Co Coast stal al Engin ineeri eering ng Co Consult sultant ant Services ices for or Segment ment II III I Shor ore Prot otectio ction Present sentation ation to Brow owar ard d County y Shortl rtlist ist Committ ittee ee August gust 16, 2017 17 Coast stal, l, Envi vironm onment ntal, l, Marine ne & Water r Resour ources s Engine gineeri ring ng
ATM TM Co Comp mpany any Overview view Florida-Based Coastal, Marine and Water Resources Firm Specific Focus on Coastal Communities WPB Office Focused on Coastal and Marine Projects Extensive Experience with South Florida and Caribbean Nourishment Projects with Coral/Hardbottom Concerns
Hard rdbotto bottom m Exp xperi rience ence in in Sou outheas theast t Flor orid ida
Tru ruck ck Haul ul Exp xperi rience ence In the past 5 years ATM has supported the successful design, permitting and construction of 6 truck haul nourishment projects in Florida ATM is currently providing Engineer of Record services for the 2017-18 Hollywood Renourishment Project (in Segment III) ATM is currently supporting a major post-Mathew renourishment for NASA (design volume: ~400,000 CY)
Proje ject ct T ea eam Project Management, Engineering & Permitting Hardbottom Expertise and Monitoring
Hillsboro/Deerfield Beach 2015 Beach Nourishment Biological Monitoring – 2016 to present Project includes monitoring of physical and biological characteristics to determine potential impacts following the 2015 truck-haul beach nourishment event o Monitoring includes: Hardbottom Edge Mapping Map the most prominent sand-hardbottom interface or consolidated nearshore hardbottom edge Comparison to previously mapped edge, helps to identify persistent hardbottom areas vs. ephemeral areas Nearshore Monitoring Transects Sediment Depth Measurements Sand-Hardbottom Intercept Measurements Benthic Characterization: BEAMR o Comparison with data collected from past monitoring events Parametric and non-parametric tests Assessed significance in observed trends between current and baseline surveys Coordinate directly with State and Federal Agencies to employ approved standard operation procedures for monitoring methodology o Followed the 2014 Revised Biological Monitoring Plan o Prior to survey, conference with FDEP to ensure adherence to approved methodology o Followed the “ Standard Operation Procedures For Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring Of Beach Nourishment Projects ”: methods for data collection, and report/figure generation Used modern survey quality geographic positioning systems in combination with navigational software for plotting and development of GIS habitat maps (industry standard) Comprehensive Research, Inventory, and Statistical Comparison of historical monitoring data
Port Everglades Navigation Improvement Project (PRENIP) – 2016 to present Collecting baseline information for environmental resource permitting for dredging/port improvement Two different monitoring protocols: ESA and Recon, used to collect baseline data on hardbottom habitat (nearshore to offshore habitats, various reef habitats) o ESA- specifically addressing ESA (Endangered Species Act) Listed Species: Acropora palmata , Acropora cervicornis , Dendrogyra cylindrus , Mycetophyllia ferox , Orbicella annularis , Orbicella faveolata , and Orbicella franksi . Colony measurements, points, Species ID, location along transect. o Reconnaissance video collection to provide benthic cover data, collected at a fixed height and speed Belt-transect: collecting data on all scleractinian (hard) corals (species ID, maximum size, count, photos, location), and count and size class data for Xestospongia muta (Giant barrel sponges) Quadrat data: octocoral (ID to genus level, maximum measurement, count), sponge (morphotype, size class, count), maximum relief, maximum sediment depth and percent cover data collected at each quadrat location (14 functional groups) Collect Hydrodynamic Current and Waves Data to support nearshore sediment transport modeling
Coral Collection, Handling, Relocation and Nursery Development – 2009 to present Pinnacle is recognized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) as leaders in coral reef damage assessment, reef rehabilitation, and coral transplantation. Experience producing coral relocation plans, and obtaining Special Activities Licenses from Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) for coral relocation activities. Collectively, the team at Pinnacle has reattached more than 10,000 corals in the last 10 years Multitude of past and ongoing projects that involve: coral relocation and monitoring, coral damage assessment, restoration, and monitoring, collection of baseline coral data, and development of effective mitigation planning for successful project permitting.
Key Ke y Sta taff Michael Jenkins, PhD, PE – (ATM) Coastal Engineering Principal Peter Seidle, PE – (ATM) Senior Coastal Engineer Joe Chaison, PE – (ATM) Senior Coastal Engineer John Waszak – (ATM) Technical and Construction Support John Fitzgerald, MS – (Pinnacle) Senior Marine Biologist Randi Shiplett, MS – (Pinnacle) Marine Biologist Francesca Fourney, MS – (Pinnacle) Marine Biologist This Represents ~ 80 Years of Coastal Experience & ~ 45 Years of Nearshore Hardbottom Experience
Segme ment nt II III I Proj oject ect
Proj oject ect Approa oach ch – Cu Curr rrent ent Co Conditi ditions ons Current Segment III Volume Capacity (Dania/Hallandale/Hollywood Segment): 549,497 CY 2017-18 Hollywood Renourishment
Proj oject ect Approa oach ch – Cu Curr rrent ent Co Conditi ditions ons Net Volume: 481,240 CY (19.1 CY/LF) Construction Duration: 178 Days (One Access); Cost (USACE Specs): ~$25 million Coast (Alt. Specs): ~$22.5 million Beach Access Points
General eral Approa oach ch Federal Authorization and Coordination Realize Design and Programmatic Opportunities Associated with Truck Haul Construction Expresses Hardbottom Discussion in terms of Habitat Function Highlight Ephemeral Nature of Habitat Optimize Program to Improve Performance, Reduce Impacts, Reduce Mitigation Requirements and Increase Mitigation Value
Hard rdbotto bottom m Im Impact ct Approa oach ch - Planning nning Evolution of Project Evaluation Methods (Project Equilibration) Adoption of ‘Feeder Beach’ Concepts to Minimize Impacts Integrated Engineering and Environmental Team
Hard rdbotto bottom m Im Impact ct Approa oach ch - Mon onit itori oring ng Adoption of Protocols Consistent with Port Everglades Expansion Study Study Method to Differentiate Project Related Impacts from Natural, Evulsive and other Anthropogenic sources Adoption of a habitat function and net habitat value approach to impact assessment Adaptive management through monitoring
Hard rdbotto bottom m Im Impact ct Approa oach ch - Mit itig igatio tion Proactive Engagement in Regulatory Process Optimization of Mitigation Approach to Improve Value and Reduce Costs
Proje ject ct Exampl ple e – In Indian River er County ty ATM supported the development of the County-wide nourishment program including permitting, hardbottom assessment and mitigation Development of the ‘no - impact’ design and validation of the feeder beach concept Development of methods for assessment of ‘perched beaches’ Evolution of Program from offshore sources to exclusively truck haul
Proje ject ct Exampl ple e – TOPB Mid- Town wn Nourishment hment FDEP Beach Management Agreement FDEP Engagement on Hardbottom Issues Acceptance of nearshore hardbottom ephemeral behavior Mitigation based on habitat function and increase in mitigation value through inclusion of coral nurseries Successful resolution of Mitigation associated with hurricane and cumulative impacts Program Adaptive Management through comprehensive monitoring
Proje ject ct Exampl ple e – Jupi piter ter Is Isla land d Nourishme shment nt • Northerly Template Expansion Improves Project Nourishment Interval and Reduces Average Annual Cost • No Impacts to Hardbottom Template Expansion Permitted Footprint
Su Summary of T T ea eam A Advanta tages ges Proven success in the design, permitting and construction of SE Florida nourishment projects in the vicinity of nearshore hardbottom Proven history of successful resolution of hardbottom impact and mitigation concerns Coordination and integration of County program with City of Hollywood Nourishments Integration of program into the regional monitoring of hardbottom resources Current, proactive relationships with Regulatory Entities and Broward Stakeholders Coast stal, l, Envi vironm onment ntal, l, Marine ne & Water r Resour ources s Engine gineeri ring ng
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