the study of seismic induced groundwater induced

The study of seismic- -induced groundwater induced groundwater The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tectono-Hydrology Research Group DP RC Disaster Prevention Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan The study of seismic- -induced groundwater induced groundwater The study of seismic level changes in porous sediment and

  1. Tectono-Hydrology Research Group DP RC Disaster Prevention Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan The study of seismic- -induced groundwater induced groundwater The study of seismic level changes in porous sediment and level changes in porous sediment and sedimentary rock sedimentary rock 1,2 , Chjeng 1 , Kuo 3 , Kai 4 , Chi Lai 1,2 Lun Shieh 1 Chyng Chang 3 Wen Kuo 4 Wen- Wen -Chi Lai , Chjeng- -Lun Shieh , Kuo- -Chyng Chang , Kai- -Wen Kuo , 5 , Naoji Koizumi 5 Norio Matsumoto 5 , Naoji Koizumi 5 Norio Matsumoto 1. Disaster Prevention Research Center, NCKU, Taiwan 2. Department of Resources Engineering, NCKU, Taiwan 3. Water Resource Agency, MOEA, Taiwan 4. Central Weather Bureau, MOEA, Taiwan 5. Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Japan

  2. 1.Review of NCKU- -GSJ Cooperation GSJ Cooperation 1.Review of NCKU DP RC � 1999~2000 1999~2000 � The Case Study of 1999 Chi- -Chi Earthquake Chi Earthquake The Case Study of 1999 Chi � 2000~2003 2000~2003 � Establishment of the observation network Establishment of the observation network � 2003~2005 2003~2005 � Studies of observation results: coseismic coseismic and and preseicmic preseicmic Studies of observation results: � 2006~2009 2006~2009 � Future scopes and plan Future scopes and plan 2 2

  3. Items of the cooperation study Items of the cooperation study DP RC Observation well Observation instruments Data transfer and selection installation record network Related earthquake Data publish Data correction and prediction study Information system analysis technique 3 3

  4. 4 4 Waterlevl(m) -2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 Coseismic Groundwater Level Changes in Coseismic 9/2/99 5.4 9/12/99 6.8 5.9 5.2 5 5.2 1999 Chi- 6.4 5.1 5.2 1999 Chi 9/22/99 5.3 7.7 5.2 6.5 5.4 5.2 5.1 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.6 5 5.3 5.1 6.5 5.4 5.1 Groundwater Level Changes in 5.3 5.2 5 10/2/99 5.2 10/12/99 5.3 5.4 -Chi Earthquake 5.9 10/22/99 Chi Earthquake 5.6 5.4 11/1/99 6.3 11/11/99 5.2 11/21/99 12/1/99 12/11/99 12/21/99 DP RC 12/31/99 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 Rainfall(mm)

  5. Observation wells Observation wells DP RC Jiousi Hot Spring Hot Spring Jiousi Siabantien St. St. Siabantien Jender St. St. Jender Chishan St. St. Chishan 5 5

  6. Automatic recording, analysis and anomalies Automatic recording, analysis and anomalies detecting system detecting system 2.QC, pre- -processing processing 3.Daily plots & reprot reprot 1.Recording 2.QC, pre 3.Daily plots & 1.Recording 4.Data filting filting 5.Anomaly Dete Dete. . 6.Results publication 4.Data 5.Anomaly 6.Results publication

  7. Observed coseismic events (03’ ’~05 ~05’ ’) ) Observed coseismic events (03 DP RC � Total 130 Observation, step changes (S) 32events, oscillation (O) 56 events, O+S 42 events Catalog Events HUL TWN LUJ NAB HRD DHR TLO SIP 2 @ @ @ @ @ @ 2003/4/3 Tainan, M=4.9 S S 4 @ @ @ @ 2003/6/10 Taitung, M=6.5 S O O+S O 2 @ @ @ @ @ @ 2003/6/17 Taitung , M=5.9 O O 7 @ 2003/12/10 Taitung , M=6.6 O+S O+S S S O+S O+S O 1 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 2003/12/11 Taitung, M=5.7 S 1 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 2003/12/18 Taitung, M=5.8 O Step – – Like Change Like Change Oscillation Change Step Oscillation Change 6 7 4 6 7 3 6 7 2 m) c 6 7 1 ( l M6 . 5 e v e 6 7 0 L r e t 6 6 9 a w d n 6 6 8 u o r G 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 1 5 : 0 3 : 3 6 1 5 : 0 5 : 0 2 1 5 : 0 6 : 2 9 1 5 : 0 7 : 5 5 1 5 : 0 9 : 2 2 1 5 : 1 0 : 4 8 (HUL) 5/19/04 M6.5 (HUL) 5/19/04 M6.5 7 7 (TWN) 04/11/9 M6.7 (TWN) 04/11/9 M6.7

  8. Criteria by the Moments & Distances Criteria by the Moments & Distances 8 Undetectable Detactable DP RC 7 6 Magnitude(M L ) 5 Obs. well ◆ HUL ◆ HUL 4 ◆ DHR ◆ DHR ◆ TWI ◆ TWI 3 ◆ LUJ ◆ LUJ M=2.2*Log ( D )+1.5 2 1 10 100 1000 8 8 Distance (km)

  9. Criteria by the Volumetric Strain Criteria by the Volumetric Strain Oscillation Step-Like Nondetectable 3 DP RC � Step � Step- -Like Chg. Like Chg. Nondetectable 2 Oscillation -10 10 >10 - Vol. Strain: >10 Vol. Strain: Step & Oscillation Amplitude: § § Step-like chg. 1 1~3 cm Amplitude: 1~3 cm Coseismic GWL Change (cm) 0 � Oscillation � Oscillation -1 Vol. Strain: 10 Vol. Strain: -10 10 >>10 -12 12 10 - >>10 - Amplitude: § § 0.2~1 cm Amplitude: 0.2~1 cm -2 � Nondetectable � Nondetectable -3 12 > 10 - -12 Vol. Strain: 10 > Vol. Strain: -4 Amplitude: : >1 mm >1 mm Amplitude: : -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 9 9 Log of Volumetric Strain

  10. Preseismic anomaly: Radon anomaly: Radon Preseismic DP RC Obs. 2003/12/10 M6.8 2003/12/10 M6.8 Cheng Kung Earthquake Cheng Kung Earthquake 1000 Radon concentration (pCi/L) 800 600 400 M 6.8 earthquake 200 Stage 1 2 3 0 7-1-2003 9-1-2003 11-1-2003 1-1-2004 3-1-2004 5-1-2004 10 10

  11. Item One: Time series anomaly detecting Time series anomaly detecting Item One: DP RC 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 Lamp Color (C3) 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 525 530 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 600 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 640 645 650 655 660 665 670 675 680 685 690 695 700 705 710 715 720 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 755 760 765 770 775 780 785 790 795 800 805 810 815 820 825 830 835 840 Time Index (Hour) 11 11

  12. Item Two: Study of effects of ground motion Study of effects of ground motion Item Two: The Numerical Model The Numerical Model B 水 傳導係數 對 隙水壓 影響 水力傳導係數 k 對總應力變化之影響 6000 k=1E+0 k=1E+0 1000 孔 4000 k=1E-2 總 k=1E-2 隙 -1000 應 水 k=1E-4 2000 k=1E-4 -3000 力 壓 k=1E-6 ( P a ) (Pa) k=1E-6 0 -5000 k=1E-8 k=1E-8 -7000 -2000 (m/sec) (m/sec) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 時間 t / T 0 時間 t / T 0

  13. 2.Introduction of this study 2.Introduction of this study DP RC � High density monitoring network for High density monitoring network for � � water resources Groundwater Groundwater water resources � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Monitoring Networks of Taiwan Monitoring Networks of Taiwan � � � � � � � � � � � � Continuous observation from Continuous observation from 1991 1991 , , � � � � � � � management by Water Resource management by Water Resource � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Agency and local divisions. � � � Agency and local divisions. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � The abundant observation dataset The abundant observation dataset � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � (water level water level, , ground ground- -motion motion, , seismic wave seismic wave, , ( � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � hydraulic conductivity, , crustal deformation crustal deformation hydraulic conductivity � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � et al.,) in Sep. 21, 1999 Earthquake. � � � et al.,) in Sep. 21, 1999 Earthquake. � � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � 13 13

  14. 3.Motivation 3.Motivation DP RC � Previously work (Lai et al., 2004) the coseimic water Previously work (Lai et al., 2004) the coseimic water � level changes were contributed by the liquefaction liquefaction in fan in fan level changes were contributed by the area, and the permeability enhancement permeability enhancement in the slope area. in the slope area. area, and the � This study will focus on the quantitative analysis of the This study will focus on the quantitative analysis of the � similarity in the spatial distribution of each parameter. similarity in the spatial distribution of each parameter. � This study want to examine the spatial relationship This study want to examine the spatial relationship � between wel well level change l level change/ / volumetric strain volumetric strain/ / ground ground between motion/ / hydraulic conductivity hydraulic conductivity, to testify the mechanism , to testify the mechanism motion of the coseismic groundwater level changes in Chi- -Chi Chi of the coseismic groundwater level changes in Chi Earthquake, Sep. 21, 1999. Earthquake, Sep. 21, 1999. 14 14

  15. DP RC 15 15


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