ca canada s soccer clu r club l lic icensin ing pr

Ca Canada S Soccer Clu r Club L Lic icensin ing Pr Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ca Canada S Soccer Clu r Club L Lic icensin ing Pr Program Prin Princip iple les in in Ac Actio ion A A Pr Princi ciples es-ba base sed d Appr pproach Wh What t is a pri rinciple? principle noun 1. a fundamental

  1. Ca Canada S Soccer Clu r Club L Lic icensin ing Pr Program Prin Princip iple les in in Ac Actio ion

  2. A A Pr Princi ciples es-ba base sed d Appr pproach Wh What t is a pri rinciple? prin·ci·ple noun 1. a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

  3. Wh Why Pri rinciples? • Pr Provide e direct ection on but not ot det etai ailed ed pres escr cription on; • Al Allow or organ anizat ation ons to o devel elop op an and sel elect ect the e met method ods by which they will operate… … • ba base sed d on n the their r availabl ble re reso sour urces, s, uni unique que si situa tuati tion n and nd con contex ext.

  4. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 1. 1. Pr Prioriti tize Fun “Children cite ‘fun’ as the primary reason for participation in organized sport and its absence as the number one reason for youth sport attrition.” Visek, (2015)

  5. "What counts most for girls and boys are things like 'trying your best,' 'working hard,' 'staying active,' and 'playing well together as a team.' These findings are the same for athletes at younger and older ages and across recreational and more competitive levels of play.” Visek, (2019)

  6. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 2. 2. Emphas Emphasiz ize P e Phy hysical, M ical, Mental, and Emotional S ental, and Emotional Saf afety ety Pe People – Ca Canada Soccer Safe Sport t Ro Roste ter Or Organ anizati ation ons – Ca Canada Soccer Cl Club Licensing Pr Program

  7. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 3. 3. Pr Provide De Developmenta tally–Ap Appropriate te, Hi High Qu Quality ty Pr Programs

  8. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 4. 4. Ma Maximize Attraction, Holistic Pers rsonal Development, Progre ression, and Long and Long–Te Term Engagement

  9. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Key Key Pe Performance Indicators of Youth Soccer Success Attraction Attraction Transition Retention Progression Retention Progression Development

  10. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 5. 5. Fo Focus on Participant–Ce Centr tred De Decision Making

  11. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 6. 6. Fo Foster Accessible, Inclusive, and Welcoming Environments

  12. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 6. 6. Fo Foster Accessible, Inclusive, and Welcoming Environments Accessible and Quality Inclusive (Cost) Quality Accessible and (Cost) Inclusive

  13. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 6. 6. Fo Foster Accessible, Inclusive, and Welcoming Environments Accessible and Quality Inclusive (Cost) Quality Accessible and (Cost) Inclusive

  14. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 6. 6. Fo Foster Accessible, Inclusive, and Welcoming Environments Ho How can can we e devel elop op high qual ality ty prog ograms ams th that at ar are e acces accessible e an and inc inclusiv lusive? e? Ca Can we evaluate te accessibility ty and inclusion in th the same way we do risk (a (aware reness, tolerance, mitigation strategies)? )?

  15. Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 1. 1. Pr Prioriti tize Fun 2. 2. Emphas Emphasiz ize P e Phy hysical, M ical, Mental, and Emotional S ental, and Emotional Saf afety ety 3. 3. Pr Provide De Developmenta tally–Ap Appropriate te, Hi High Qu Quality ty Pr Programs 4. 4. Ma Maximize Attraction, Holistic Pers rsonal Development, Progre ression, and Long and Long–Te Term Engagement 5. 5. Fo Focus on Participant–Ce Centr tred De Decision Making 6. 6. Fo Foster Accessible, Inclusive, and Welcoming Environments 7. 7. Act Ac t as a Go Good Co Corporate te and Co Community ty Ci Citi tizen

  16. Princi Pr ciples es ver ersus Met ethod ods “As to methods there may be a million “A and then some, but pr and then s ome, but principles inciples ar are f e few ew. . Th The [person] who grasps principles can s can succes uccessfully ully s select [ elect [their their] o own wn methods. T methods . The [ he [per person] on] who tr who tries ies methods methods, ignor , ignoring pr ing principles inciples, is , is s sur ure e to have to e tr trou ouble. e.” Har Harrington ton Emer Emerson on


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