Ca Canada S Soccer Clu r Club L Lic icensin ing Pr Program Balan Balancin cing Qu Qualit ality wit with Acces Accessib ibilit ility an and I Inclu lusion ion
Ba Balanc ncing ng Qua Quality ty with th Accessi ssibi bility ty and nd Inc Inclusi usion Des Desired ed Ou Outcomes tcomes: 1. 1. Def Define e Qu Qual ality ty Spor ort 2. 2. De Devel elop op con consider erati ation ons in fos oster tering acces accessible e an and inclusive e env envir ironments onments 3. 3. Di Discu cuss bal alan anci cing qual ality ty with th acces accessibility ty an and inclusion on 4. 4. De Devel elop op acti action ons to to bal alan ance ce qual ality ty with th acces accessibility ty an and inclusion on wit within y hin your our member member or organiz ganizat ation ion 5. 5. (C (Consider r accessibility and inclusion as ri risk)
Princi Pr ciples es ver ersus Met ethod ods “As to methods there may be a million “A and then some, but pr and then s ome, but principles inciples ar are f e few ew. . Th The [person] who grasps principles can s can succes uccessfully ully s select [ elect [their their] o own wn methods. T methods . The [ he [per person] on] who tr who tries ies methods methods, ignor , ignoring pr ing principles inciples, is , is s sur ure e to have to e tr trou ouble. e.” Har Harrington ton Emer Emerson on
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 1. 1. Pr Prioriti tize Fun 2. 2. Emphas Emphasiz ize P e Phy hysical, M ical, Mental, and Emotional S ental, and Emotional Saf afety ety 3. 3. Pr Provide De Developmenta tally–Ap Appropriate te, Hi High Qu Quality ty Pr Programs 4. 4. Ma Maximize Attraction, Holistic Pers rsonal Development, Progre ression, and Long and Long–Te Term Engagement 5. 5. Fo Focus on Participant–Ce Centr tred De Decision Making 6. 6. Fo Foster Accessible, Inclusive, and Welcoming Environments 7. 7. Act Ac t as a Go Good Co Corporate te and Co Community ty Ci Citi tizen
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 3. 3. Pr Provide De Developmenta tally–Ap Appropriate te, Hi High Qu Quality ty Pr Programs Wh What is s a high Quality y Program?
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Wh What is s a high Quality y Program? Qu Quality y Sp Sport rt is s built on four r guiding pri rinciples: s: QUALITY TY IS KEY – Every child, youth and adult deserves a quality exp xperience every time they parti th rticipate te in physical acti tivity ty or r sport. rt. Quality ty means good programs, in good pla places, de , deliv livered b d by go good pe d people ple. Ad Adopted ed from: Sport for or Li Life e – Qu Qual ality Spor ort for or Com Communities es an and Cl Clubs
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Wh What is s a high Quality y Program? Qu Quality y Sp Sport rt is s built on four r guiding pri rinciples: s: OPTI TIMAL PROGRAMMING IS CRITI TICAL – Th This means giving every participant in sport and phy physic ical a l activ ivit ity w wha hat t the hey ne need, w d, whe hen t n the hey ne need it d it, a , and in t nd in the he w way t the hey ne need it d it t to ma make th the most t progre ress. Opti timizati tion is parti rticipant t centre tred and developmenta tally appropri riate te. Ad Adopted ed from: Sport for or Li Life e – Qu Qual ality Spor ort for or Com Communities es an and Cl Clubs
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Wh What is s a high Quality y Program? Qu Quality y Sp Sport rt is s built on four r guiding pri rinciples: s: IN INCL CLUSIO ION IS IS NON-NEGOTI TIABLE – In Inclusion is both th th the re removal of physical, cultu tural, econ econom omic, an ic, and at attit itudin inal b al bar arrier iers t to p o par articip icipat ation ion, an , and t the d e des esig ignin ing of act of activ ivit ities ies s so t o that at individuals are not exc xcluded. Being allowed to take part is not enough. Every participant mus must f feel s l safe, w , welc lcome med a d and inc nd include luded. d. Ad Adopted ed from: Sport for or Li Life e – Qu Qual ality Spor ort for or Com Communities es an and Cl Clubs
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Wh What is s a high Quality y Program? Qu Quality y Sp Sport rt is s built on four r guiding pri rinciples: s: COLLABORATI TION MAKES TH THE SYSTE TEM BETTE TTER – In Individuals and org rganizati tions wi will deliver r more quality exp xperiences when they work together. Communities, sport organizations, an and t the h e healt ealth an and ed educat cation ion s sect ector ors all b all ben enefit efit fr from om alig alignmen ent of p of prog ogram ammin ing an and collab collabor orat ation ion. Ad Adopted ed from: Sport for or Li Life e – Qu Qual ality Spor ort for or Com Communities es an and Cl Clubs
Ad Adopted from: Sport for Life – Qu Quality Sport for Communities and Clubs
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 3. 3. Pr Provide De Developmenta tally–Ap Appropriate te, Hi High Qu Quality ty Pr Programs
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Wh What is s a high Quality y Program? • content/uploads/2018/05/qscc_checklist_20200103_web.pdf • _EN.pdf
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am 6. 6. Fo Foster Accessible, Inclusive, and Welcoming Environments Wh What are consi siderations s in fost stering accessi ssible and inclusi sive env envir ironments onments?
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Bal Balan anci cing Qu Qual ality ty with th Acces Accessibility ty an and In Inclusion on Accessible and Quality Inclusive (Cost) Quality Accessible and (Cost) Inclusive
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Bal Balan anci cing Qu Qual ality ty with th Acces Accessibility ty an and In Inclusion on Accessible and Quality Inclusive (Cost) Quality Accessible and (Cost) Inclusive
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Bal Balan anci cing Qu Qual ality ty with th Acces Accessibility ty an and In Inclusion on Ho How can can we e devel elop op high qualit high quality pr progr ograms ams th that at ar are e acces accessible and ible and inc inclusiv lusive?
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Ho How can can we e devel elop op high qual ality ty prog ograms ams th that at ar are e acces accessible e an and inc inclusiv lusive? e? • Fi Financial Support and Forgiveness Programs • Pa Partnerships – Ki KidSpor ort, t, Jump mpStar tart • Don Donati ation ons an and Spon onsor orships (In Individual al, cor corpor orate, ate, VIK) VIK) • Vo Volunteer Opportunities, Bingos, Casinos, Fundraising
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Bal Balan anci cing Qu Qual ality ty with th Acces Accessibility ty an and In Inclusion on Gi Give e us you our gol old! 1. 1. Wh What is s the one thing that your group disc scusse ssed that you’ll take bac back t k to y o your our c club? lub? 2. 2. Wh What other idea is s worth exploring further?
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Bal Balan anci cing Qu Qual ality ty with th Acces Accessibility ty an and In Inclusion on Ca Can we evaluate te accessibility ty and inclusion in th the same way we do risk (a (aware reness, tolerance, mitigation strategies)? )?
Reference: Shrier, Ian (2015)
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Can we evaluate Ca te accessibility ty and inclusion in th the same way we do risk (a (aware reness, tolerance, mitigation strategies)? )? • Ca Canadian Paralympic Co Committee Diversity and Inclusion Self As Assessment • ht https ps://pa //paralympi /divers rsity-an and-in inclu lusion ion-se self-as asses essmen ment • Ca Canada Soccer Guide to Ac Accessibility and Inclusion • Se Section n III: Wha hat Can n We Do To Impr prove?
Pr Princi ciples es of of the e Cl Club Li Licen censing Pr Prog ogram am Ri Risk Miti tigati ation on Str trateg ategies es: Re References: ht https ps://s //silverbul rbulletri risk. /blog-5-ri risk-mi mitigat ation on-st strategies-an and-ho how-to to-pr prope perl rly-man manag age-th the-ri risk-mi mitigat ation on/ ht https ps://w //www.mha ha-it it.c .com/2013/05/17/four-ty types-of of-ri risk-mi mitigat ation on/
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