co commo mmon n read eading ing


DEV EVELO ELOP P AN AN EX EXCITING TING CO COMMO MMON N READ EADING ING PR PROG OGRAM RAM Dr. T erry Irvin err vin Chair ir, , Department artment of Basic sic Stud udies ies Columbus umbus State te University versity

  1. DEV EVELO ELOP P AN AN EX EXCITING TING CO COMMO MMON N READ EADING ING PR PROG OGRAM RAM Dr. T erry Irvin err vin Chair ir, , Department artment of Basic sic Stud udies ies Columbus umbus State te University versity Irvin vin_t _ter erry@colum y@columbusstat

  2. Co Comm mmon on Reading ding Prog ograms rams Purp rpose ose Broad Goal: l: Foster er stud udent ent suc uccess cess Sp Spec ecific c Goals ls: model el academ emic ic beh ehavio ior set et expe pectati tations ns for st stude udent nt suc uccess cess foster er studen dent t involv lveme ement nt pr promote e more m e mea eaningf gful ul le learning ing Laufgrab graben en, , J.L., ., (2006). ). Commo mon reading ding programs: grams: Going ing beyon yond d the e book ook (Monog onograph aph No. 44). . Colum lumbi bia, a, SC: : Univ iversi ersity ty of South th Caroli olina, a, National ional Resou sourc rce e Cente ter for the e Firs rst-Yea ear r Experie erience nce and Stude dents nts in Trans nsitio ition. n.

  3. TH THE SELE LECTIO CTION CO COMMIT MITTEE TEE • In Involv lve e EVERYB YBODY ODY – Se Sele lectio ion n committee tee sho hould ld ha have e rep epres esentati entatives ves from al all l area eas of c campu pus, , faculty lty, , staff, , studen dents ts – St Start ea early ly. . Late e October er – Novem ember er good times es for th the e foll llowi wing g fall ll – Give e ea each h me memb mber er a s spe pecif ific ic task and a timel eline ne for c compl pleti etion

  4. TH THE SELE LECTIO CTION PROCES CESS • It’s political! Try to pick a book that most dep epartments ments can em embrace. e. • Don’t let one department/discipline dominate the he pr process ess. • Cho hoose e a bo book wi with h lo local l inter erest/co est/conne nnectio ction • Thr hree ee rul ules es for th the e sel electi ection on: – Must be under er 325 5 pages – Must be acces ccessib sible le to ALL f freshm shmen en – Ca Cann nnot ot have been en made in into a m movie ie (e (eno noug ugh said id !)

  5. MAKE KE TH THE BOOK K ACC CCESSIBL IBLE • Buy uy the he book for Al All l incomi ming ng fres eshm hmen, en, Fres eshm hman n Lea earni ning ng Community ty instructo uctors, rs, Fres eshm hman n Se Seminar instruct ructor ors • Provid ide e the he book for ad admi ministrat strator ors, s, dea eans, , cha hairs rs, , fres eshm hman n compo positi ition on instructor uctors. s. • Get et copi pies es to fr fres eshm hman n adviso sors, rs, upp pper er-divi ivisio ion n instructors ructors, , and staff wh who expr pres ess s an inter erest. est. • IF THEY CAN GET IT , THEY’LL READ IT . IF THEY Y READ D IT IT , T , THEY Y WIL ILL L USE SE IT IT IN IN TH THE CLASSRO SROOM OM AND TALK ABOUT IT IT AC ACROSS S CAM AMPUS US.

  6. AUTHO THOR • Sc Sche hedule ule the he aut uthor hor to sp spea eak after er stud udents ents ha have e had a c ha cha hance ce to rea ead the he book nd week of Octobe – CSU U sched edules les the author or for 2 nd tober – Speech ech is is heavily ily advertised vertised and nd held d at the common on meeting ing hour when no clas asse ses s meet • Autho hor r mee eets wi with h spe pecial l groups ps or cla lasses es in additio ion n to the he camp mpus us-wi wide e spee eech • Author’s fee is always a consideration when sel elec ecting ting a bo book

  7. CO COLL LLAB ABORA ORATE TE • T ake e advantag age e of e even ents/ ts/pr prog ogra rams s alr lrea eady y bei eing pl planned ed on campu pus and i in the he community ty. – Freshm shman an Convoc ocat atio ion speak aker er – Southeastern eastern Lit iterar rary y Festival ival – Th The Big ig Read ad • Encourage urage instructo ructors rs in up uppe per-leve level l courses ses to use e the he book. – Co Communic nicat atio ions ns majors rs in inter ervie iewe wed d Vie ietnam nam veterans’ widows for Library of Congress archives ( The Thin ings gs They y Carri ried) d) – Politic itical al Scienc ience e majors ors held d campus us debat bates es on gu n guns ns on campus us ( No Rig ight to Remain in Sil ilent) nt)

  8. Select ct a Bo Book ok wi with th Co Comm mmunity unity Co Connecti nections ons or r Speci cific ic Tie ies to to th the Are rea • In Increa eases ses campu pus inter erest est in Common Rea eading ng • All llows ws students ents many opp pportuni unitie ties s to tie e cla lassr sroo oom m le learnin ing g to re real-li life e examp mple les • Assures res ea easy access ess to lo local l expe perts s and res esources rces • Sp Spurs community ity pa participa cipati tion on in c campu pus s activit vitie ies s associated ated wi with h the he book

  9. ACT CTIVIT IVITIES IES • Provide de a vari riety ety of activi ivitie ties s to compleme mplement nt the e year’s selection. – Freshma hman n convo vocat cation ion speech ch, , lectur ures, es, class s guests sts – Ente tertain rtainmen ment t events: ts: movies, ies, stude udent nt-led d music/ ic/art art – Service ce opportun rtunit ities ies – Field d trips, ps, essay/ ay/art rt conte test sts • Schedu hedule le eve vents nts through oughout out the e year r to maintain ntain interest terest across ss campu mpus • Involve volve camp mpus s and comm mmunit nity y mem ember bers s in campus pus- wide e and class ssroom oom eve vents nts • If yo you u feed ed them, em, they ey will come me

  10. ASSESSMENT MENT • Assessment is essential. What do you want to achieve? How do you know when you’ve met goals? • Take roll – how many students attend/participate in events? What percent of freshmen participate? • Get feedback – survey students, faculty, community • Imbed questions about Common Reading in end-of- term student and instructor evaluations of FYE. • Use this data to modify and improve Common Reading program.


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