pr provin incia ial” pool pools, , ii) ii) sort ortin ing spe pecie ies by by their t ir trait its a accord rdin ing t to o different s soil, l, cl climate an and el elevation g gradients. • Existence ce of of a a sca cale le-de depe pende dent interact raction b between de determ rmin inis istic ic a and di dispers rsal c com ommunit ity assembl bly proce cesses
Thank you • Leo Coto • Edwin Pereira • Vicente Herra • Manuel Bernal • Sergio Vilchez • Tirimbina Biological Reserve • Laguna Lagarto Lodge Funded by: • - CONAcyT México - IAI CRN 2015 – NSF: Grant GEO-0452325).
• Sokol, E.R., Benfield, E.F., Belden, L.K., Maurice Valett, H., 2011. The assembly of ecological communities inferred from taxonomic and functional composition. The American naturalist 177, 630–44. • Borcard, D., Legendre, P., 2012. Is the Mantel correlogram powerful enough to be useful in ecological analysis? A simulation study. Ecology 93, 1473–81.
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