chieta the catalyst for enhanced skills economic growth

CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Regional Skills Forum Ayesha Itzkin, CHIETA CEO (Acting). CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CONTENT New SETA Landscape

  1. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Regional Skills Forum Ayesha Itzkin, CHIETA CEO (Acting).

  2. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CONTENT • New SETA Landscape • BUSA-DHET case • PPC will be visiting CHIETA Projects • Clean Audits • The importance of ongoing performance and delivery by all CHIETA staff and stakeholders • Recognition in various publications • Union Member Training • GS College Launch – Pilot Plant • Unilever Project • Technical Schools Project with DBE • AGM

  3. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability N EW S ETA L ANDSCAPE • There has been no further updates received from DHET with regards to the New SETA Landscpe • Our licence is extended until 31 March 2018 • For CHIETA this means, that we continuing to do the good work we do, in an accountable way • Ensuring that we meet our targets as set out in our SLA with DHET • And disburse grants as per the Grant Regulations

  4. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability BUSA-DHET CASE • From the last update that we gave to you, the status quo remains,i.e.: – Mandatory Grants remain 20% – Discretionary Grants remain as 49.5% – QCTO remains as 0.5%

  5. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability P ARLIAMENTARY P ORTFOLIO C OMMITTEE S ITE V ISITS • The Parliamentary Portfolio Committee is doing Site Visits to SETA Wow Projects • This can be very positive for the SETAs, as there is a lot of good work being done • This will be an opportunity for the SETAs to showcase their ground breaking projects and the impact they are having on the lives of South African citizens • We maybe calling on you as stakeholders to assist coordinate these site visit, if your project is selected

  6. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CLEAN AUDITS • CHIETA has received 14 unqualified audits • In 2014/2015 FY CHIETA received a CLEAN and unqualified audit • In 2015/2016 FY CHIETA has maintained this achievement, and despite the AGSA digging deeper, CHIETA has received its 2 nd CLEAN and unqualified Audit • This 2 nd clean audit was made possible through consistent hard work and application • We thank our stakeholders for their compliance with submitting the necessary documents as required, which plays a big role in CHIETA receiving a clean audit

  7. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability T HE IMPORTANCE OF ONGOING PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERY BY ALL CHIETA STAFF AND STAKEHOLDERS • The Clean audits received from CHIETA now sets the bar high for both the CHIETA staff and stakeholders • It is critically important for us to maintain the accountable way in which CHIETA disburses grants and operates • The various deliverables that are required, which will be outlined by the LPDI unit presentation and Grants unit presentations is necessary for us to achieve a 3rd clean audit

  8. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability R ECOGNITION IN VARIOUS P UBLICATIONS

  9. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability U NION M EMBER T RAINING P ROGRAMME • 53 (Fifty three) learners across 4 (Four) Trade Unions were accepted onto the Pilot Project in 2015 • A total 47 (Forty Seven) of learners were found competent at the end of this programme, an 89% throughput rate

  10. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability GS C OLLEGE L AUNCH OF THE P ROJECT AND P ILOT P LANT Number Contract Total Funding Financial Year of Number Allocated Learners Learning- 2014-2015-CYCLE-1 150 R 6 750 000.00 Contract-1731 Learning- 2015-2016-CYCLE-1 194 R 7 408 394.90 Contract-3459 Appeal- Contract-3459 - 2015-2016-CYCLE-1 185 R 555 000.00 TRANSPORT TOP UP Learning- 2016-2017-CYCLE-1 197 R 8 865 000.00 Contract-5348 TOTAL FUNDING R 25 420 394.90

  11. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability U NILEVER P ROJECT • In this exciting ground breaking project, learners that are studying Mechanical Engineering at WITS leave university at the end of year 2 of their studies to join the Unilever Team at Khanyisa Plant in Boxburg to receive workplace experience and then return to college to complete their qualification • Learners are currently in the workplace and adding value to the company while learning more about what the real job in the workplace is about

  12. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability T ECHNICAL S CHOOLS P ROJECT IN P ARTNERSHIP WITH DBE • DBE is on a drive to uplift the Technical Schools of South Africa • CHIETA is looking for meaningful ways to support DBE in their drive • The CHIETA Grants Executive and Mr Ferdie Liddle from DBE will be giving you background to this project and how the CHIETA Stakeholders can benefit from such and intervention

  13. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CHIETA AGM

  14. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability THANK YOU


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