chapter 10 mechanism design and postcontractual hidden

Chapter 10 Mechanism Design and Postcontractual Hidden Knowledge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Chapter 10 Mechanism Design and Postcontractual Hidden Knowledge 10.1 Mechanisms, Unravelling, Cross Checking, and the Revelation Principle A mechanism is a set of rules that one player constructs and another freely accepts in order

  1. Chapter 10 Mechanism Design and Postcontractual Hidden Knowledge 10.1 Mechanisms, Unravelling, Cross Checking, and the Revelation Principle  A mechanism is a set of rules that one player constructs and another freely accepts in order to convey information from the second player to the first. ð The mechanism contains an information report by the second player and a mapping from each possible report to some action by the first.

  2.  Adverse selection models can be viewed as problems of mechanism design . The contract offers are a mechanism for getting the agents ð to truthfully report their types.  Mechanism design goes beyond simple adverse selection. ð It can be useful even when players begin a game with symmetric information or when both players have hidden information that they would like to exchange.

  3. Postcontractual Hidden Knowledge ð Moral hazard games complete information r ð Moral hazard with hidden knowledge (also called postcontractual adverse selection) symmetric information at the time of contracting r r asymmetric information after a contract is signed r The principal's concern is to give agents incentives to disclose their types later.

  4. The participation constraint is based on the agent's expected r payoffs across the different types of agent he might become. There is just one participation constraint r even if there are eventually n possible types of agents in the model, rather than the participation constraints that would be required n in a standard adverse selection model.

  5. What makes postcontractual hidden knowledge an ideal setting for ð the paradigm of mechanism design is that the problem is to set up a contract that r induces the agent to make a truthful report to the principal, and is acceptable to both the principal and the agent. r

  6.  Production Game VIII: Mechanism Design Players ð r the principal and the agent ð The order of play 1 The principal offers the agent a wage contract of the form ( , ), w q m where is q output and is a m message to be sent by the agent. 2 The agent accepts or rejects the principal's contract.

  7. 3 Nature chooses the state of the world s , according to probability distribution ( ), where the state is F s s good with probability 0.5 and bad with probability 0.5. The agent observes , but the principal does s not . 4 If the agent accepted, he exerts effort e unobserved by − the principal, and sends message m { good bad , } to him. œ œ 5 Output is ( , ), where ( , q e s q e good ) 3 and ( , e q e bad ) e , and the wage is paid.

  8. Payoffs ð r If the agent rejects the contract, _ 1 œ œ 1 œ then U 0 and 0. agent principal r If the agent accepts the contract, e 2 1 agent œ œ  then U e w s ( , , ) w and 1 principal œ  œ  V q ( w ) q w .

  9. The agent does not know his type at the point in time ð at which he must accept or reject the contract. cheap talk  ð The message is m it does not affect payoffs directly and there is no penalty for lying. The principal cannot observe effort, but can observe output . ð

  10.  The principal implements a mechanism to extract the agent's information . In noncooperative games, ð we ordinarily assume that agents have no moral sense . ð Since the agent's words are worthless , the principal must try to design a contract that either provides incentive for truth telling or takes lying into account.

  11.  The first-best effort depends on the state of the world. The principal can observe the state of the world and ð the agent's effort level. ð In the good state, the social surplus maximization problem is 2  Maximize 3 e e . g g e g * œ r the optimal effort e 1.5 g * œ 4.5 r q g

  12. ð In the bad state, the social surplus maximization problem is 2  Maximize e e . b b e b * œ r the optimal effort e 0.5 b * œ 0.5 q r b

  13.  The optimal contract The optimal contract must satisfy just one participation constraint, ð with the two incentive compatibility constraints. ð The principal must solve the problem:    Maximize [0.5 ( q w ) 0.5 ( q w )] (10.1) g g b b q q , w w , g , b g b such that

  14. the agent is paid under a forcing contract , ( , ), r q w g g œ if he reports m good , and œ under a forcing contract , ( q , w ), if he reports m bad , b b r producing a wrong output for a given contract results in boiling in oil, and r the contracts must induce participation and self selection .

  15. The self-selection constraints ð in the good state r 2 1 agent l œ  Î ( q , w good ) w ( q 3) (10.2) g g g g 2  Î œ 1 l w ( q 3) ( q , w good ) b b agent b b r in the bad state 2 1 agent l œ  ( q , w bad ) w q (10.3) b b b b 2  œ 1 l w q ( q , w bad ) g agent g g g

  16. The single participation constraint ð At the time of contracting, r the agent does not know what the state will be. 1 l  1 l r 0.5 ( q , w good ) 0.5 ( q , w bad ) (10.4) agent g g agent b b 2 2 œ  Î   0.5 { w ( q 3) } 0.5 ( w q ) 0. g g b b

  17. The single participation constraint (10.4) is binding . ð The principal wants to pay the agent as little as possible. r 2 2  Î   œ r 0.5 { w ( q 3) } 0.5 ( w q ) 0 g g b b

  18. The good state's self-selection constraint (10.2) will be binding . ð In the good state, the agent will be tempted r to take the easier contract appropriate for the bad state, and so the principal has to increase the agent's payoff from the good-state contract to yield him at least as much as in the bad state. 2 2  Î œ  Î r w ( q 3) w ( q 3) g g b b

  19. From the two binding constraints, we obtain the following expressions ð for w and w . b g 2 œ Î r w (5 9) q b b 2 2 œ Î  Î r w (1 9) q (4 9) q g g b ð The bad state's self-selection constraint (10.3) will not be binding. r Let the agent not be tempted to produce a large amount for a large wage. 2 2    r w q w q b g b g r Solve the relaxed problem without this constraint, and then check that this constraint is indeed satisfied .

  20.  The second-best contract The principal's maximization problem (10.1) rewritten ð 2 2 2  Î  Î   Î Maximize [0.5 { q (1 9) q (4 9) q } 0.5 { q (5 9) q }] g b g b b q q g , b r Eliminate w and w from the maximand b g using the two binding constraints, and perform the unconstrained maximization. ** ** œ œ q 4.5 q 0.5 ð g b ** ** ¸ ¸ w 2.36 w 0.14 g b

  21. The bad state's self-selection constraint (10.3) is satisfied . ð ** ** 2 ** ** 2    w ( q ) w ( q ) r b b g g Note that, if the realization of the state of the world is the bad state, ð then the agent's payoff is negative . r Does a breach of the contract or renegotiation occur? ð In both states, effort is at the first-best level. ð The agent does not earn informational rents. r At the time of contracting, he has no private information.

  22. The principal in Production Game VIII is less constrained, ð compared to Production Game VII, and thus able to come closer to the first-best when the state is bad , and reduce the rents to the agent.

  23. Observable but Nonverifiable Information and the Maskin Matching Scheme ð Three players involved in the contracting situation the principal who offers the contract r r the agent who accepts it r the court that enforces it We say that the variable is s nonverifiable ð if contracts based on it cannot be enforced.

  24. What if the state is observable by both the principal and the agent, ð but is not public information? r nonverifiable r Mutual observability can help. r Maskin (1977) suggests cross checking .

  25. Cross checking for Production Game VIII ð 1 Principal and agent simultaneously send messages m and m p a to the court saying whether the state is good or bad. Á If m m , p a then no contract is chosen and both players earn zero payoffs. œ If m m , the court enforces part 2 of the scheme. p a l 2 The agent is paid the wage ( w q ) with either the good-state l forcing contract (2.25 4.5) or the bad-state forcing contract l (0.25 0.5), depending on his report m a , or is boiled in oil if the output is inappropriate to his report.

  26. There exists an equilibrium in which both players are willing to r send truthful messages , because a deviation would result in zero payoffs. The agent earns a payoff of zero , r because the principal has all of the bargaining power. r The principal's payoff is positive , and efforts are at the first-best level.

  27. Usually this kind of scheme has multiple equilibria. ð r perverse ones in which both players send false messages which match and inefficient actions result ð A bigger problem than the multiplicity of equilibria is renegotiation due to players' inability to commit to the mechanism.


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