Developing a Districtwide Autism Program: A Building Sustainable Systems of Support Training Model for Serving Students with ASD Within Local School Districts What: Focus on positive outcomes for: o Students, Staff and Parents Why : Research guides us: o Effective practices for students o Effective staff development How: Empower school districts: o Implementation and training sites throughout the state/district STAR Autism Support o Practical solutions for teachers o District level coaches for sustainability 1 2 Research Guides Practice Use Evidence ‐ Based Practices National Professional Development Center on ASD and National Standards Report Principles of ABA Task Analysis Discrete Trial Training Reinforcement Systems Peer Mediated Instruction Schedules Visual Supports Aug Communication Self ‐ Management Modeling/Imitation Pivotal Response Training 4 3 Research on Capacity Building Components Professional Development Content Focus Professional Development Workshops Active Learning Coaching Teacher Tools Including Curricula and Classroom Visual Supports • To achieve fidelity of implementation of behaviorally based curricula, it requires a system ‐ wide response at the local level via in ‐ service training that provides for on ‐ going In Class Coaching support (National Autism Center, 2009). Research has documented that when teachers are engaged in active learning • Building Capacity through Training Sites (observation, practice and collaboration with professionals) they are more likely to improve their practice (Lieberman, 1996; Louks ‐ Horsley, Hewson, Love, & Stiles, 1998). and District Level Coaches The best staff training includes demonstration, coaching and follow ‐ up training . • Bolton & Mayer (2008) 5 6 1
Research into Practice: Teachers Need Tools Curriculum Tools Preschool/Elementary STAR Program Fidelity of Comprehensive Curricula for Implementation students with ASD Checklists Visual Supports Lesson Plans Progress Monitoring Technology IEP Goals Guides to the Common Core Training for General Middle School/ High School Educators Transition Planning Across Grade Levels Self-Assessment on Quality Program Indicators Post ‐ secondary 7 8 Student Learning Profile STAR: A Comprehensive Research ‐ Based Three Levels Behavioral Program Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Instructional Strategies Used: • Discrete Trial • Pivotal Response Training • Teaching Functional Routines • Positive Behavior Supports Six Curriculum Content Areas Addressed: • Expressive language • Receptive language • Spontaneous language • Functional routines • Pre ‐ academic skills • Play and social interaction concepts 10 PROGRESS VIDEO Lesson Plan Expressive Language (PRT) Receptive Language (DT) Spontaneous Language (Progress Video) Routines ‐ Arriva l (FR) 11 12 2
Links: Focus on Middle and High School Students Themes: • Independence and Self ‐ Determination • Functional and Generalized Skills Assessment and • Strength ‐ Based Curriculum • Post ‐ Secondary Transition and Instruction for Employability Secondary Content: • Expressive/Receptive Language Students • Academics in the Context of Daily Life Routines • Social Communication • Complex Vocational Tasks • Functional Daily Routines 1 4 Monitor Progress 1 5 Promote Fidelity of Implementation: School Job Routine (#27) Example Fidelity Checklist: Preschool/Elem Recycling 1 7 18 3
Professional Development Opportunities for General STAR Media Center: Education Teachers Scheduling, Routine and Training Supports Promoting Inclusive Practices Web-based on demand professional development modules 19 20 Empower School Districts State and Districtwide Projects Administration, Instructional Staff, Parents, Students Training Site Development Process 22 OrPATS Highlights: 2013 ‐ 15 42 Training sites throughout the state 700+ Teams attended an OrPATS workshop 200+ Teams have accessed an ORPATS site for “on ‐ site, hands ‐ on” training 350+ Students were in attendance at the ORPATS sites receiving services Since 2003 over 80% of the OrPATS sites established continue to train others On ‐ line resource for General Educators 23 24 4
ORPATS: Statewide Training Network OrPATS Established 42 School District Training Sites modeling research ‐ based methods and established a cadre of school district coaches Outcome data on student progress collected (Arick, Young, Falco, Loos, Krug, Gense and Johnson, 2003) 25 26 State ‐ wide Outreach Program Easter Seals Arkansas Supports school districts throughout the state of Arkansas in implementing evidence ‐ based instructional practices for students with ASD across the grade range (preschool through secondary) Connect • A summer weekly “basic training” with students and coaches Workshops and in ‐ classroom coaching throughout the school year Coordinate with local school districts , state education department and Arkansas Autism Commission Collaboration with STAR Autism Support to provide training 28 CONNECT Coaching Training one week with students “Together we can make a difference” 5
Average Number of Lessons Mastered The Philadelphia AIMS Elementary School Project (34 students across 4 districts) The Philadelphia Autism Instructional Methods Study (AIMS) represents an academic ‐ public partnership designed to improve intervention quality for elementary school children with autism in the School District of Philadelphia. STAR Autism Support provided training and support for three years during the development of the project. AIMS continues to support more than 120 classroom teams in kindergarten ‐ through ‐ 5th ‐ grade autism support classrooms across the School District of Philadelphia. As part of the Philly Aims Project the University of Penn conducted a randomized control trial study of the STAR Program directed by Dr. David Mandell. In a presentation at the 2014 National Council for Exceptional Children’s Conference, Dr. David Mandell stated that students in the K–3 classrooms that implemented the STAR Program with fidelity made significantly greater IQ gains than students in the control group. Philly Philly AIMS AIMS 32 Philadelphia Secondary Project: The Philadelphia Secondary Autism Project Progress Since November 2015 District ‐ wide implementation of the Links Curriculum Conducted 5 workshops with 187 Participants District ‐ wide training provided by STAR Autism Support Completed over 190 Classroom Consultation Visits Phase I Activities: 2016 ‐ 2017 District ‐ wide workshops and webinars General Education Workshops and Schoolwide District ‐ wide subscription to the Links Curriculum Supports Classroom Consultation in 110 classrooms throughout the Teachers are beginning to implement evidence-based school district strategies using the Links Curriculum Administrator Training General Education Techer Training Students are gaining opportunities to become engaged in age appropriate and individualized instruction 33 34 AzSAP ‐ Arizona Statewide Autism Project Arizona Autism Project Goals 2012-2014 Provided training and curriculum materials to 27 early childhood teams throughout the state in evidence-based practices for students with ASD. 2014-2015 • Expanded project to include 20+ more elementary teams. • Addressed program specific needs to assist in implementation of curriculum. • Assist teams when transitioning students from preschool to school age. 2015-2017 • Expanded project to more elementary teams • Expanded project to include secondary teams. • Establishing regional Training Sites 35 36 6
Comprehensive Workshops Program Planning and On ‐ Site Coaching 37 38 Arizona Autism Project: Progress Puerto Rico Autism Project State-wide Implementation Example Student Outcomes of Evidence-based Practices Seven Pre-school and/or Elementary Training sites Thirty Seven Districts with Pre- school or Elementary Implementation sites Eleven Districts with Secondary Implementation sites 39 40 Puerto Rico Autism Project Web Page Project Phases Página cibernética: Proyecto de Autismo de PR 41 42 7
Progress To Date Workshops: Active Training Process 76 76 Participating Classrooms: 250 250+ Educators Participating in Training: 20 20 Training Sites in Development: 56 56 Implementation Sites: 3 District Coaches: 300+ 00+ Students Supported 43 44 Classroom Coaching Classroom Coaching Modeling Instruction Modeling Data Collection 45 46 Classroom Coaching Classroom Coaching Setting up Visuals and Environmental Supports Environment: Independent Work Area Student Schedules 47 48 8
Classroom Coaching Classroom Coaching Environment: Visual Supports Environment: Classroom Store (Middle School) 49 50 Parent Training and Community Information Sessions 9
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