The proposed Capacity Building and The proposed Capacity Building and Environmental Mainstreaming Work Programme Environmental Mainstreaming Work Programme as resulting from the missions carried out during as resulting from the missions carried out during the inception Phase of the H2020 CB/ the inception Phase of the H2020 CB/MEP MEP Dr. Emad Adly H2020 CB/MEP Deputy Team Leader 2nd Meet ing of t he Horizon 2020 Capacit y Building S ub Group, Brussels, 25 June 2010
ENPI Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean ENPI Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) Purpose: Purpose: To support the implementation of the H2020 Initiative Road Map and Work Plan to de-pollute the Mediterranean by the year 2020, through capacity building and awareness raising activities, and to promote integration of environment issues in other sector policies. Partner countries: Albania Algeria Bosnia Herzegovina Albania, Algeria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, occupied Palestinian territory, S Palestinian territory, S yria, Tunisia, yria, Tunisia, Turkey. 2nd Meet ing of t he Horizon 2020 Capacit y Building S ub Group, Brussels, 25 June 2010
The political justification for activities under The political justification for activities under H2020 CB/MEP To support the implementation of H2020 with a special focus on environmental mainstreaming, by addressing the following problems: bl • low political priority given to the environment; p p y g ; • insufficient integration of environment in the different sector policies (agriculture, tourism, transport or energy, water, industry, development etc) and lack of inclusion of the different actors from development etc) and lack of inclusion of the different actors from local to international level; • Insufficient capacities and resources at institutional and civil society level. i l l 2nd Meet ing of t he Horizon 2020 Capacit y Building S ub Group, Brussels, 25 June 2010
Environmental integration and mainstreaming under the Environmental integration and mainstreaming under the H2020 CB/MEP Environmental mainstreaming is one of the obj ectives of the H2020 CB/ MEP Environmental mainstreaming is one of the obj ectives of the H2020 CB/ MEP . • to facilitate and create the enabling environment • not only of the CB Component of H2020 but of the entire Horizon 2020 Initiative while being an “ end goal” in itself Initiative, while being an “ end goal” in itself. Three tools will be used within the H2020 CB Component: (i) advocacy for inter-ministerial cooperation through awareness campaigns, briefings and help to those in the countries who work towards this direction, (ii) capacity building activities (trainings, etc.) for authorities at various levels of governance and stakeholders/ civil society involvement, etc. (iii) the implementation of the communication and visibility strategy, which includes also awareness campaigns as well as links to formal, non formal and informal education on relevant issues at various levels (e.g. sustainable development, sustainable consumption and production, etc.)
Methodology in drafting the Capacity Building and Methodology in drafting the Capacity Building and Environmental Mainstreaming Work Programme (I) The Work Programme is based on a complex process of The Work Programme is based on a complex process of integration of priorities identified through: • a desk study on the environmental profiles of the y p countries, • inputs from experts of the Consortium, • inputs received during the 14 country missions and consultations involving more than 500 persons representatives of governments and all stakeholders representatives of governments and all stakeholders,
Methodology in drafting the Capacity Building and Methodology in drafting the Capacity Building and Environmental Mainstreaming Work Programme (II) • written inputs received through the questionnaires, • comparisons made between the priorities of • comparisons made between the priorities of neighboring countries, • mapping exercise aiming to identify maj or capacity pp g g y j p y building activities and initiatives, past (yet recent), future or on-going, in the partner countries, in order to facilitate the process of identifying capacity building gaps/ needs, establish channels for inter-linkages where possible forge synergies and build upon past possible, forge synergies and build upon past experiences/ activities.
Project approach Project approach The proj ect approach will follow the main principles listed below: • Build synergies with other efforts for de-pollution at regional and national level and the other two H2020 i l d ti l l l d th th t H2020 components. • Communication and visibility actions in establishing a • Communication and visibility actions in establishing a public opinion. • Concerning the Capacity Building Work Programme: Concerning the Capacity Building Work Programme: ▫ use of innovative and flexible types of activities is imperative; p ▫ the development of clear guidelines for the selection of beneficiaries (trainees) is crucial; ▫ more emphasis should be on ToT (Training of Trainers) 2nd Meet ing of t he Horizon 2020 Capacit y Building S ub Group, Brussels, 25 June 2010
Expected Results (I) Expected Results (I) • The H2020 S • The H2020 S teering Group and S teering Group and S ub-Groups are working in ub Groups are working in synergy; • National policies and legislations in environment sensitive p g sectors take environment protection into account, and the corresponding provisions are enforced; • The knowledge and effective use of tools such as S Th k l d d ff ti f t l h S trategic t t i Environment Assessments and Environment Impact Assessments is developed in relevant institutions and Assessments is developed in relevant institutions and organisations in the region; • Capacities and resources dedicated to environment p protection are strengthened at policy, legislative and institutional level;
Expected Results (II) Expected Results (II) • Local Networks/ organisations based in the Partner Countries are effectively mobilised in the framework of the proj ect; • Civil society is better sensitised and mobilised with an Ci il societ is better sensitised and mobilised ith an increase in its capacity to actively contribute to environmental protection environmental protection • Enhanced visibility of the H2020 Initiative through the Communication and Visibility S trategy for H2020 An important additional output is the Horizon 2020 Elaborat ion of a Hot S Elaborat ion of a Hot S pot invent ory for t he West Balkans pot invent ory for t he West Balkans and Turkey as complement ary t o t he MeHS IP .
Horizon 2020 Elaboration of a Hot Spot inventory for the West Balkans and El b ti f H t S t i t f th W t B lk d Turkey as complementary to the MeHSIP i. to identify and prioritize the proj ects addressing most regionally polluting industrial and/ or municipal point sources of pollution per polluting industrial and/ or municipal point sources of pollution per country and appearing to offer the best possibility of being bankable based on the hot-spot identification work of UNEP MAP and the country priorities identified in the NAPs and the d th t i iti id tifi d i th NAP d th Preaccession to the EU process ii. to assess the need for coordination on current and future technical assistance support. The selected projects must furthermore contribute to supporting compliance with the EU acquis.
The Draft Work Programme for the Capacity Building and Environmental Mainstreaming activities g p y g g Regional Capacity Building Activities Environmental Integration Urban Waste Water Municipal Solid Waste Industrial Emissions and Mainstreaming Two on Waste Water Reuse One on IS WM based on One on effective involvement of One on assessing and dealing late 2010 or early 2011 in late 2010 or early 2011 in accumulated regional experience accumulated regional experience civil society in H2020 civil society in H2020 with the accumulated impact of with the accumulated impact of Lebanon and 2012 in Cyprus implementation early 2011 in Tunis waste coming from desalination 2011 in Egypt or Barcelona plants and measures for waste reduction/ reutilization One on application of the second half of 2010 – early One training on private sector ecosystem-based approach 2011 in Spain or Cyprus participation in the solid waste participation in the solid waste 2011 in Rome or Barcelona 0 o e o a ce o a sector (collection, institutional and legal instruments) One on influencing consumption 2011 in Morocco and production patterns (e.g. Study visit on waste through targeted education for water re-use in sustainable development) Morocco and Tunisia 2011 in Morocco 2011 in Morocco One training on solid waste from the Balkans reception facilities at ports (Croatia) (cooperation with other on-going (co-organised with One on financing tools to One on Green Banking proj ects) the World Bank) promote de-pollution of the sea November 2010 or November 2011 in Malta including the creation of ‘ green’ 2011 in Athens employment 2011 or 2012 in Athens One activit y for Academia (re-visiting curricula linked to H2020 priority areas) 2012 One training for Parliamentarians 2012 One for media on H2020 2011 or 2012 in Athens
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