chi square test

Chi-Square Test How do you know if your data is the result of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Chi-Square Test How do you know if your data is the result of random chance or environmental variables? Chi-Square Test Used to compare categorical data and evaluate if differences between the data sets are statistically significant or due

  1. Chi-Square Test How do you know if your data is the result of random chance or environmental variables?

  2. Chi-Square Test • Used to compare categorical data and evaluate if differences between the data sets are statistically significant or due to chance In other words… • Is the variation between observed and expected data due to chance or due to other factors (variables)?

  3. Chi-square Sum Observed values Expected values

  4. Null Hypothesis (H 0 ) • States that there is no statistical significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies • In statistics, a “ significant ” difference means there is a less than 5% chance that the variation in the data is due to random/chance events • Goal of an experiment is to invalidate (or “nullify”) the null hypothesis

  5. Effect of Fertilizer on Plant Growth Null Hypothesis (H 0 ) Alternative Hypothesis (H 1 ) The application of The application of fertilizer fertilizer does not affect affects plant growth. plant growth.

  6. Effect of Humidity on Isopod Behavior Null Hypothesis (H 0 ) Alternative Hypothesis (H 1 )

  7. Effect of Humidity on Isopod Behavior Expected Values? Observed Values?

  8. Application of the Chi-Square Test • Used to either fail to reject or reject the null hypothesis • Fail to reject? The variation in the data is due to chance (bad data!) • Reject? The variation in the data is due to some variable in the experiment (good data!)

  9. Is the difference between observed and expected values due to chance or a variable? • B (brown) • b (white) • 100 plants • Expect? • Observed = 57 brown, 43 white

  10. How to Use the Chi-Square Test • 1 st – Specify the null hypothesis • 2 nd – Determine the degrees of freedom (n-1) (number of possible outcomes – 1) • 3 rd – Determine the critical value using Chi- Square Distribution Table (p = 0.05, or 95% sure) • 4 th – Calculate Chi-Square • 5 th – Compare Chi-Square value with the critical value

  11. Degrees of Freedom

  12. Degrees of Freedom

  13. Determine Critical Value • Is your chi-square value in the RED zone ? Then you CANNOT claim that the variation in the data observed is due to the variable you are testing Not Significant Significant

  14. Chi-Square Value? • If the chi-squared value exceeds (or is greater than) the critical value, then you reject the null hypothesis. This means that the variation in the data is due to a variable being tested ( “statistically significant” ). • If the chi-squared value is less than the critical value, then you fail to reject the null hypothesis. This means that the variation in the data is due to chance.

  15. Calculate Chi-Square for Activity A2

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