EN hanced hanced G G eothermal eothermal EN I nnovative nnovative N N etwork etwork I for E E urope urope for Capacity building through training by research in Capacity building through training by research in geothermal activity: an experience from Mexico geothermal activity: an experience from Mexico and Latin America and Latin America José M. Romo- -Jones Jones José M. Romo Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, B. C. Ensenada, B. C. México México
CICESE CICESE Center for for Scientific Scientific Center Research and and Higher Higher Research Education of Ensenada of Ensenada Education Ensenada Ensenada Bay Bay USA USA Gulf Gulf México México of of Mexico Mexico Pacific Pacific Ocean Ocean CA CA Ensenada Bay Ensenada Bay
Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, B.C. www.cicese.mx www.cicese.mx CICESE is part of a network of scientific research centers CICESE is part of a network of scientific research centers funded by the Mexican government through the National funded by the Mexican government through the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) Mission Mission To conduct scientific research in the areas of Earth Sciences, To conduct scientific research in the areas of Earth Sciences, Oceanology, Applied Physics and Experimental Biology , Applied Physics and Experimental Biology Oceanology As well as training and preparation of people at graduate level As well as training and preparation of people at graduate level (PhD and MSc MSc) ) in each of our research areas. in each of our research areas. (PhD and
Organization Organization General Direction Applied Experimental Applied Experimental Earth Sciences Oceanology Earth Sciences Oceanology Physics Biology Physics Biology Physical oceanography Seismology Seismology Optics Conservation biology Biological oceanography Electronics & Telecom Microbiology Geology Geology Ecology Computer sciences Marine Biotechnology Applied Geophysics Applied Geophysics Aquaculture
Seismology Department Seismology Department Mission Mission To study the origin and nature of To study the origin and nature of earthquakes, how their energy propagates earthquakes, how their energy propagates in the Earth’s crust, as well as their in the Earth’s crust, as well as their destructive effects; particularly in destructive effects; particularly in northwestern Mexico. northwestern Mexico.
Seismology Department Seismology Department Regional seismicity (RESNOM, 2006) Research lines Research lines • Theoretical seismology • Seismotectonics, geodynamics and geodesy • Strong motion seismology • Seismic hazards and engineering applications • Seismic wave propagation and attenuation • Structure and elastic properties of the lithosphere • Elasticity of porous media • Induced seismicity and deformation Velocity vectors (GPS) (González-García et al., 2003) (Acosta-Chang et al., 2003)
Seismology Department Seismology Department Infrastructure Infrastructure • Regional and local earthquake monitoring networks • Geodetic and local deformation monitoring networks • Computational facilities 33 o N 30’ 32 o N 30’ 31 o N 30’ 30’ 117 o W 30’ 116 o W 30’ 115 o W
Geology Department Geology Department Mission Mission To reconstruct the geologic To reconstruct the geologic history of northwestern Mexico, history of northwestern Mexico, studding the structure of the crust studding the structure of the crust and the composition of their rocks, and the composition of their rocks, in order to understand the in order to understand the geologic processes that acted in geologic processes that acted in the past as well as those the past as well as those occurring today. occurring today. Peninsular range batholith
Geology Department Geology Department Research lines Research lines • Structural geology and tectonics Correlación Litología SECUENCIAS GR Arenisca Paleobatimetría ESTRA TIGRÁFICAS 0 GAPI 150 Limolita Edad Profundidad Edad Paleobio- NOTAS • Petrology and rock geochemistry (m) Lutita Patrones Ma estratigráfica de Ciclos 3r Orden Apilamiento C T NI NMNE TR 30” 253 m P L E I S . TR 20” 396.2 m <1.85 >3.8 • Basin analysis and modeling 455 F (TB-3.5?) 670 4.2 • Geocronology PLIOCENO TEMPRANO • Hydrogeology and water chemistry E (TB-3.4) 5.0 1120 • Paleomagnetism and vulcanology TR 13 / ” 3 8 1,501 m • Biostratigraphy 1560 5.5 • Remote sensing and geographical 1,835 5.8 >5.2 1860 D (TB-3.3) information systems 2470 6.3 7.0 MIOCENO TARDÍO 2550 C (TB-3.2) 8.2 TR 9 / ” 5 8 3,490 m 9.2 3,620 >10.2 B (TB-3.1) MIOCENO MEDIO 10.5 11.5 A (TB-2.6) TR 7” 4,736 m 12.5
Geology Department Geology Department Infrastructure Infrastructure • Specialized labs • Geocronology • Petrography • Hydrogeochemistry • Rock geochemistry • Electronic microscopy • Paleomagnetism • Palinology and micropaleontology • Image processing and GIS
Applied Geophysics Department Applied Geophysics Department Mission Mission To apply the laws of physics to To apply the laws of physics to create and improve methodology create and improve methodology Depth for the exploration of the Earth’s for the exploration of the Earth’s interior. Make use of these interior. Make use of these methods in the search of natural methods in the search of natural resources as well as for the resources as well as for the Resistivity model (Romo et al., 2006) investigation of the deep crust investigation of the deep crust
Applied Geophysics Department Applied Geophysics Department (Lujan y Romo, 2006) Research lines Research lines • Electric and electromagnetic methods • Gravity and magnetic methods • Seismic reflexion and refraction methods • Inverse theory and geophysical modeling • Exploration of natural resources • Environmental geophysics • Earth’s crust geophysics Free-air gravity anomaly (Camacho, 2006)
Applied Geophysics Department Applied Geophysics Department Infrastructure Infrastructure • Geophysical equipment & instrumentation • Gravity meter • Total field magnetometers • Flux gate magnetometers • Electrical resistivity systems • Wide band magnetotelluric system • High frequency magnetotelluric system • Time domain electromagnetic system • Frequency domain VLF and loop-loop systems • 24-channels seismograph
Computational facilities & Library Computational facilities & Library • Sun Fire 4800 parallel computer (8 cpu’s) • Sun Blade workstation cluster • Local network of PC’s and workstations • Internet II connection to the Cray XD1 of the National Supercomputing Center Library with over 5600 volumes, 350 print journals, access to over 500 electronic journals, catalogs, maps and thesis collections, interlibrary loan service, etc.
Graduate program Graduate program CICESE’s Earth Sciences Division endeavors in creating specialist people, masters and doctors in sciences, as a essential part of the research activities. Options: • Seismology • Geology • Applied Geophysics • Environmental Geosciences
Examples of research projects related Examples of research projects related with geothermics geothermics with Cerro Prieto Las Tres Vírgenes Ahuachapán-Chipilapa
Cerro Prieto Cerro Prieto
Cerro Prieto Cerro Prieto
Las Tres Vírgenes Las Tres Vírgenes 3-component digital stations 1-component analog stations epicentral locations. Figure 5. Seismic network and location of epicenters.
Perfil A-A’ Resistividad Las Tres Vírgenes Las Tres Vírgenes Ohm-m 0 10000 Profundidad (km) 1000 5 100 MT data inversion using Series 10 10 and Parallel response functions 1 15 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 km (Romo et al, 2005) LV-1 0 Profundidad (km) 1 Production zone 2 3 4 DACITA-ANDESITA (Fm Tres Vírgenes) IGNIMBRITA (Fms Aguajito y Reforma) 5 DEPOSITOS VOLCANICLASTICOS (Fm Santa Rosalía) ANDESITA BASALTICA (Fm Santa Lucía) ARENISCA (Fm Comondú) GRANODIORITA
-Chipilapa Chipilapa Ahuachapán- Ahuachapán
-Chipilapa Chipilapa Ahuachapán- Ahuachapán
Diffusion activities Diffusion activities Mexican Geothermal Association Mexican Geothermal Association Mexican Geophysical Union Mexican Geophysical Union UGM GEOS edited by UGM, at CICESE Geofísica Internacional edited by UGM & Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM GEOTERMIA edited by CFE
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