cer serv vices

cer Serv vices Particip pation A Agenda Backgrou und to up a and - PDF document

Teena age & Y oung Ad dult (TY YA) Canc cer Serv vices Particip pation A Agenda Backgrou und to up a and coming g Participati on work: The Tee enage and Y Young Adult t Cancer Se ervice has b been succes ssful in gain ning a place e on

  1. Teena age & Y oung Ad dult (TY YA) Canc cer Serv vices – Particip pation A Agenda Backgrou und to up a and coming g Participati on work: The Tee enage and Y Young Adult t Cancer Se ervice has b been succes ssful in gain ning a place e on the ‘Transfo orming Partic cipation Wor rkforce Deve lopment Pro ogramme’. This pro ogramme has s been comm missioned an nd funded b y Health Edu ucation Nort th as part of f a wider Transfor rming Partici ipation Proje ect led by NH HS England in n partnershi p with the N North East Le eadership Academ y and Acade emic Health S Science Netw work. The pro ogramme is being co ‐ o ordinated a nd led by Northumbr ia Universit y. The serv vice was represen nted on the workshop b by all three agencies th hat make up p the wider TYA Cancer Services Team (N NuTH, CLIC an nd TCT). As part t of our w work we are e building a participat tion strateg gy with you ung people entitled #WhatA AreYouSaying g, and one ou utcome from m this will be applying for r ‘Your Welco ome’ accred itation. Further outcomes f for the servi ice will be p presentation ns within Nu uTH, to CLIC C Sargent an nd also a poster p presentation at next year r’s Teenage C Cancer Trust Internationa al Conferenc ce. 1

  2. s 3 rd rd B TY TYA A Unit’ Unit’ s 3 Birthd irthda ay Cel y Cele ebr bratio on & & n Day Cons Consu ultati ltatio on Day As a serv vice we nee d to explore every possi ble way of c communicati ng with you ng people an nd in the first inst tance we are e trying to ge et their views s on how bes st to do this. a 3 rd birthda As a TYA A Cancer Ser rvice Team, a ay party for t the unit on w ward 34 was s an excellen nt way to not only y gather pati ients past an nd present to ogether, to s socialise, sha are stories a nd positively y engage in the TY YA service, e either for the e first time o or as continu uous engagem ment. The c celebrations included the cele ebration of w what the un it has achiev ved over the e past 3 yea ars. The you ng people p produced inspirati ional stories about their journey and d one young g man had do one this usin ng poetry. T he event also incl uded fun an d engaging a activities. The eve ent was seco ondly used a as an opport tunity to beg gin the parti icipation pro ocess. It was s a three pronged d approach w with three dif fferent stran nds… First we asked young g people to u use the ‘Thin nk then Ink’ b boards to wr rite their view ws on the fo llowing: What is the best way y to… 1) Get your vie ews on the se ervices we of ffer? 2) To tell you h how we have e listened to your views a and what act tion we have e taken? Secondly y, we need t to know wh at young pe ople think a bout our cu rrent service es, we had a a life size cardboa ard figure of a doctor an nd a nurse a and asked y oung people e to simply put post its on each figure w with their view w on what m made a good d ‘doctor’ or ‘nurse’. We intend to do o this for eac ch of the professi onals within the MDT. Third, w we have prod duced some w written patie ent informat tion leaflets, which have now been a approved by the t trusts comm mittee, and w we used the e birthday t to have face e to face int terviews wit th young people t to get their v views on how w to further d develop the leaflets, incl uding design ns for printin ng. Numbe ers in attend dance ‐ TYA A’s 18 ‐ 24 (up p to 26 for those who began trea atment at 24 4) Male: 7 7 Fem male: 8 *TYA’s f family and f riends were also in atte endance to s share in the celebration ns. Overall, e excluding staff and d various inv vited Hospita al guests, the ere was over 25 TYA fami ilies and frie nds in attend dance.* 2

  3. TY YA Feedba ack  What makes s a good Doc ctor or Nurs e? ‐ Attentive ‐ Knowledge eable ‐ Smiley ‐ Going the e extra mile i. e. coming i n to see yo u on their d day off ‐ Dedication to Patients s ‐ Patience ‐ Caring ‐ Understand ding ‐ Looking ou t for all the family mem mbers, not j just the pat tient ‐ Staying till the job is d one, regard dless of time e ‐ Knowing w hen to kick ass, when t to laugh an d when to h hug ‐ Understand ding patient ts and what t is best for them ‐ Always the re to listen and to exp lain things i in words I u understand ‐ Get to know w the patie nts on a pe rsonal level l ‐ Recognise w who the pa tients are ‐ Know peop ple’s name ‐ Cheerful ‐ Bubbly to b brighten up my day ‐ Know when n to ask nur rses ‐ Know when n to bring in n cake  What is the e best way to… 1) Get your vi iews on the e services w we offer? Text E ‐ m mail Social Med ia 2) To tell you how we ha ave listened d to your vi ews and wh hat action w we have tak ken? Text E ‐ m mail Social Med ia Displays & Posters  d booklets TYA views on how to f further dev velop any in nformation leaflets an ‐ Make it eas sily recognis sable that it t is for TYA’ s (consisten nt themes, logos, colou urs etc.) ‐ Colourful 3

  4. ‐ Short and s snappy (Bul let points) ‐ To the poin nt ‐ Make us aw ware that it’ ’s about can ncer, but do on’t mentio on cancer al l the time ‐ Make issue es around s sexual healt th discreet, , but again, , make it cl lear on the subject (relevant p ictures – co ouples, relat tionships, m male & fema ale gender/ /sex symbol s etc.) ‐ Don’t make e the bookle et too large e, A5 or wall let size, so i it’s easy to c carry aroun nd e e.g. 3 rd ‐ Use relevan nt pictures of local TYA A events an nd people w who access the service Birthday ce elebrations or local lan nd marks e. .g. Angel of f the North . Make it fe eel local and represe entative of the area in which they y come to a ccess the se ervice. Whilst small l scale, this w was a very su uccessful eve ent, thanks i n main to th he excellent f feedback we received d from the TYA’s and t their familie es. The even nt has also been chose en to be included in t the Teenage Cancer Trus sts fundraisin ng teams ‘m oments of 2 015’ staff ev vent, as a memorable moment fo r our region nal fundraise ers, as well as been sha ared on the Teenage Cancer Trust t Facebook p pages. 4

  5. What’s n next? TYA Cancer Services Tea am have co ompleted the e taught par rt of the wor rkforce deve elopment programme and will be e presenting g our initial thoughts o n a strategy y in the for rm of an academic p oster prese ntation to t the Universi ity and prof fessional co lleagues, as s well as on the 30 th Ju invited ‘criti cal friends’ o une 2015, alo ong with the e other progr ramme atten ndees. Whilst we a cknowledge we have lot ts of questio ns we want to ask youn g people we e need to also listen to o what they want to tel l us, so the s strategy mov ving forward d is very muc ch about co ‐ design. T This will ens sure we cap pture views on the issu ues we want t to raise b but more importantly on the issue es young peo ople are talki ng about. 5


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